These guys really like to throw stones, don't they?
It's as though they ignore the "Judge not" parts of the scrpture. Meh, i don't give to the salvation army anyway. I'm choosey about my charities.
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![]() On 12/09/2013 at 01:13 PM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
The Salvation Army has expressed their Christian beliefs in the past, stating that they do not accept the LGBTQ lifestyle, nor do they stand up for gay marriage. Salvation Army went on record recently, stating that LGBTQ parents should be put to death as the bible instructs. Major Andrew Craibe, a Salvation Army Media Relations Director, went on public radio hosted by journalist Serena Ryan, to discuss a recent call by LGBTQ parents for a boycott of the nonprofit for its anti-gay policies and beliefs.
Ryan questioned Craibe about Salvation Story: Salvationist Handbook of Doctrine, the manual used to train Salvation Army “soldiers” and members. Several chapters refer to the sin of homosexuality, including a section that cites Romans 1:18-32, which includes a admonition that homosexuals “deserved to die”;
“ Ryan: According to the Salvation Army gay parents deserve death. How do you respond to that, as part of your doctrine?”
“Craibe: Well, that’s a part of our belief system.”
Ryan: So they should die.”
“Craibe: You know, we have an alignment to the Scriptures, but that’s our belief.”
According to Blake, Christian Parents should be put to death for instilling ignorant hate into their children, but fuck it.
Seriously, this is a fucking charity coming out and saying this. Your beliefs on the subject don't matter. If this is your opinion, YOUR OPINION IS FUCKING WRONG! I don't care if you're against homosexuality because of your beliefs or whatever, but keep that shit to yourself, and treat others like you want to be treated. You know, like the fucking bible says?!
Seriously, we have sex before marriage, eat pork, wear clothes cut of more than one cloth, and accept divorce, but this is where we draw the line? The main reason this rule would have been included in the first place would have been for hygeine issues, but we are WELL past that.
Fuck this shit.
Prejudice assholes are everywhere blake if they were real Christians they surely wouldnt be saying they should die by that beleif system Adolf Hitler should have remained alive and not been held responsible for millions of jews this is just someone miss interpreting the bible, its called the living bible because everyone can read it and come back with totally different veiws and this veiw is hatred and should not be abused like the Salvation Army is abusing it.
What's all this focus on Christians really about? I'm not talking just about you, but in media in general. Any time a Christian says something stupid, the media instigated it or was there to catch it. Why not ask someone Jewish or Muslim the same question? It's very likely you'll get the same stupid answer. The rules for them aren't as forgiving as Christians.
No one from any religion or no religion is all good. Maybe the guy was having a bad day and flew off the handle. I'd be surprised if the Salvation Army doesn't come out with some kind of apology for this. And even if they don't, so what. Just don't deal with them.
I don't understand why gay people fight so hard for marriage anyway. It's not like it's doing many straight people any favors. Over half the marriages I know of have failed. What gays should be doing is work around the system. Fuck the church and go to the courts for a Civil Union. Make their partnerships equal to that of a marriage. The churches aren't involved and permanent gay relationships are recognized and legal. Everyone wins.
With me? I straight up hate Christianity and what it stands for. I think it's outdated, racist, misogynist trash with no merit in todays society. I don't hate Christians, just the religion in general. I hold fast the right everyone has to believe something, but my opinion is and always will be that not only Christianity, but organised religion in general is one of the most evil and insidious things on the planet.
Why is Christianity targeted? It's targeted for the same reason celebrities are: because it's famous. Even more so because it's supposed to be about all that's good and stuff. So when it fucks up it kinda makes a splash.
The reason gay people want to get married is about equality, they want the same basic right as every one else, and the fact that they don't is equivelant to black people not being able to vote - ie fucking abhorrent.
The simple fact of the matter is that the Salvation Army is a charity that gives to the poor and in need. Saying anyone should die is fucked up, especially people who've done nothing wrong. The bible says that if a woman is raped and she doesn't marry the person who raped her, she should be stoned to death. So, honestly? Fuck the bible, and it's stupid archaic rules.
The bible says what? "if a woman is raped and she doesn't marry the person who raped her, she should be stoned to death". Who told you that? Where in the bible is that? Please inform me.
