Demopalooza, The Cave and Adventure Puzzle Games
I tried some demos on Monday on Xbox 360 instead of playing Enchanted Arms. First I played Gears of War Judgment with a friend. It's only Overrun mode that's 4v4. It looks and plays just like GOW3 and that's just fine with me. More of great is good. Then it was Army of Two: Devil's Cartel which was a really good co-op experience. The shear amount of destruction in the game is glorious! Then I played some XBLA demos. Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon was hilarious and fun. I absolutely loved it! God Mode seemed to be just an endless hoard mode. Serious Sam DD XXL had controls that were unintuitive. Sacred Citadel was overly difficult and Double Dragon II annoyed me by consistently surrounding me with enemies to disrupt my fighting moves. Enjoyable however was Poker Night 2. It's just Texas Hold 'em but it's fun to listen to the characters responses especially the Venture Bros.'s Samson, Glados and Claptrap. Plus you can unlock a Samson skin for the Gunzerker in Borderlands 2. How cool is that! Then I played the demo for The Cave and got hooked and bought it.
The graphics and gameplay of The Cave remind me a bit of Cloning Clyde. The difference being that The Cave looks better and has more intellectual puzzles. All the dialog is by Ron Gilbert and is really funny. The only thing that annoys me with this game is that sometimes the solutions to the puzzles are inscrutable. You end up just trying crazy things to see what works which is not a fair test of your ability to deduce a logical solution from given facts. I've heard that this kind of thing is pretty common in games like this. It seems you have to accept that sometimes common sense doesn't work and you have to just try things to see what happens. Aside from this occasional frustration I really liked the game and will be playing a lot of it in the coming week.
The Cave got me thinking about the genre of Adventure Puzzle games. Some of the top ones listed on were the first two Oddworld games, Toki Tori, Shadow of the Colossus, Portal 1 and 2, World of Goo and Braid. I put all of these on my list. I own Toki Tori on Game Boy Color and I have Portal 1 as part of The Orange Box collection. I've played about an hour of Shadow of the Colossus, the demo for Braid and approximately half of Portal 1. I'm tentatively planning on playing all of these to completion after The Cave.