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3DS, As Always, and Back on PS3

On 11/12/2013 at 12:44 AM by KnightDriver

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       All week I was playing Etrian Odyssey: Millennium Girl: 63 hours now and level 54. It’s interesting to figure out how to get monsters to drop certain items. Some have to be paralyzed first, or frozen, or fought only with smashing weapons. There’s a huge variety of approaches that will elicit certain items. Occasionally, a person in the pub will tell you how to do it, but most of the time you just have to figure it out by trial and error.

     My only day this week with a console saw me play some Ni No Kuni on my criminally underused PS3. I finally got sick and tired of the battle system. It attempts to mix the strategy of turn-based gameplay with real-time, but it doesn’t quite work out. At times you want to get quickly to a spell, or throw up a Defense, and you have to click around the bubbles over your character to get to them. Sometimes it takes several clicks and sometimes you just miss it trying to select that option as fast as you can while a giant boss is about to unleash a powerful attack. Your health bar is way over in the upper left hand corner, and I’m always forgetting about it because it’s so far from the action. I have to glance over there while running around and selecting options for attacks as quick as I can. This results in me getting killed if I’m not always looking over there. It’s just a very hectic battle system that makes you panic and move your eyes all over and curse that the Defense option isn’t always one fast click away. I had to give up on a boss that seemed too difficult for me and my familiars, and backtrack to gain experience, and explore, and finish a side quest. Along the way, I got killed after forgetting to watch my health meter on what I thought was an easy encounter, and rage quit. Grrr!

      I explored the Playstation store for a while and was amazed at how many games are free to play with my PS Plus membership. I could go a long way just playing free stuff if I wanted to. Then I looked for a Dynamic Theme for Ratchet & Clank and found one after a pretty lengthy search. You would think just typing in “Ratchet” would bring up everything related but it didn’t. It only brought up the games and their DLC but not the themes. I had to go into Extras and search through the entire library of Dynamic Themes. Annoying! Anyway, it’s a cool theme to finally replace my awesome Pixel Junk Monsters Dynamic Theme that I’ve had for years. And I downloaded the Crunchyroll ap just for curiosity sake.

    Then I played some Valkyria Chronicles. My last save was from 2009 when the game came out! Boy it’s been a while. I started over from scratch and watched the cinematics and played the first few missions. After that first mission when the titles come up, I started to get goose bumps of excitement; the music and the rousing speech really got to me. The game is still beautiful, but somewhat showing its age. I remember it being a little more vibrant in the colors; however, this is probably my TV at my friend’s place, which is very old now. My TV at home is world’s better. I actually looked up TV’s during a break and found I could get a really good 32 inch TV for under $300. That’s a lot less than I paid four or five years ago for a similar TV.

    While I was looking over the shoulder of my friend on Xbox 360, I noticed the sale for this week showing 75% off the Serious Sam games. I have the first one, but last week I almost bought the other 2 as these are must-have games for me. Luckily I waited because they were $2.50 each this week. I had to wait until I got home to fire up my 360 and purchase them before the sale ended.

                     PS3 40GB

      I’m going to North Carolina to my Mom’s beach house for Thanksgiving this year and I’m thinking about trading my PS3 for the Slim version. The 40 gig PS3 I have is enormous as I found out carrying it to my friends place today. It would be nice to have the smaller machine with a larger hard drive for my trip. When I go to pick up Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus later today, I’m going to get a price on all that.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/12/2013 at 01:56 AM

I've been thinking of upgrading my PS3 too. I barely have any space, and there's all the games I've bought and downloaded off PSN+ I haven't played.  I guess I could upgrade the hard drive, but I don't trust my mechanical abilities to do that successfully.  

Etrian Odyssey is cool.  I found that using status spells helps a lot in defeating enemies too.  I haven't played Millenium Girl, but I really enjoyed IV.  

I hear you on Ni NO Kuni.  It's too bad because I love the rest of the game.  I just can't get past the battle system. 


11/12/2013 at 12:48 PM

As Tami sez further down, I can step you through replacing your HD (or you can check out a youtube vid.)  and it will be much cheaper for more storage. 

The mechanics of it are "see spot run". The hard drive in a PS3 was meant to be removed by the user, it even explains how to do it in the user manual. You won't be building any rocketships here Matt.

The headache part is the backup and restore process and that's mostly because if you use your PS3's backup and restore it's slower than a crippled turtle on quaaludes.

