Well I haven't blogged for a good while, but there's been something bothering me recently. I'm an avid wii game collector. I have no idea why, but I have more wii games than necessary (at 300 right now) You might be saying "Preposterous! Who would have that many games!?" Well I do...and yes they are all up on a row of bookshelves in alphabetical order. But this blog isn't about my recent fascination to scour the discount bins in search of M & M's Adventure or Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
No this blog is about rare wii games. Yes they exist, and yes they are real. Most of the wii games that are rare are (Gasp!) Japanese only, but some games have been even released stateside. So sit back in astonishment to find yourself laughing at what some people ask for games...or why they do so...
1. Fritz Chess

Price range online: $30-$80
My Price paid: $20
You might be thinking to yourself...you have to be joking! And no...I'm not. Deep Silver released Fritz Chess in America in limited quantities...which apparently makes this a rare buy...Now I paid $20 for this at Gamestop and honestly anybody willing to fork over $20 for a chess game instead of buying an actual board for the same and playing with your dad or something is truly a sad panda...I'm a sad panda... But I'm not a stupid one who spent $50 or more for a copy...that's just illogical.
2. Xenoblade Chronicles

Price range online: $50-$100
My price paid: $60 (I was impatient and got the PAL region a year earlier)
So blame Nintendo for this. Nintendo released Monolith Soft's highly coveted rpg in a limited run...Now greedy internet video gamers are securing their copies and if you look on ebay...the price just ain't pretty.
3. One Piece Unlimted Adventure/Cruise Games

Prices online: $100-$150 for all 3
My price paid: $60 (unlimited adventure I got as a gift!)
Okay so sometimes anime based games just don't sell well. Dragonball has a nice audience in the states so Namco Bandai can justify bringing games over as they sell well. For One Piece on Wii...nothing doing. Unlimited Adventure Moved it's way silently out just as silently as it came in and Namco Bandai didn't feel justified bringing the Cruise series stateside. Luckily I bought my copies off a nice german fellow...unfortunately the game case and manual are also in German, but the game has the Japanes VA's...with English subtitles...making my one piece games the most multicultural experience I've ever had the privledge to play.
4. Metroid Prime Trilogy

Prices online: $60-100
Price paid: $45...and I got a free t-shirt!(See above)
Another instance of a Nintendo limited run...not much else to say.
5. Super Mario All Stars Anniversary Wii Edition

Prices online- $40-80
Price paid online $15 (And I got the music cd and history booklet)
Remember that anniversary of Mario right? The one no right minded gamer thought was fair or remotely acceptable that they had to rectify with kirby? The one that price sharks have now jacked up the prices for? I mean it's a twenty dollar bill worth of games. Paying anything more is just unacceptable...of course graded copies sell for $250-300
6. Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse

Prices online: $50-100
Price paid: $47
Ah yes many gamers have clamored for this game, so much prices have been driven up online on ebay or amazon. While fan debate argue that it's not the strongest of the zero titles it certainly drives fan prices along with the 2nd game crimson butterfly wii remake...which I paid $35 for.
7. Zangeki no Reginleiv

Prices online: $70-100
Price paid: $63
Yeah it's impossible to find this game for any reasonable price. I've tried. You're talking to a guy who bought Captain Rainbow for less than $20 and Earth Seeker for $20...two japanese games that can drive double that.
And finally!!!
428: Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de

Prices online:$40-$70
Price paid: $15 new from a very nice Florida man.
428 is a japanese game that appeals to only the most japanese gamer. It's entirely text based which means reading Japanese at a comprehensible level. And the gameplay consists of you making decisions from a multiple choice perspective. But in the likelihood you have a sheer morbid curiousity to play this game know this...you get to play as a person in a cat costume (see bottom right corner of game cover) and that my friends...is priceless.
Well I gave a list of plenty of games and there are even more that command high prices that I just don't have the space to get into. Otherwise we'd have an unforgivingly long list of Gundam Wii games, odd rhythm based quirky japanese titles (Kiki Trick comes to mind), and much more. So just remember...if you have some wii games you think are rare...just be smart...comparitive shop, adjust for currency conversion, and most of all...don't be that person selling a Chess video game for $80...what's wrong with you!?!?!?!?