Was this a 360 game too?
Dark Void
On 04/11/2021 at 08:59 PM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
I am totally stuck on this game even forgoing my usual rewards points quests to play it. Serious progress was made as detailed below but only a little bit because I'm listening to/vinyl ripping Uriah Heep and can't be bothered.
I finished Dark Void today and then jumped back in to collect the collectibles. When you beat the game the collectibles show up on your radar. How could I resist that, plus the game is fun. Going for collectibles is my usual procedure when I like a game and get to the end of it. I'm also going after achievements. I got quite a few but certainly I will not get them all. I believe the survival missions are on a piece of DLC that is no longer available and there are several achievements associated with that. I don't mind though. I'll get as many as I can on this second playthrough and then I'll move on.
One of the best things in the game is being able to run on the ground shooting robots in third-person and then using my jetpack to shoot straight up into the sky, hijack a UFO, and dogfight all the other UFOs. Frickin' great!