As for equating gay people's marriage right to black people's right to vote, I'll have to disagree. Marriage is an union that most people don't even stick with and it's significance has decresed more with each passing year. Marriages ruin people's lives. Voting on the other hand is expressing your choose and opinion that has the potential to influence an outcome or direction for a people. To be denied to vote is like saying your opinion doesn't matter, don't care what you think, and you might as well not exist. Saying the two are similar is a bit of a stretch.
Deuteronomy 22:28-29: “If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, 29 then the man who lay with her shall give to the father of the young woman fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has violated her. He may not divorce her all his days."
Also, if a woman is raped and doesn't cry loud enough:
The bible is fucked up.
I'd argue that voting is stupid. See, as long as there are people, things will be fucked up. We want everything to be better without doing anything about it, so nothing will ever get fixed. As long as we don't have Hitler, it matters not who is in power, for all menare fuckheads. Like it or not, marriage is seen as the ultimate act of love. I don't really believe in marriage, but everyone should have the right to marry.
Also, I feel we argue too much. I also feel that it weird that I like arguing with you so much :p
Where is the part with the guy that rapes the chick and if the chick doesn't marry him, she gets stoned?
This is a good case of taking the bible out of context. The bible as many books with many chapters. The book of Deuteronomy as 34 chapters. The 22nd chapter has 34 verses. You're upset over 4 of them? Let's take a look....
I looked up these verses in a bible to make sure it was there. My version is a little different, but it's basically the same.
Now, Deut 22:23-24, I understand it as if a guy comes across an engaged chick in town and has sex with her and the engaged chick didn't make a fuss about the sex, then they are both stoned. I think of "cried not" like she didn't report the sex. In my verse it actually says, "screamed for help". It's say nothing about rape. The verse is actually about infidelity. The verse before, Deut 22:22, says "If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel". And, check this out, Deut 22:25-27 says, "But if out in the country a man happens to meet a young woman pledged to be married and rapes her, only the man who has done this shall die. Do nothing to the woman; she has committed no sin deserving death. This case is like that of someone who attacks and murders a neighbor, for the man found the young woman out in the country, and though the betrothed woman screamed, there was no one to rescue her". I think that speaks for itself.
Let's take on Deut 22:28-29. This is pretty straight forward, but there is more information that is not given here. You see, the father as authority over his daughter. If he thinks the husband to be is a piece of shit, then he can refuse him. Exodus 22:16-17 says, "If a man seduces a virgin who is not pledged to be married and sleeps with her, he must pay the bride-price, and she shall be his wife. If her father absolutely refuses to give her to him, he must still pay the bride-price for virgins". She does not have to marry a rapist. She does what her father says.
The laws are there and there is no record of anyone forced to marrying their rapist in the bible. There is a story about a girl that gets raped by some dude(s). The village of the rapist want to apologize and the father of the raped girl tells them if they mean an apology then all their males should be circumcised. Well, the village does it and while they are all healing, the father of the raped girl, with his army, go into the village and kill everyone. Crazy shit.
Now, I will agree that some of these rules are "old fashion" and many of them wouldn't play out the exact same way today, but they were made for a reason. Today's world, other factors play in. Back then you took care of your own. There was no huge government to help you right wrongs against you all the time. Your only real conscience was the law you believed God put out for you and your people to keep you save.
If you read the bible looking for fault in it, then you will find it. It's like anything else in this world. I suggest reading it with an open mind and an understanding of who the people are. Be careful because when hate is applied, anything can be taken out of context to justify the hate. Try to be more objective than judgemental.
We do discuss a bit, but it's all in the growth of knowledge. I had to do a little research on this one. I honestly hadn't read my bible in a long time.
Exactly, old fashioned. If that rule is outdated, why isn't homosexuality? Why do people pick and choose which parts of the bible apply? Should I take up slaves? No. That doesn't apply to our society, and neither do these rules that are being shoved down our throats.
Also, I've read the bible multiple times. For my Dad to accept me not being a christian, I had to read the bible through and actually find fault with it. He still doesn't believe there's fault with it or his precious cult, but I have read pretty much the whole bible. Judges is a fucking awesome book, I'll give it that. Damn it's messed up.
