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Diseased and Nostalgic but Still Gaming

On 12/09/2013 at 02:37 PM by KnightDriver

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     I played more Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Not much though. A depressing and busy week for me. More about that below.

     I played Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus but got stuck in the third planet unable to find the last collectible pieces to advance the story. My friend’s internet was down, so I couldn’t look up a walkthrough. So I started God of War: Ascension. It’s good, but something about the controls isn’t quite as perfect as previous God of War games. The platforming segments where you swing from your chains are especially problematic. Sometimes the game just doesn’t acknowledge your request to grapple unless you do it at some strange moment. I also got stuck several times in areas that didn’t adequately suggest what to do next. One time I had to destroy a large wooden framework and attacked it from all angles before I found just the right spot to destroy it. I almost gave up with it. The puzzles that use your ability to reconstruct or deconstruct the environment are pretty cool. I first saw that mechanic in Red Faction Guerrilla.  I still hate QTE’s. You can’t see the action that’s happening because you are too busy trying to look at the spot where the button prompt is going to appear. What’s the point of having an action segment that’s cool to watch if you can’t really pay attention to it? It’s a really bad gameplay feature. Developers please let it go.


     I bought Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine for Xbox 360. I played the demo when it came out years ago and thought the controls were good and the melee fighting exciting and fun. It took me a while to finally pick it up though.


     I’ve been reading Of Dice and Men: The Story of Dungeons & Dragons and the People Who Play It by David M. Ewalt. He writes about games for Forbes magazine. The book covers the origins of table top gaming, the history of D&D, the scandals, the public’s perception of it, the associated video games, and what’s in store for the future. All along Mr. Ewalt relates the events of an actual Dungeons & Dragons adventure that he played with his regular group. Yes, he writes for Forbes and plays D&D for real. It’s a very informative and fun read. I’m almost done with it and will relate my final opinion plus my own D&D experiences in a future blog. It’s been fun reminiscing about this game that became mega-popular at the same time arcades rose to prominence in the early 80’s.

    Finally this week has been really depressing as I discovered I had Lyme Disease. I caught it early and started antibiotics right away, so in three weeks I guess I should be alright. I see my doctor tomorrow to get the final word about it. This is the result of the overpopulation of deer and their ticks that spread the disease and my boundless enthusiasm for photographing and roaming in nature. I’ve been venturing around like this for my whole life and only now do I pick up something. What up with that?



Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/09/2013 at 03:36 PM

ah that sucks, man!  Luckily you caught it early.  I don't know much about the disease...  are you suffering from any symptoms?  How did you find out you had it?


12/09/2013 at 10:23 PM

Had some strange circulation problems. Thought I had a heart condition. All tests were just fine though except for the Lyme Disease one. Damn it. I'm just hoping I can survive the bills. But i think I'll manage. Just got my benefits but I don't think they'll cover this.


12/09/2013 at 06:55 PM

Damn that sucks!  I freaking hate ticks and any parasite.  Good thing it was caught early. 


12/09/2013 at 10:24 PM

Yea, the nurse at the ER called me when the test came in and said the number was pretty low but that I should start treating it right away. I agreed.

Vice's Assistant

12/09/2013 at 10:18 PM

I'm sorry hear that. At least you got it detected early that will surely help out with dealing with it. Hang in there.


12/09/2013 at 10:28 PM

Thanks. I'm hoping it's just these three weeks of antibiotic, another test to make sure it's gone, and then done. I already feel better after only five days of antibiotic, but they say you should stay on it the full course regardless of how you feel to make sure you get all of it. Times like this make you aware of your mortality and help focus you on what's most important. I seriously thought I was going to croak. Turns out I was overreacting, but what do I know. I'm not an M.D..


12/09/2013 at 10:25 PM

Oh no, I love going out in the woods to photograph. but I only go out in cold weather. I hope you get back on your feet soon.


12/09/2013 at 10:35 PM

I'm pretty good right now thanks. Just a little tired. I can't wait to see my Doctor tomorrow to know exactly how long I have to keep taking these antibiotics. I looked at the date on some of my photo shoots and think I picked it up mid September, probably the worst time to be out there, stupid me. I didn't feel anything strange for almost two months, but that's how this Lyme thing works I'm told.


