Kingdom Come is definitely hardcore. It's really hard to save your game too. Joaquim Mira of pixlbit won that game though, which just blows my mind.
Chasin' Chievos and Rewards
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![]() On 03/09/2020 at 08:23 PM by KnightDriver ![]() See More From This User » |
I'm getting a little bit irritated with trying to get rewards points and keep up with my friend Mark in the monthly achievement leaderboards. I end up playing a bunch of games that often don't leave me feeling to good. I think I'm going to institute a time limit on my attmepts to get them from now on. But, in any case, here are the things I played, and mostly complained about, yesterday.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance: This is an open world game that simulates a medieval world and tells an interesting story to boot. It's absolutely gorgeous. I feel like everything redendered was fact checked to be realistic to the times. You play a son of a blacksmith with a mysterious past. You begin by doing quests for him in town. You have to navigate dialogs that can end up in successful negotiations or fisticufs. I got into a fight and lost. Controls were fine but I guess I didn't have enough strength points yet. I got dad a beer, learned a few sword fighting techniques, and bought some charcoal for dad's forge where he was making a sword for the local nobelman. One thing I didn't learn though was how to dress a wound. Mom did that for me after my fight. This would prove to be my downfall later when the town got sacked and in fleeing I was hit by an arrow while on horseback. The game suggested I find someone to dress the wound but all around me soldiers were beating up the locals, so it seemed more dangerous to stop riding. I soon bled out. Game over. Same to you, game.
Ticket To Ride 2: Mark and I were competing for high score and achievements. He was beating me soundly but I made progress. I played on my home state map, Pennsylvania. Here you also have stocks you can buy in the various railroads. I still have no idea how it works, but it effects your final score significantly. It was neat to build a railroad through towns that I'm familiar with. The game has many expansions now. I explored the Nordic one comprising Scandinavia. There are also India, China, Germany, France and probably others I'm forgetting right now. I'm slowly getting the different maps and trying them out. It's also a board game.
Batman: Enemy Within Episode 3: I think the story in this TellTale game completely reverses the personalities of every character from the canon. Bruce Wayne dabbles in crime; Harley Quinn, instead of fauning over Joker, is barely tolerant of him; Joker is a simpering, weak willed, sycofant of Batman and Bruce Wayne with no attempted double cross; Cat Woman reveals she wants a romantic relationship with Bruce; major characters suddenly know Bruce's secret identity as Batman. It's all hard to take, but once I realized that was all intentional, I'm less bothered by it. But it makes it hard to play the game, because the dialog choices all seem wrong to me, and I'm often forced to choose something I think doesn't fit the canon version of the character. I guess I just got to get over it, but it kind of offens my nerdy sensibilities. How dare they make Bruce do crimes, that's just not right. Ha ha.
Black Desert: This is a MMORPG, a genre I hardly ever play. I created a character. The models are incredibly detailed and realistic. I made a female ranger, 'cause bow and arrow and pretty. I ran around the world doing quests like shoot at wolves. I had to figure out how to use weapons. It isn't that obvious. Other people are running around the world doing similar things. I think I can chat with them, but never did. At one point I couldn't figure out how to finish a quest. The highlighted area disappeared and there was seemly nothing I could do about it. The world is beautiful though.
Another day, aother couple hundred rewards and achievement points. I guess I'll plan to engrave my final scores on my tombstone (dark humor).