I really need to play that Cave game.
Chievo Milestone 40K
On 06/21/2013 at 02:56 AM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
I broke 40,000 achievement points last weekend while playing CastleStorm, so I thought I'd recall some of my recent favorite achievements.
The Cave - Who Wants to Live Forever (Got everyone out of the Cave without dying once).
This took the longest of the achievements for The Cave. Even once you've done each area several times it's so easy to forget a pit or misstime a special ability. I was pretty happy to get this while finishing other achievements.
Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Burning Earth - One With Combat (Achieve a hit counter of 50)
I watched my friend do this and all the other achievements for this game in exactly 15 minutes (I timed him). Everyone knows this is the easiest chievo game on 360, but for me, getting a hit counter of 50 took me several hours. I went on to finish the game even though I had all the achievements and found it pretty enjoyable. I had seen the episodes the game was based on too, so it brought home to me the appeal of movie or TV liscened games.
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga - 100% (Complete the game to 100%)
This is really two games in one, Lego Star Wars: The Video Game and Lego Star Wars: The Original Trilogy so it took twice as long; 60 hours to be exact and there's no shortcut. I followed the achievement guide on Xbox360achievements.org to do it in the most efficient manner. It was more than just a dull achievement run through, however. This game was a ton of fun and I enjoyed every minute of it. All hail Traveller's Tales!
Blue Dragon - Beat Golden Poo Snake (You defeated the rare monster Golden Poo Snake)
What can I say. Poo is funny and even funnier when you get an achievement celebrating it. The Golden Poo Snake is quite rare and when you find it, you have to surprise it and get the first attack because it usually flees as soon as you enter the battle. A little tweaking of my stats and equipment solved that problem. I did see the Platinum Poo Snake once, but I could never find it after that. But it's out there, somewhere.
Borderlands - Big Tournament (Reached the end of each of the 3 larger challenges with one character)
This took some doing on the DLC Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot. My friend and I did this together because alone it would've been impossible. Each challenge was something like a hundred waves of enemies and you couldn't stop 'til it was done. We had to set aside a whole afternoon to complete each challenge taking something like four or five hours of continuous play to get to the end. It wasn't easy either. My buddy was something like level 60 and I was around 50. I still struggled. What a relief it was to finally get this achievement.
Minecraft - On a Rail (travel by minecart to a point at least 500m in a single direction from where you started) and When Pigs Fly (Use a saddle to ride a pig, then have the pig get hurt from fall damage while riding it).
Building a very very long rail line in survival mode was not easy, but my favorite thing in Minecraft. At first I built it down into my mine but if you read the achievement closely, you realize that your track has to be perfectly straight. I rebuilt it above ground and had several hilarious moments being stopped by a creeper and blown to smithereens.
I spent a long time trying to find a saddle in the game with the help of a friend of mine and many hilarious catastrophes happened along the way. I got one finally and then promptly lost it when one of my dogs attacked the pig and destroyed it. Not one to give up, I embarked on another long quest to find a saddle and did so. This time I was more careful and finally got the achievement. Sometimes tragedy is just darn funny to me, especially when it's confined to a video game. My friend wasn't laughing, however, and I completed this achievement on my own.
And with that, I leave you all with the greatest highlight reel ever of the Xbox One Reveal event. Maybe you've already seen or heard it. I heard it on my favorite podcast AllGenGamers and laughed myself silly.