GaD, huh? Well -- I wouldn't want you to be all alone. MArch has more days though, dammit.
BaD 28: BaD Things Thursday (Hey, Nick! & Jason!)
On 02/28/2013 at 07:16 PM by Super Step See More From This User » |
This site is almost perfect, I just need a page of blogs I'm following so I get updated, notifications when people reply to anything I've written, blogs, comments, etc., but please not through e-mail; I mean have it as an option, for people that want it, but I have too much spam already, and of course a free massage every day. Given what I know of realistic coding, that should all come to fruition over night, right?
Oh, and Jason: Your ego's too big, deflate it. Sorry, have to be fair, it was Nick's yesterday. If anyone reading this is confused, read the comments section on the recent PB & Jason Podcast.
Well, folks, it's the final day of BaD; don't know what that is? Read my previous blog on here, it lets you know what I know of its 1up history. By the way, I always set my links to open in a new tab. Personally, I prefer it, but how do you feel?
Anyway, I figured, since tomorrow I'll be trying once again to blog every day, only this time while mentioning a game every day for GaD (Ed: 7:17pm CT which, upon Yargz suggestion I think is better to call GLaD, or game-log-a-day) which is also explained in my previous blog, and my old 1up blogs for it are archived on Blogger, I'd let you know a little bit about my gaming self:
1. I was born on March 23,1990, and started gaming with my older brother's NES and SNES at age four or so. He's six years older than I am, having been born in January, 1984, so he'd have been roughly ten years old at the time.
Oh, and I have a superstition about the number three being both a good and bad omen. Not sure how to feel about my upcoming 23rd birthday this year ... ahem.
2. As you can tell, I own Nintendo consoles and handhelds, exclusively. Yes, I was a Nintendo fanboy, no that doesn't mean I am now. Really, I was only gung-ho about it when Gamecube came out, cause due to family fiscal complications I won't get into, I had to use my lawn mowing money to buy my own, minus tax and a handful of principal, for Christmas 2001, and it was the cheapest ... or at least cheaper than Xbox, which my friends and I hated on at the time; we were all fine with the PS2 for some reason.
Well, ok, it may have started when I got an N64 for Christmas 1997, and my brother moved on to Playstation, but I don't recall getting all that vocal about it until Gamecube was announced. Maybe I'm misremembering and I was just always a brat about it, who knows? Now of course, unless I hear a company sells slaves or something, I could give a crap about brand names and just want the best deal; right, Macklemore?
Since the NES, SNES, PS1, and PS2 were all his, I include games I remember having at the house in my wish list; speaking of which, I know for a fact he owned what I've put for NES and SNES, but PS1 and PS2 I just sort of guessed, based on games I remember him/us playing a lot or seeing the non-rental boxes for around the house.
3. You'll notice I only own about 32 games. A lot of you own well over 100 it seems, and that makes me feel "special."
My family liked Blockbuster, a lot, when there was still one close and they weren't bankrupt; not speaking for the rest of my family, though I think we're similar in this respect, I only actually buy things once in a blue moon, except, oddly enough, music CDs.
I literally only own four movies (Hugo and Dark Knight Rises were gifts last year, The Cinema Snob movie wound up being free thanks to complications, and I bought Cowboy Bebop: The Movie as a young teen a long time ago), yet have a variety of over one-hundred music CDs, and I'm including downloading, which I have only ever done by way of iTunes, and for Street Fighter X Mega Man ... which I forgot to add to my collection on here, and means I have 33 games total. Oops. (Ed: Fixed* 5:30pm CT 02/28/2013)
4. Yes, the most recent console or handheld I own is Nintendo DS. No, I do not own a gaming-ready PC, though I have had a Steam tab open for the last hour or so, while I was on 1up, writing this, tending to Clinger, our sick, 15 year old cat, and neglecting to check the space on this Dell D620 to make sure I have the 1MB needed to download it, given that Spotify, SFXMM, and Firefox take up quite a bit of hard drive space.
Anyway, starting tomorrow, I'll start trying to tie in at least one videogame to whatever crap I blog about. See you then, and now to make my commenting rounds.