I spent the weekend with all of my family at a lake house. There was quite a bit of down time because the weather was questionable, and I had two forms of entertainment along with me, my gba and a book. The book was too difficult to try and read with a lot of people around so I played the gba. Some of my family gave me grief, but they do not know what I really do on a regular weekend, so I brushed off their comments.
Professor Laytoncy
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![]() On 06/05/2013 at 03:38 PM by KnightDriver ![]() See More From This User » |
I cancelled my preorder for Muramasa Rebirth and bought Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask for 3DS to play on my family trip to Ohio on Friday to see my niece graduate high school. It’s the perfect thing for being stuck in a car for seven plus hours. Also, it makes me look slightly more mature to my family than playing Shadow Wars, Etrian Odyessy, Fire Emblem or Luigi’s Mansion, all of which are gamer games. It’s like I’m saying, “Don’t mind me, I’m just a casual gamer like yourselves. No hard core gamer to worry about here.”
I’m still not sure I will even dare to play my 3DS on this trip surrounded by family members who don’t play games outside of Suduku and Crossword Puzzles. After all, they’re all successful people. Why would serious games even come up except as a nuisance to avoid at all costs. Only my neice and nephew will be playing something in the back seats. I’ll probably be sitting in the front passanger side seat and face possible questionable looks from my bro-in-law and mother if I open a 3DS.
Maybe I’ll read instead.
If I had a good career going, none of this would matter. But the fact that I’m still stuck living off tips makes anything I do look like a questionable obsession. Ah, it’s probably mostly all in my head, but I know how people say one thing and think another, so sometimes your worst fear is justified.
I’m going to take my 3DS anyway and a bunch of Layton games. At worst, I’ll get to play them in my hotel room at night.
This all sounds like some sort of latency doesn’t it? Well then call me a closet gamer; a Professor Laytoncy, if you will. That’s what I am, I guess.