Actually, not so much rage but annoyance deleting. Maybe the first vax I had today had something to do with it. In any case, I ripped through a bunch of different games and deleted most of them off my hard drive after only a few minutes of game time. Might as well list them. I like lists.
These first three I enjoyed but only played long enough to get certain tasks done (and didn't delete them)..
Gnome's Garden: A New Home: I had to play almost to the end to get an achievement for this week's rewards points. I think I only have a few more achievements left. I'm not sure how to handle casual games where I've exhausted all the quick and easy achievements. I guess I'll keep them in rotation and just play short amounts towards the goal of completion. I'll have to install another casual game I haven't played for my easy achievements now.
Farm Together: I was just in there long enough to unlock another land. I think there are 15 left now.
Costume Quest 2: What is it with Game Pass Rewards quest games that keep reappearing? I must've gathered 300 candy in this game three times now over the last year or two. It's not so bad though because I love this game. I think I've done everything in it by now though.
The rest were rage-quit-and-delete games. Again, not so much raging as just being annoyed or bored or both.
Vikings: Wolves of Midgard: Games with gold freebee. It seemed like a new cool Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance game and it basically is but enemies swarm you. I made myself an archer and really struggled to keep my distance so I could shoot. Eventually, I got surrounded and killed. Yeah, I'm not putting up with that BS over and over again.
Truck Racing Championship: Games with gold freebee. Cool trucks, semi's really, but on the third turn I couldn't keep the road. Not sure why, but I'm not doing this. The emergency brake wasn't where I thought it should be and how do you powerslide a semi anyway? Bye bye.
Hard Corps Uprising: Games with gold freebie. Like a new Contra III: Alien Wars but not as hard. Still, I wasn't into the bullet-hell today.
Lost Planet 2: Games with gold freebie. It's made for multiplayer but, just like I did years ago when it came out for Xbox 360, I tried to play it solo. It seemed fine at first but then I got to a base in the snow and watched my AI teammates climb a rock wall to the next objective. My character wouldn't jump high enough. I thought maybe I had a jetpack but I didn't. Not sure what was wrong but I couldn't progress so I was out.
Port Royale 3: Games with gold freebie. I took one look at the very first spreadsheet of stats I had to look at to be an adventurer and was like, nope. Not today. It made me laugh to quit it so quickly. I was definitely in a mood today. Maybe another time. It looked really good.
Vicious Attack LLama: Games with gold freebie. Twin-stick shooter seemed pretty fun at first but then got killed fairly early in the game and started repeating levels over and over. Not... going... to... happen... todaaay. You pilot a mech fighting hoards of feral LLamas. Whaa?
Sea of Thieves: For the millionth time I downloaded this for a Game Pass Quest, opened it up, got the points, and closed and deleted it. I've tried to play it solo before but it only stays fun a little while that way. What does one do when one has no friends? Not play Sea of Theives, that's what. Sorry Microsoft. Nice try yet again. I should add an insulting remark about Rare but I'm a gentleman and won't.
Cranky McCrankerton signing off. Bah!
Oh, I almost forgot. I rage-quit-deleted Dark Void. I got stuck repeating an area in the penultimate level of the game on Hard Core which I had easily pass through last week when I was on a role. This time I noticed some pretty sneaky AI cheating. Nope, not going to torture myself with that. DONE.