"Old fashioned" doesn't mean the rule can't fit for today. Some of the rules for lawbreakers in the bible would be illegal to do today, but It also states in Romans 13:1-7, "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor". That's your update right there. No more stoning at city gates.
Yeah, homosexuality is a sin and so are a lot of other things. Many religious groups look down on homosexuality. Some of them in many parts of the world will kill people over it. It fits in the statement you made earlier. It's a hot topic and it makes the news. For every Christian (or whoever) that makes a statement about homosexuality being bad there are plenty of Christians (or whoevers) that didn't say anything and don't really care. According to the bible, we are all sinners and we're all in the same boat. Sadly, many Christians have forgotten or ignored this. They choose to bully homosexuals as if they have some kind of special sin and Christians are morally better. Certain authors' of books focused on specific sins (usually taken out of context) and there are many verses that state, "there is no one righteous, not even one". I find it interesting that the people that make the most fuss about homosexuality have personal struggles with it themselves. It's happened more than a few times in Christian circles. Whether homosexuality is by birth or choice, I could care less. This topic is used for the purpose of dividing people. I also want to add that there is nowhere in the bible that states homosexuals aren't loved by God. The bible does not call us to be perfect people. We will never be perfect in this world. Change of lifestyle and behavior is a personal and spiritual thing. God is the judge and He's fair. No one knows the strides a person has taken in their walk with God. The church would rather turn these people away, scare them off, or force them to change than having to deal with them. It is sad.
Since you brought up slaves... Yeah slavery was done, but there were rules and laws that protect slaves. In the bible slaves had to obey their masters and masters had to take care of their slaves. Masters owned their slaves, but they couldn't treat them any way they wanted to. Masters weren't suppose to beat their slaves for no reason, rape them, make them do immoral acts, etc. Kind of like people today that own their animals, but it's against the law to abuse them. Though, I'm not comfortable equating a human to an animal, but it is what it is. If masters didn't openly abuse their slaves, I'm sure slavery would still be widely accepted today.
I'm sorry to read what your father made you go through. Speaking as a parent, I understand it. You want the best for your children and too many people out of desperation and fear do things that aren't in their children's best interest. Parenting isn't an exact science. He put you in a state of mind that you wanted to find fault with the bible. I believe there is no fault in the bible (people misinterpret or just lie) and there is fault in people. People usually over step the boundaries of their roles. I have yet to run into a verse that states it's our responsibility to "save" people. Many Christians try to do this and it's not biblical. All Christians are responsible for is raising their children up in the ways of the bible and sharing God's love and the message of Jesus Chrst. Whether the children continue in the bible or not or if people believe the message is completely up to them. God does not force us to obey and follow Him. The efforts of "saving" people have gotten Christians in a lot of trouble. Their misguided directions in fear, hate, and bigotry has overshadowed God most perious gift, John 3:16-21, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God". Wether you belive it or not, you got to admit that's nice. God loves us and too many Christians have forgotten or don't realize this. It is easier to hate and seperate from the world than it is to share compasion and love with it.
I'm sorry if this sounds too preachy. It's not my intention. I don't try "saving" people. I just wanted to use verses to support my points. I don't care if you don't like Christians. I don't like many of them myself, but I will defend the bible. When I read something is in the bible that I don't remember reading myself, I want to be informed. Within context, I've yet to find fault yet.
This went on longer than I thought it would. I hope I didn't misspell too many words or left words out. And always remember, if you want to make a Christian look foolish, just use the bible against them. You'd be surprised by the number of people that know dick about the bible and just spew out bullshit they heard some other person say. Calling them out on their bullshit usually works for me.
Nah, you didn't sound overly preachy. Just like a man standing up for what he believes in. Honestly, it's not the bible most have a problem with, it's how modern religions twist it. I know the Bible has some good morals and guidelines, However, it's not for me. If God exists, and he's a loving individual, he's not going to kill people for disbelieving in him, and if he is, fuck him, I don't want to worship an asshole like that. See, if he is a loving god, as long as you do good, you should be saved, and beliefs shouldn't matter. Therefore the whole saving thing is redundant.
