Thought I'd share the list of games I'd like to revisit or experience for the first time from 1986.
Dragon Quest: I have to see but I think I still have the NES cart for Dragon Warrior. I at least have a GBC version to play. I know that for sure. I've never beaten the game, but it's fun trying. It holds no punches.
Arkanoid: I always loved the mechanics of Breakout, so, yet again, I'm going to check out Taito's improvement on it. I know I have it on a collection, probably Taito Legends 1 or 2. I just rebought Taito Legends vol. 1.
Rampage: This Midway game was really fun in the arcades. I played it again on Wii as Rampage: Total Destruction (the original is playable there too). My friend and I played it together too, which was fun. I'll probably play it on Midway Arcade Origins which I have digitally on Xbox Series S.
R.B.I. Baseball: There was a cool baseball game I played back then and maybe it was this one. I'll have to pick up the NES cart again, I think. It's cheap.
Sky Kid Deluxe: I used to play this on Xbox 360 within the Namco Museum Virtual Arcade collection, but it seems I don't have it anymore. But I can still play it on Switch or PS4 through Arcade Archives. I'm hooking up my PS4 again this week, so maybe there.
Space Quest I: I generally get frustrated with graphic adventure games, but this one always intrigues me when I read abou it. Maybe it's available on STEAM these days?
Might and Magic Book One: Secret of the Inner Sanctum: I played the NES port of this years ago and didn't get into it. I'm curious though. I'd like to try it again.
Atari 2600 jr. : This released in '86. This or a 7800 are the consoles I'm looking at getting at some point to play Atari games authentically.
GURPS (excuse me!): This is the Steve Jackson's General Universal Role-Playing System. I just downloaded the Lite version for free from the SJ web site. I don't quite understand it yet, but it seems like a DnD-like system that can be adapted for any environment. Make your own fantasy, scifi, or history-based world and use the GURPS to handle character creation and combat. I'll be reading through the rules to see just how flexible it is. I got some craaazy ideas for it.