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Developer diary (Spoiler-ish!)
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![]() On 11/15/2013 at 08:35 PM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
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Developer afterthoughts
It’s been awhile since the first version of my game released. Since then I’ve gotten better criticism from people not coming after me like rabid werewolves! In retrospect, I realize I did do some things poorly. Being this is my first game I shouldn’t be surprised by that.
The art
Looking back at my concept art I still “like it” but I don’t think it embodies what my game ended up trying to be. Truthfully I do not believe “sexiness” diminishes female characters as potential people but I admit some of my early designs look more like they belong in a beat em up or a really messed up and bizarre fighting game! (Gutterdelve was supposed to originally be a beat em up/rpg hybrid but I did not have the skills required to pull it off)
Deidre’s arch
Deidre’s arch is perhaps the most controversial. Her past has a lot to do with sexual abuse and being brain washed. It was difficult writing her and I wonder if I was mature enough or skilled enough to tell her tale in the first place. Be that as it may, she ended up being one of the most lovable and interesting female protagonists for me personally. I became smitten with her no nonsense attitude and tom-boyish tough-girl responses to the other characters!
Amy interrupted
I feel as if Amy didn’t stick out enough. I realize she is the “voice of normalcy” in the group. She’s more emotionally stable than her brother and is known to take care of her family through taking on various responsibilities. Still, there’s a lot we don’t know about her. She mentioned “training in exotic places” during her acting career but it’s a shame my first game doesn’t go into that in more detail.
Villains who are too one dimensional
Admittedly my villains are flat and static. They don’t really change much throughout the game and we never get to know them as well as the protagonists. Partly this was due to time constraints and doing my project alone. However, I’d like to have “better villains” in the future.
Someone by the alias The_Honorable_Ryu mentioned Robert was a missed opportunity and that is entirely feasible. After all, we see a glimmer of a conscience in Robby at the police station in which he shows genuine regret for what he and his friends have done. However, the high-school chapter rips away any sympathy we might feel for him. I think Rob and Deidre “did” love each other in their own way. It might have been a bit perverse and twisted but affection is still affection.
Costumes (And the lack thereof)
Later in the game I decided to include an option where you could “dress up the characters” in alternate costumes. The “nude sets” I created were thrown in just because I had them. I mean if someone really wanted to see a 16 bit pixel representation of Kara or Deidre running around “naked” that’s their own business, right?
Oh, how wrong I was! I always seem to forget today’s generation is much more sensitive about these things. First of all, it would have been better if I had nude sprites for all the characters. From my perspective that would have meant even more tireless work so I simply did not do it. However, the opposing side will of course jump on the red hot issue of “gender equality” and how including naked sprites of only female characters is “unfair”. Don’t misunderstand me. I realize they have a valid argument if ever there was one. But on my end it wasn’t rooted in a patriarchal conspiracy, attempt at objectification, or some sort of deep rooted misogyny. I was simply “too lazy” to make more naked sprites of Ben, Dwayne, Liam, ANGI, and Amy! Which of course brings me to the point not every female character actually had a nude sprite.
Random encounters
In my day I didn’t mind random encounters. Final fantasy 6? Bring it on, buddy! Alas, times have changed and I have to accept this. Many of my friends playing my game admitted the “random battles” were annoying buggers. This actually lead me to creating a whole new version of the game in which enemies can be seen on screen.
The jab at RMN
One of the mini endings takes a jab at RMN as a collective group. It most certainly is unprofessional of me but I think the point I made is still a good one.
You would have to be there when I first signed on to get the full effect. Yeah, you can read the responses but that alone doesn’t do it justice.
I take issue with people throwing around terms like “objectification” and “misogynistic”. Mostly because the meanings of those words have been stretched in an attempt to make them reputation wreckers and debate enders. Just because I draw sexualized women does not mean I hate them. It does not even mean I objectify them. (How can one objectify a fictional entity that is merely pixels on the screen? I‘m not implying I don‘t love my characters but I accept the reality they exist only inside my mind.)
To go even further with this philosophy, stating my art and ideas support a conspiracy ridden “patriarchy” trying to keep women down is such an absurd and preposterous idea my mind cannot even process it. I’m not saying women do not get mistreated or abused but at least in the liberal laden “western world” things are a lot nicer. Some men are sexist mean spirited Neanderthals but I do not think they’re “organized” like the KKK used to be. (When I use the term “organized” I’m referring to physical militias that are a true threat as opposed to online dens of equity that are all talk but no action!)
Toward the end some people from RMN even accused me of dismissing the fact rape happens to men too just because I did not have a male character who got sexually assaulted in the same manner as Deidre did. In truth I merely wanted each character to face something unique from each other. I definitely was not trying to dismiss the fact sexual abuse is also a possibility for men. To insinuate that just because "man rape" is not present in this one particular story comes off as being over reactionary and immature to me.
I hope to improve in future projects. I admit right now I’m kind of exhausted so a sequel or spin off will not be forthcoming for awhile. I appreciate all the helpful criticism and I’m happy that my present here has not been met with as much “piss & vinegar” as it was when I put up a page at RMN!