There is a real pinball game called Space Ship.
Two in One
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![]() On 08/31/2022 at 05:09 PM by KnightDriver ![]() See More From This User » |
My gaming scrapbook for last Thursday (Aug 25) and Tuesday (Aug 30).
Bought: Fire Emblem: Three Houses for Switch and returned the library rental. I used significant Game Stop rewards points to bring the price down.
Gaming Related Read: Haruki Murakami's Pinball 1973. This was his second novella. I had read the book before and this time listened to the audio book. Pinball 1973 is usually bundled with his first book, Wind. The main character in Pinball 1973 gets obsessed with a pinball table called Space Ship. I'm not sure if it's a real table or not but he describes the history of the table's creation in detail. His character also describes his feelings about playing pinball in general. He suggests its basically an unfair enchange of time and money for a meaningless numeral score, but then he gets super obsessed with Space Ship. I'm guessing it's another confrontation with the apparent meaninglessness of life.
Played for Rewards Points: Floppy Nights is a cute strategy, card deck building game. You move across a board, turn-based, on a grid, and battle with a deck of cards. I enjoyed it for a few levels. Might return to it.
Played based on Interest and Metacritic Rating: Psychonauts 2. I was happy to return to it but I wasn't happy to do platforming segments. Honestly. I never want to fall off a platform again EVER! Forza Horizon 5. Did a Forza Horizon Tour Event with several real players. Blue team vs red team in a best of 3 races event. I surprised myself with coming in second in all the races. The team won too. Yeah team! Halo lnfinite. Beat a Brute boss at a mining facility and then continued to do missions on the world map. Two Point Campus. A very well done god game where you build a university. You create the facilities, hire the teachers, admin and maintenance and watch the students enroll. Then you have to keep up with their demands and improve the student's test scores. Controls work pretty well on console. On the second day of gaming, I wasn't up to the pressure though and stopped playing. I'll return maybe someday.
Played for Achievements: Power Wash Simulator. Nabbed another achievement for cleaning a shoe house, soul last. Try and figure the meaning of THAT phrase. Farm Together. Bought that wide screen TV I always wanted thanks to wheat and corn harvests. I learned that, like in real life, animals eat up a lot of profits, literally. Microsoft Solitaire Collection. Going for the less time consuming achievements like getting a perfect on a previous month's daily challenge. The game saves all daily challenges so you can play them anytime. Neat.
Toys-2-Life Challenge: Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure. I beat the game and as many achievements as I could with the team shown below. Good job team!
Skylanders: Giants. I discovered that I have never played Giants even though I have all the figures for it. Weird. I played more than a few levels and put together the team shown below. Go team!
I'm getting Pumpkin Eye-Brawl in the mail soon. I love the holiday themed Skylanders, and it's one of the few I don't have.
Lego Games Challenge: Lego Lord of the Rings. I am seriously deep into this on Xbox 360 scouring the land for quests and mythril bricks. Some of the quest items are so well hid on the levels. I've played a few of them at least three times and haven't found them yet. Ugh. Lego Marvel Super Heroes. Playing it on XSX. My routine is finishing a single level and then proceeding into the next until the first save-and-exit computer terminal. Mr. Fantastic is pretty darn useful when he can change into any shape at all.
That's it for now. More tomorrow. I can sense it.