Your profile picture reminded me to tell you that I saw a commercial for some kind of new computer animated MODOK cartoon. Oddly enough, it was on Hulu, not Disney+. Isn't MODOK part of Marvel? You'd think it would be on Disney then.
Boordurlandz 3 & Dedspayc
On 05/28/2021 at 09:54 PM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
I'm playing with Melvil Dewey's ideas about simplified and phonetically relevant spelling for Borderlands 3 and Deadspace, the two games I played today.
B3: Finished all the achievements. My friend still hasn't gotten one of them in Arms Race yet so we kept playing it over and over. I'm beginning to think it may be glitched for him. The achievements of late in this game have been dropping strangely. Like one for finding all the locations on the Arms Race map dropped kind of early because later on, I got a challenge pop up that listed all but two areas found. Strange. Also, the achievement for finding 50 mysterious eridium dropped for both of us at once while we were hunting for the piles. I'm sure I didn't have 50 but something like 35. DId it combine our score while playing co-op? But, I'm glad to have 100% completion in this game again.
Dead Space: Part of a Game Pass Quest today. I got the points just for starting it but I wanted to see how far I would get. I played it years ago and stopped because I wasn't a fan of the Resident Evil style camera view. It's 3rd person but the camera is placed far enough behind you that you can see almost your whole back. It takes up a lot of screen space. This time, though, I got used to it and I'm still going after 3 or 4 levels. I'm enjoying it. It's like that movie Event Horizon, if you saw that one. A horror is aboard ship turning everyone into monsters. You're trying to salvage the ship and figure out what happened. It's fun.
That be a day, oh yey.