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I, I , I. Me, Me Me. Games!

On 12/15/2013 at 03:27 PM by KnightDriver

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     I got stuck in Mario & Luigi: Dream Team trying to find Big Masiff but I think I figured it out. You have to use the Luiginoids to bat a bomb towards a target. I was just letting the bombs bounce off me to no effect. I think I just have to hit the bomb with the Luiginoids at the right moment like a baseball with a bat. I’ve seen several baseball references in this game and it makes me think of the Japanese infatuation with that sport.


                                                 Kratos: Wrath of the Fetus

     I finished God of War Ascension in ten hours. The Furies got the upper hand on Kratos and succeeded in keeping him too busy to have sexy time. Kratos prevailed over them in the end, but there’s no rest for the oath breaker. After Kratos beats the last Fury, he meets with Orkos and a Trophy pops up that I thought read “Bros Before Hos” but it’s actually “Bros Before Foes”. It might as well have been Hos though because you’re fighting female Furies the whole game until that point. I had to laugh. I guess Kratos is really too busy with a bromance with Orkos to get some sexy time with the women. I noticed Marianne Krawczyk in the writing credits and for a moment thought maybe a female’s perspective resulted in removal of the sexy time but Marianne has been on the writing staff of all the God of War games except for GOW: Ghost of Sparta. The game feels in many ways an attempt to be more appealing to a mainstream audience: easier gameplay, no sexy time, more Quick Time Events (QTEs). I feel there were a few too many QTEs but the fighting is amazing. When you get to use spell powers and rages, the whole screen becomes a whirl of destruction. It’s quite stunning. I played on “easy” and it wasn’t too much of a challenge. I think “normal” is probably the sweet spot for this game. I feel like GOW I and II were never this easy on any setting.


                                        Marianne Krawczyk, long time GOW writer

    I started God of War III right after Ascension (I guess I’m doing the whole series now in reverse order). The controls are a little different from Ascension. It feels more like GOW 1, 2.


     I bought God of War Collection, SNK Vs. Capcom: Card Fighters DS, and Skyrim. I now have every GOW game for my PS3. I hope they’ve patched the problem with GOW Collection. I owned it when it came out but traded it because I kept getting locked out of one or the other of the two games and had to erase the game data to get back in. I love card battle games since I played the Culdcept series and so had to jump on Card Fighters DS after reading about the original NeoGeo Pocket Color version. One of the carts has a glitch but it’s only during a second playthrough at a specific spot in the game. I don’t think I’ll get that far anyway. There is a version of the game out there with the glitch fixed. I’m not sure which one I have. I had Skyrim on my second tier of wanted games and wondered what I could have been thinking. It should be a must-have for me having got Oblivion day-one.  So I bumped it up and bought it. When I play it, I’ll have someone at work to talk to about it. I know very few gamers right now who I can talk to about games (other than you fine Pixlbits), so I can’t wait to get to it and have a serious talk about vampirism.

      A new Halo comic Halo: Escalation came out this week. It give reference to the final events of Halo 4 Spartan Ops where Dr. Halsey and Elite Jul ‘Mdama ally themselves against the UNSC and destroy the Forerunner planet Requiem. Then a new conflict begins between Brutes and Elites and the humans have to mediate. A fantatical group among the Elites tries to foil it. We’ll see if there’s a connection between ‘Mdama, Dr. Halsey and the fantatical Elite group. Elite ‘Mdama was certainly a true believer and saw himself as the new savior of the Elites, and I highly suspect Dr. Halsey to have rescued the leader of the attempted hijack of the Infinity in the previous comic series Halo: Initiation. So far so good. Sarah Palmer is still the Spartan main character alongside strategist Thomas Laskey who commands The Infinity. He is Commander Keyes to Palmer’s Master Chief in this series.

    Alas I’m sitting in a Starbucks writing this when I normally would be playing games all day at my friend’s place. He’s too busy with his new girl, and so I’m left with nothing to do. I’ve thought about filling the time with other pursuits like joining a board game group at my local hobby shop or going to the gym but these things just don’t appeal that strongly to me. So I just wait. Wait for that call… I think I'll go get drunk on Dragon's Milk.


                 Last week's Phily Cheesesteak, Tater Tots, Dragon's Milk and My PS3



Joaquim Mira Media Manager

12/15/2013 at 03:41 PM

You are right about the hitting the bombs like a bat, for Dream Team. I finished the game over a week ago, but I remember that part. I also got stuck there for a few minutes.


12/15/2013 at 04:08 PM

Beef Cloud is doing situps saying "lift quick" over and over and I didn't get it until I thought about it a little while.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/15/2013 at 04:16 PM



12/15/2013 at 04:35 PM

More specifically the Luiginoid Stack in this case.


In the Dream World you use multiple Luigi's to form different things like the Luiginoid Ball and Stack.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/15/2013 at 04:30 PM

Dragon's Milk? How's it taste? 

And I love the Japanese obsession with baseball, since it led to "my" Texas Rangers getting an awesome pitcher (Yu Darvish). 


12/15/2013 at 04:37 PM

Oh man, that beer was STRONG! How do you milk a dragon anyway? I've been told you can milk anything with nipples. Do dragon's have nipples?