12/10/2013 at 10:17 AM

Glad they caught it early. Widow from 1up has it chronically because they didn't catch it in time. I freaking hate ticks! I work in the woods and am paranoid to no end about them, so I usually find them before they've been attached long enough to transmit their little nasties. And it's the rodents that carry the bacteria and not the deer, by the way. kind of like fleas, rats, and bubonic plague. Im so damn cheery, lol.

I'm with you on QTEs. The only game that I've played that I found that it worked at all for was Mini Ninjas.


12/11/2013 at 03:11 AM

I only found out today that they have to be attached to you for a while to give you the Lyme disease. I don't know how I managed to miss it. 


12/10/2013 at 01:43 PM

Ooh Space Marine. I bought that a while back, played a little bit, and liked it. I don't know why I stopped playing it.

Ist that a Major Nelson podcast? I've been wanting to add a new gaming podcast to the lineup, but the ones I've tried so far seemed either uninteresting/fanboyish/or way too long. I only listen to Cheapassgamer, because they cover a bunch of games, and it sounds like three guys just hangning out.


12/11/2013 at 03:17 AM

I've been listening to Major Nelson's podcast for years now. I've gotten lots of Xbox user tips from E (Eric Neustadter) on the show that have been really helpful. They're a fun bunch too. Major Nelson has some funny quirks and the rest of them tease him. I always look forward to it every week.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

12/10/2013 at 03:05 PM

Sorry to hear about the Lyme Disease.  But my father-in-law also caught it a couple of years ago.  He's fine though.  I'm not sure if he still has it, but his life hasn't missed a beat.

I'm sure you'll be fine :-)


12/11/2013 at 03:19 AM

Just went to the doctor today. Three weeks on antibiotics and another test to make sure and all should be well. My last Dr's appointment will be the day after Christmas. It'll be an extra happy happy new year for me.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

12/11/2013 at 08:47 AM

Now that's the spirit!


12/10/2013 at 03:09 PM

Sucks you got the lyme disease. Hope you get better.


12/11/2013 at 03:20 AM



12/10/2013 at 08:31 PM

Ugh, ticks. That's lousy news. I'm glad you caught it so early. Hopefully you'll be completely better soon.

I have Space Marine on the PS3. It was a free PS+ game not long after I joined. Still haven't played it lol. I like the Warhammer 40k universe but I wish they wouldn't focus so much on the Space Marines. I always thought the Eldar were really cool.


12/11/2013 at 03:25 AM

About all I know about Warhammer is the metal band Bolt Thrower who got their name from Warhammer and the movie Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie that I saw last year. 


12/11/2013 at 08:31 PM

My older brother built an entire Tyranid army (very similar to the Zerg in StarCraft) but never really had anyone to have a proper battle against. I had aspirations of an Eldar force to challenge him with (I even bought the two Eldar codices) but I never got too far. Aside from the expense of buying all the models, I'm really terrible at painting those things lol


12/12/2013 at 02:42 AM

I see lots of those models at the comic shop every week. People really get into it.


12/13/2013 at 01:14 PM

that reminds me. I need to still post that ONline Pass Watch blog on that GoW game. The same for that warhammer game but I think I'll let that one slide.

always wanted to get into table top/pen and paper D&D but could never find a crew to play with. So far all I've been able to understand of the experiance is by watching the SpoonyOne's video series CounterMonkeys.

Sucks you got the Lyme. It only takes that one time to get bit by the wrong tick. It's why I always douse myself with DEET to the point where i think the DEET might do me more harm that the lyme desease itself. Plus I don't go out as much like I use to. It's mostly because I usually like to go out armed and most get uncomfortable because of it.


12/13/2013 at 04:26 PM

I noticed in reading the D&D wiki that there are single player adventures you can get. I got the D&D Mini Game, but even that requires two players. I can't even find one other person unless I go to the hobby store every weekend and join a group. I may do that, but it's a commitment.


12/14/2013 at 01:19 PM

Hope you get better as planned. What matters is that you are still gaming. I'm pretty healthy, but even I can't manage that lately!


12/15/2013 at 04:37 AM

It doesn't effect me all that much, but I can't wait to be declared cured. I hate having to take meds on a regular schedule.

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