If you're samurai is getting beheaded, then you are past the point where low level characters should be. Go up a floor or two and level there. I like having Samurai in my party. Having a front liner with spells who can take hits better than your mages is useful for physical resistant enemies and extra crowd control.
Wizardry Blues
On 05/16/2020 at 09:28 PM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
It's such a grind, this game, and also full of catastrophy. You try and play it safe but the odds get you eventually. I'm still at it though. I usually have some principal I follow that makes it a kind of story, even if it is usually a tragic one. I enjoy it somehow.
One thing I learned was that it's better not to change classes. I thought it was cool one of my characters gained the ability to switch from a plain fighter to a super cool samurai, and another from a regular old mage to wizard. It was a bad idea. Both special classes level up more slowly and, when you look at it, their benefits really don't help you much. The samurai gains mage spells, but when does a fighter have time to sling a spell on the front lines? The wizard gains cleric spells and the ability to identify items but he gains new spells so slowly, I didn't even have a basic mage spell like mahalito when I was level 7. It's not only risky to the party but downright disasterous. My samurai got beheaded three times while he leveled up and my wizard couldn't help me when I was going up against a massive group of enemies in the Monter Alocation Center on level 4. I got party wiped there and had to almost completely start over.
I had one level 7 character in reserve, so he led a brand new team with no spedcial classes, just the regular 3 fighters, 1 thief, 1 cleric and 1 mage. I got them all up to level 6 now and almost ready to tackle level 2 again.
I mentioned I usually come up with a principla that makes my game feel like a story. This one is all about rescue and caring for the wounded. I made it my mission to raise any dead characters in my roster, and I did that. Now I'm after that lost party on level 4. I'll have to get very good to beat the enemies there and retrieve my old team. I hope I can do it. My thief is not doing well. He's springing traps nearly half of the time, which is unacceptable. I really should use some mild cheating to iron out some of these problems, but I like the purity of leaving random dice rolls where they lie and working with the results.
Ah, Wixardry. It's like a brutal, hard scrabble life on the frontier of some unfound land. I must love the struggle.