I'm using May as board game month this year. My theme for the month is the 1950s. I think board games might have been the most popular form of gaming back then. So it's a good excuse to explore them myself this month. First up is Stratego.
So I've been picking up a few board games at Goodwill for cheap. First was Classic Stratego. I got this game for $3 and it is brand new inside. The pieces are still sealed in their containers. Anyhow, this is a 2021 printing of the original game with the 10x10 board but with the newer ranking system. 10 is the highest rank instead of 1 in the original.
Well, I opened this game hoping my friend would be keen to play but he wasn't, so I just read about it on my Xbox web browser and looked up related video games. A Stratego video game for PC came out in the 90s but there isn't any currently. Strange. I'd love to play a digital version. Royal Jumbo, a company in the Netherlands, has the trademark and publishes several versions of Stratego but no video game version. I settled for the digital version of Battleship on Xbox but for $15 I think I'll wait for a sale.
This below is the version I had as a kid in the 70s. I think this is the plastic piece 1961 version. There was a wood piece one initially which is probably collectible now.
There is an Electronic Stratego that came out in '82 I never tried. If come across that at a Goodwill, I'll get it.
Well, more board games to come this month. I got a second one I'm going to try out later today. Got any favorites? I'll keep my eye out for them.