I've seen this game around a lot but never looked into it but it looks pretty good! 3D platformers aren't my favorite but I did like the digging aspect. That looks cool. Reminds me of the new game Yacht Club is developing, Mina the Hollower.
BaD: Shortest Games #7
On 02/11/2022 at 11:28 AM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
Ever since I've been chasing Game Pass Rewards I've played many games I might not have even looked at. I like this situation. I love trying new things in gaming, going against the grain of my usual interests. New Super Lucky's Tale was one such game.
This game isn't wholely outside my usual games. The art style reminds me of Skylanders but the gameplay is more like Super Mario 64. There is a lot of platforming in 3D and 2D and puzzle mini-games. So platforming/puzzles not being my favorite thing in gaming, I kind of bounced off this game every time Game Pass had me play it for rewards points. Also something initially confused me about the non-linear world design but, like a lot of other games I've bounced off of, I returned at some point and suddenly got into it.
I really enjoyed all the challenges in this game: the puzzles, the action, the platforming; I even enjoyed the bosses up until that very last one. It was the very last phase of the last boss that stopped me. The chaotic challenge ramped up to the seemingly impossible, and I gave up on it. So I finished just about everything but the very final section of the last boss.
Howlongtobeat.com says the main story is 6 hours. That seems about right but you could easily spend a lot more trying to beat all the puzzle levels. I tried all of them but after a while they kind of broke my brain. I didn't want to do them multiple times anymore. They were taking me too long to solve anyway and I wanted to do more of the main game.
Playful Studios developed the game. They did a great job on it. I'll keep an eye out for any new projects by them.