Never interested me because of shoddy hardware quality and exclusives that weren't up my alley, but it was surely a force to be reckoned with in the market at the time.
Machine Memories: Xbox 360
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![]() On 02/22/2023 at 01:50 PM by KnightDriver ![]() See More From This User » |
I remember getting a 360 summer 2006 to get Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I was really amazed by the graphics. Also, the online experience was really ramped up from previous consoles. There was more online play, community stuff, access to movies and music, and digital only games. It was a great time to be a gamer.
However, my system crashed maybe a year later, and I got a new one with an extended warrantee; there were problems with the first gen consoles overheating. I went on to have to replace two other consoles over the next few years. Still, it was a new and exciting era of online functionality, and I wasn’t upset at all. I just wanted to play more and experience all that Xbox Live had to offer.
I could go into the 137 games I wrote down (and those were just the ones my friend and I played a lot), but it would a long, long blog. So, I’ll just mention the new series and developers I came to follow.
New series I became a fan of: Mass Effect, Overlord, Torchlight, Exit, Defense Grid, Condemned, Lego games, Minecraft, Saints Row, Bioshock, Borderlands, Call of Juarez, The Darkness, Crackdown, Earth Defense Force, Gears of War and Just Cause.
Developers I became a fan of: Double Fine (Stacking, Costume Quest), Ninjabee (Band of Bugs, Kingdom of Keflings, The Maw), Frontier Developments (Disneyland Adventures, Zoo Tycoon), Zen and Farsight Studios (pinball games), People Can Fly (Painkiller, Bulletstorm, Gears Judgment), Treyarch (COD3 and Black Ops), and Raven (Quake 4, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Wolfenstein, Singularity).
So, I got into lots of new stuff in these years on the old Xbox 360 despite the red ring of death.
TV Time! Commericial.