MODOG here, the mind only designed for gaming. Doctor StrangeGamer and I teamed up for another session of digital disaster in an alternate dimension, ie. we played some games on Xboxes. Here’s the log entry for 07-03-2021.
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling – The game, made by Panamanian indie developer Moonsprout Games, came out in 2019 but it just got added to Game Pass. I was intrigued because on the surface it reminded me of Band of Bugs, a turn-based strategy game on Xbox Live Arcade made by Ninjabee I liked years ago. Turns out it’s much more like the Paper Mario RPGs especially Thousand-Year Door, one of my favorites. You travel with two and then three bugs and traverse environments using their various platforming skills and fight turn-bases battles that have active elements like timed button presses to block or increase damage in attacking. Needless to say, I got sucked into this and finished the first chapter before being dragged off to attack that last achievement in Minecraft with Dr. StrangeGamer (my friend Mark whom I have temporarily given this moniker).
Minecraft – We both got the “Wax On, Wax Off” achievement after much to do. Once my bee farm was established (did that Friday) I just had to find a lot of copper and use the stonecutter to make it all into the four different types. Then I had to put them outside and wait for them to corrode. There are four stages of corrosion and you have to wax and wax off each one of them for every type. That’s 16 wax jobs! I just waited until the blocks were at full corrosion (all green like a green penny) and then waxed and scrapped at every level of corrosion down to the clean original block. It took a while because these blocks corrode at random rates. I created at least four of each to increase the chances of one corroding faster. It was a strange sight, a beehive farm full of flowers and bee hives crisscrossed with blocks of copper exposed to the elements.
I managed to win the race with Dr. StrangeGamer and so he joined my game to complete the achievement. Phew. I was done but Dr. StrangeGamer had the Oxalotal sea monster achievement yet to do. I played some other stuff but eventually went into his game to help. I caught an Oxalotal in a bucket but just as I did he got the achievement so I wasn’t really needed. Fun though. Those things are hard to find and catch in the ocean.
Zuma Revenge – Played until I failed three times. No limited lives here like in orginal Zuma but I didn’t want to beat my head into a wall. I made very little progress and decided it was time to stop at this game. I uninstalled it.
NeoGeo Battle Coliseum – Fighting games aren’t my thing really but I got this for free from Games with Gold and so gave it a shot. I played as Athena (from the arcade game) and Asura (Samurai Showdown) in campaign mode. I got my butt handed to me in the first round. That was about enough for me. Let me explore as well as fight like in God Hand and I’m all in. Static arena fighters don’t appeal. Uninstalled.
Tembo The Badass Elephant (Game Freak) – Not sure how I ended up with this, but I think I bought it on a sale based on the trailer which showed a lot of fast action and destruction. Imagine riding the Rhino in Donkey Kong Country and making that a whole game with added moves and things to break, that’s Tembo. It’s pretty darn good so far and I only played the tutorial and first level. You are a Rambo-like elephant on military missions. You can smash through obstacles and enemies and use your trunk to dowse fires. There are some puzzles to figure out along the way. You play for score and time on each level. I didn’t have much time to play past the first level but I’m excited to keep going with this game next time.