Look, my Dad is a great guy, I just hate the fact that he's so religious to the point where he denies himself things he likes. His favourite band used to be Iron Maiden, but he won't listen to them now because they're demonic. Hell, he thinks Lord of the Rings is demonic, and won't watch it even though he fucking loves fantasy. As a "Hater of Violence" he won't watch anything with blood or gore in it, and he won't watch anything with too much swearing. Nor will he watch anything with magic in it. I find that kinda faith retarded tbh.
Also, fuck off with John 3:16. That and Matthew 24:14 are two scriptures I never want to read again because I've heard them so much.
And oh, I do. It's fun. There are good christians and bad christians. I've just seen too many bad ones that I forget the good ones exist.
Back on the topic of homosexuality though... all old rules were wiped out by jesus who brought his own laws. However, he never once mentions homosexuality. Not once.
The old rules weren't wipe out per se. I think people misunderstand the purpose of God's ten commandments and the Jews made up more detailed rules to "help" people follow them. The ten commandments weren't something for people to follow but to expose people of their sin. No one can go any length of time without breaking them. Jesus even explains that even if you never killed a person, if you hate a person in your heart, then it's as if you killed them. With adultery, Jesus explains that if you lust in your heart, then you've committed a sin. Being perfect is impossible by those standards. When asked what are the most important commandments, Jesus says (Matt 22:36-40), "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments". I don't remember many details of the bible, but I don't forget these. Them keep me out of trouble.
Sin seperates us from God. God demanded that His people repent and make ritual sacrifices for their sins. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. He was God's sacrifice for man and made it possible for all men to come before God. Now we don't have to go through the ritual sacrifices, which you probably know were very specific and, I'm sure, a pain in the ass. We are still suppose to repent. Also with Jesus can His teaching of how to live with the ten commandments. The commandments, in a sense, brought death. Jesus brought life.
When it comes to talking about who goes to heaven or not, I just go by what the bible says. I don't expect nonchristians to belive it or care. Jesus is the only way of salvation. He is the sacrifice. It doesn't matter how "good" you are. We are all sinful and our sin seperates us from God. To ignore Jesus as the sacrifice then you have no way of squaring things off with God, therefore, you can't get in. That's as plain as it gets.
You're right, in the bible, Jesus doesn't say much or anything about homosexuality, but his disciples do.
His disciples are men, therefore what they say, unless said by jesus, don't mean shit. That's like the pope saying that god now expects you to kill a baby to get into heaven. Not said by god or jesus, doesn't fucking matter.
Secondly, if that's true, god's an asshole. Why? There are millions of people in countries that have very little christianity. Essentially what you're saying is that anyone in India, China, Russia, or other countries like that are just going to get fucked over because they had no way of knowing or accepting Jesus as their saviour. If that's true, then he is basically more evil than Hitler, and I aint worshipping the fucker.
God is fair. Before the coming of Jesus, the people before him didn't know him either. When he died on the cross, Jesus went to the place of the dead. He spoke the truth to the dead and the dead that believe in him were saved. The same will happen to the dead that didn't learn of him in life.
The disciples are not Jesus, but their words are important. Their letters were added to the bible for a reason. But, whatever.
Well if you're using yourself as an example you aren't doing your argument any favours.
Also, no I don't know how all christians behave, but I know how a lot of them do. Where is this bigoted thing coming from? I mean, I know I'm a bigot and all, but it's not really explicit in the blog.
This blog does nothing but attack christians? All I did was twist the words of the guy who said it, and attack Christians who pick and choose which parts of the bible they want to obey. So if you're offended by this, you're probably one of those dickheads who doesn't follow the bible properly, and feel ashamed when people call you out.
Secondly, this was a blog about me being pissed off about a member of a christian charity saying people should be put to death because of their sexual preference. Again, if you're offended by that, I can't wait to see your face when you end up in hell for being a judgemental, homocidal cunt.
Thirdly, why would I include muslims when this is a blog directed at one organisation who are supposed to be non judging and help people, not condemn them to death.
I may be being a touch harsh on you. Yes, I am against christianity as a religion. This blog explains why
You are entitled to your beliefs, as am I. However, I am also allowed to vent when I see bullshit like this.