If I do it again I'll try copying my old drive to a PC using a USB 3.0 drive enclosure. Then I'd put the new drive in the enclosure and restore the files from my PC. Pop the new drive back in the PS3 and Bob's yer uncle. I'm sure that's 100 times faster than what I did last time. LOL


11/12/2013 at 01:59 PM

I was getting really fast in Ni No Kuni with using all the options in battle, but it still seems difficult to predict when to block or interrupt a powerful attack. At lot of the time I'm stuck waiting for an action to finish on the timer, but by then it's too late.

I do need more space on the hard drive, but my main motivation was for a smaller size console. I think I'd rather trade for the slim than replace the HD in my current beast.


11/12/2013 at 09:28 AM

My 3DS is now feeling criminally underused.  I have not touched Etrian Odyssey in a couple of weeks.  Blackgate, Dragon's Crown, El Shaddai, and now Metro:  Last Light have all been consuming all of my game time.


11/12/2013 at 02:04 PM

I put my 3DS away last night to avoid the temptation of playing it while I have Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus ready to go on my PS3.


11/12/2013 at 02:09 PM

Since Etrian Odyssey is not story heavy, I think that it should be easy to jump back in after an extended break.  So, I do not feel so bad that I have put it on the backburner.

I am contemplating, not too seriously, to buy another PS3 just to play Into the Nexus.  That is how much I love Ratchet and Clank. 


11/12/2013 at 02:28 PM

Yea, unlike Ni No Kuni in which I had to relearn all the battle controls after a month hiatus. I may look up a guide to solve my battle system woes.

I got the Ratchet & Clank Dynamic Theme. It's really cool. There's like a lighting flash that happens periodically.


11/12/2013 at 11:53 AM

I need a new hard drive for my PS3. Mothman is pretty good at describing how to do it yourself, and I think GH did his himself, too.

I, too, hate the battle system for Ni No Kuni. It's overly complicated and clunky and not much fun. 


11/12/2013 at 02:08 PM

I was just getting into the part where you can Serenade enemies to recruit them as Familiars. That was fun.


11/12/2013 at 03:55 PM

I have the PS3 model right before Sony switched to the current one with a sliding door (my brother has that model). Both are really nice, although the sliding door seems odd to me. I actually need to start to get rid of some of the games I don't even touch/already played on my hard drive to free up some space.

I heard about that Serious Sam sale. Not my favorite games, but for $2.50 they were must buys for fans of the series.


11/13/2013 at 03:00 AM

I played the first Serious Sam game on the PC when it came out in 2001. Then I played the next ones on Xbox and now again on 360. How many enemies can you get on the screen at once? In Serious Sam, a lot. I got mauled by what seemed like the biggest herd of Bulls in First Encounter the other week. It was kinda hilarious.


11/12/2013 at 07:04 PM

I finally got my copy of Etrian Odyssey Untold. So far, i've been having a great time and i'm finding the battle system easy and fun to learn for someone like me who isn't an expert in RPGs.

I've been hearing a lot of things regarding Ni No Kuni, from love to scorn, but I just hope to play the game someday. They really should bring the DS copy of the game outside Japan, or atleast Rerelease the PS3 version to the 3DS.


11/13/2013 at 03:04 AM

Ni No Kuni is really fun, but the battle system can be frustrating. I know someone out there has figured it all out. I'm going to do some reading and see if I can acquire some skills to make it easier.


11/12/2013 at 07:07 PM

I missed out on the fat PS3s but I don't mind. I've never had to worry about space on that thing. I just download stuff, like, whenever lol. I haven't played Valkyria Chronicles yet but when I got a PS3 I knew it was one of the days I had to have. I'm glad I won't have to worry about finding it later.


11/13/2013 at 03:08 AM

I've had to continually remove stuff to create space. 40 GB I think was the smallest hard drive to come out for the system, and I think it was right when the price came down to $400 that I jumped on. It's worked great all the time I've had it even though I've used it more for a DVD/Blu-ray player. I hope to remedy that with Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus this week.


11/13/2013 at 08:20 AM

I have that problem with my 360. I've got two dinky hard drives but they fill up so fast, but a big one is so expensive Frown


11/14/2013 at 01:18 PM

I need to get back to playing Valkyria Chronicles. It's been awhile since I played it. Plus I'm still debating if I should buy the DLC for the game.


11/14/2013 at 04:41 PM

The DLC was on sale for cheap a while back. I should've jumped on it then. I think at least one of them was extra missions. I need to finish the main game first though. Gotta get on that pronto!

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