I got this on original release for the PS3. It's the only Yakuza game I've played to completion thus far.
And that little girl runs like Usain Bolt.
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![]() On 02/26/2021 at 10:31 PM by KnightDriver ![]() See More From This User » |
I played a lot of Yakuza 3 today. I'm really enjoying it. This is the remastered version that came out recently with 4 and 5 all on Game Pass on Xbox as well as other systems. I've only dabbled in the Yakuza series here and there. This is the first game I've spent a lot of time with. Let's take a look.
I don't know what went on in Yakuza 1 and 2 but our main character in this one has decided to leave his Yakuza organization and go run an orphanage in Osaka, Japan. Of course, he can't quite get away from these criminal organizations and is continually drawn back into conflicts between rival clans. But, a lot of your time in Yakuza 3, at least in the first 8 hours or so of the game, has you managing the kids in the orphanage, doing good deeds, and defending the helpless in his new hometown of Osaka.
The story is a little bit funny to me because the hero is yakuza but also has a heart of gold. In western terms, it would be like the head of a gang of highwaymen becomes a knight and follows a strict code of chivalry, and ran an orphanage. It feels a little bit unbelievable to me. However, there are many touching moments with the kids as they learn how to live and deal with life's problems. I think, even with the borderline ludicrous plot, the dialog and relationships are well written and engaging.
The fighting is fun. Third-person brawling and special moves result in hilariously brutal takedowns that miraculously don't kill anyone. Enemies vanish when taken down in fights but at the end, they come back just beaten up and apologize. There are boss fights that take more skill to win. You have to use blocks, grab objects and use your powered-up state to execute special attacks. You also level up by doing side missions, eating food, and doing special tasks which you can use to unlock new moves and better health. You can equip three weapons and three items of defense.
One special mission was to recruit a new hostess for a nightclub and then manage her. You have to dress her up, give her a hairstyle and makeup and accessories in order to please the customers who request different qualities every time you enter the club. I had some difficulty trying to figure out which makeup and hairstyle meant classy, or cute, or gorgeous but it was fun trying.
I'm certainly going to continue with this game. I've done almost everything in Osaka and am about to return to Tokyo. I'm sure the open-world environment will get even bigger with even more missions when I get there.
My brothers showed me a Yakuza game once. I'm not sure which one it was, but here's what happened when I played it.
"One day, a Yakuza Man went to an arcade. He played a lot of Space Harrier and After Burner and maybe even OutRun. After that, he met a really cute lady that worked at the arcade. She flirted with him a little bit and helped him unlock Fantasy Zone."
And that's all I played. Here's how I think the story ended:
"After that, the Yakuza Man decided to stop being a bad Yakuza guy and he married the cute Arcade Lady and they lived happily ever after. The End."
I think you nailed the appeal of Yakuza in your writing, and for that I applaud you, sir. You've done justice to my favorite video game series and I'm so glad you are enjoying what I consider its weakest entry gameplay and mechanics wise so much.
You're gonna want a strat guide for that hostess minigame or to just not bother with it. Some of those outfit combos make no sense and it'll get frustrating without a guide after a while.
Have you found the Mahjong parlor yet?
I got "gorgeous" down alright, but refined was a mystery to me. Maybe, though, I had to buy that ring that costs a million yen or so (something near 10K dollars I believe). I basically did it a couple of times and will probably leave it at that. But now I know what it's like to dress up dollies like a little girl.
I have seen it on the map and ran past there many times, but I didn't go in for some strange reason. I guess I didn't have a quest there.