Turn the other cheek? Like you're doing now? You attack Muslims, but how many deaths have they caused in relation to Christianity? Last I checked they didn't start the Spanish Inquisition, The Crusades, or the myriad of holy wars they've started and been a part of. No, they're not all violent, and it's more representative of where they live rather than what they worship. You do forget, they worship the same God as you,. they just have different prophets. So they're basically Christians and can eat a fucking dick too. Hey Muslims: I think you're stupid, violent, sexist, xenophobic cocks! Are you happy now?
Also, I tried to reason with you in my last post, but fuck you. All you want is an argument, so I'll give you a fucking argument.
Also, you've done nothing but avoid my points, so shut the fuck up.
No, Allah was a moon god forced upon Arabs by Mohammed. Turning the other cheek doesn't mean back awy from a debate. Oh and shut the fuck up is not a good debating point. You still won't explain why you attack Christians but not Muslims. The crusades was a response to stop Muslim aggression into Europe. Your escalating anger tells me i am winning, thank you for the concession
I have three times! THIS BLOG HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MUSLIM BELIEF! I was raised a Christian, and I have some bitter feelings about the organised side of it. It's also the most popular religion, and the one that dominates the lives of the most people here in the Western world. It should be setting a better example. Our side of the world is supposed to be progressive. It's supposed to be the best it can be, and it's being held back by dickheads that pick and choose which parts of this book they want to follow.
Oh, and are you retarded? Allah isn't a moon god, it's the Arabic word for god. It is Jehovah/YHWH/God. A simple google search will prove you know fuck all.
Allah was a moon god, the Arabs were polytheistic until Mohammed started forcing the Arabs to worship Allah who is NOT the the same as Jehovah. You say you only attack Christianity because it's popular? Isn't that a silly argument? There is no Christian equivalent for Jihad. Oh and calling someone names is a common tactic when you can't win a debate with facts.
What the fuck is your problem? You're the fucking bigot here mate. There is no Christian version of Jhihad? Wtf dude. I dislike Christianity because of shit to do with my upbringing. If you read that fucking blog I pointed you to, you would know that. And Allah is the same God you fucking ignorant cock. They also worship Jesus, they just find him to be a lesser prophet. I did religious studies dickhead, at a fucking university last semester. If you want to argue, get your fucking facts right and stop being such a cock. Why the fuck are you beng such a dick to me anyway?
I didn't say I targeted Christianity because It was popular, I target it because it is the dominant religion here and it effects the most people. It's like I wouldn't go after the Italian government for shit that effects here.
Honestly, I'm sick of fighting with you. I'd like to say that we just have different opinions and leave it at that, but I get the feeling you won't take to that, that you'd rather blame another religion, and tell me I'm a bigot when you're doing exactly the same as me.
Alright guys, let's stop now. I think it's clear you don't see eye to eye and it's getting a bit out of control. It's fine to discuss religion/politics/whatever else here, but it needs to be a civilized, intelligent debate.
I'm sorry it's had to come to this, but if I see it continue any further, I'm going to have to take administrative action.
The bible was written by holy men throughout the ages and its not uncommon for us to find and read text out of content we all know as a rule of thumb whats good and whats bad and for anyone who believes the word of the bible its wrong to be gay in gods eyes so usually people of faith think its wrong and thats fine what's wrong is using threats of violence to back your reasoning Christian and other faiths just dont do that.
I also find it strange that many Christinas are so fixated on homosexuality, while ignoring most of the other old testament rules and laws. All sins are supposedly equal in the eyes of god. But then people bring up the (biblically true) argument that when jesus came he wiped out the out laws and you were just suppoed to follow his teachings. Oddly enough, he didn't ever directly speak about homosexuality. Some people bring up Matthew 19 where he talks about making a man and woman one by marriage, but it is actually a passage about divorce, and ironically saying that it is not allowed unless your wife cheats on you (which for some reason isn't nearly as big of a deal to them as gay marriage).
I'm not a Christian, but was brought up as one. I hate religion, all of them. But there are plenty of good people that also happen to be religious and I won't judge someone based solely on that. I just find it really annoying when someone uses their religion to justify their own dislike or hatred, but are perfectly willing to ignore the teachings that they don't like or agree with.
It seems like all religions have their nut jobs, and that overshadows the average person who is religious but doesn't agree with everything their faith says. What a lot of these folks need to realize is that if you treat everyone with respect, respect their views, and don't push your views on someone else, everyone would be better off.