12/15/2013 at 09:57 PM

I guess Dragon's Milk is a man's beer. I definitely agree that removing sexy time was an attempt of the makers marketing the game more for a mainstream audience.


12/15/2013 at 10:22 PM

That beer was not easy to drink. I think it was grog for Trolls.

In every previous game those moments got a lot of attention. I guess it's ok to let it go. Clearly a lot of kids play the game. I saw a pic once of some kid inked up like Kratos. 


12/16/2013 at 01:29 PM

Funny you mentioned going back and playing GOW I & II. I bought that collection awhile back and wow the controls are different, and it was harder than I remember. I liked Ascension but it felt easy compared to the other GOW games on the PS2/PSP. 


12/16/2013 at 02:11 PM

Yea, Ascension was way easier. GOW I and II really challenged me. 


12/16/2013 at 05:40 PM

I'll probably get Ascension when I see it real cheap.  I own SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters on the NGP.  For some reason I have the US and JP versions.


12/16/2013 at 09:46 PM

I just went to my local retro game store and saw they had a NGPC for $50. They didn't have that game though. At least I know where I can get a system some time.


12/17/2013 at 05:06 PM

You can get a NeoGeo Pocket as cheap as $20 off ebay.  I picked up mine many years ago.  I paid about $30 for it.  I would like to get another one. 


12/18/2013 at 12:43 AM

Yea, online is better.


12/17/2013 at 03:40 PM

Funny you should mention the "Bros before Hos" because I think that's what it was suppose to be called originally. But they changed it when someone looked at the games code or something and noticed that phrasings and fearing someone might get offened by it. NOt sure if that's correct but your not that far off the mark. Also BOOBIES!

Looks like I need to once again read up on the Halo novels if only to fill in the blanks between games *sigh*. Still sore over how they screwed up Halo Reach with Halo: The Fall of Reach.


12/17/2013 at 03:57 PM

Saying "Foes" is a great way to say "Hos" without really saying it. Smart guys. 

I still have to finish Halo 4. I got stuck in a part where you fight off waves of enemy with a stationary gun. I kept getting overwelmed. Looks like Halo: Spartan Assault is out next week, so if I finish that quickly, I'll get back to Halo 4 and finish it proper. I'm starting to get the feeling that the Halo story is getting too complicated. With Forerunners and Promethians in the mix, I'm beginning to think the franchise has begun to crawl up its own ass.


12/18/2013 at 02:18 PM

Make sure to play "Spartan Ops" after you beat halo 4, it continues the story where the end of Halo 4 ends off. It might not be much but it is an interesting concept in progressing the story in game form.

I'm thinking Halo has got to the point where it's just getting to big for it to be covered in games and written media. We might need to have a movie eventually that adds more to the series. We saw it with Forward unto Dawn. But they should try to scale things back so we don't get too confused. We got books that take place way in the past and ones that fill in the gaps between the games. There is such a thing as oversaturation.


12/18/2013 at 03:50 PM

I read the Spartan Ops stuff on Wiki, but I'm going to finish the game soon and see it for myself. This stuff about the Composer confuses me.


12/18/2013 at 02:54 PM

I loved GOW 1 & 2. Probably moreso II for the bosses and level designs though to me Kratos was more "likable" in GOW 1. (I could tell he was mostly styled after Hercules who was one of my favorite Greek heroes. The story of how Herc lost his family was similar to how Kratos lost his. In both cases the gods more or less forced the protagonists to slay their lovers and children with their own two hands.) It's too bad the GOW collection has issues because they're really spectacular games! (Especially considering they came out during the PS2 era yet still hold up great even today)


12/18/2013 at 03:53 PM

GOD writer Marianne KrawCzyk won a BAFTA for the characterization of Kratos in GOW II. The fighting is great in all of them it's just that there's less of it as the series progresses. I have to play more of GOW III to see if it's as good as I and II. Ascension though is definitely GOW light.


12/18/2013 at 04:13 PM

Heh, kind of weird Marianne won a BAFTA for GOW 2's writing. I mean it wasn't "bad writing" but I wouldn't say it was up there with Neir, Dragon-age,Mass Effect 1 & 2,Kotor, and Persona 4 either. However, before I dismiss Marianne with smug snooty indifference I should remember everyone has different tastes and GOW 2 was "still" a great game! I simply thought Kratos was more relatable in the first game whereas in the second game he was more irrational,more of an overall dick to the people he encountered, and much more angry. I understand "why" Kratos was pissed off but I think they dragged it out too long and over exaggerated it in some ways. I mean when you throw a naked helpless women into a bunch of gears just to hold open a door it's definitely time you saw a therapist! (Especially considering the same area was littered with monster corpses too)


12/18/2013 at 04:20 PM

Ha ha! Kratos will do anything to get the job done. No mercy.


12/18/2013 at 04:37 PM

That's true. lol. But for me it was getting a tad too gratuitous, kind of like a torture porn movie. I mean he had no reason to throw Poseidon's serving girl (or daughter?) into those gears. A minotaur corpse would have had the same result. (Hell, it likely would have worked better because I imagine minotaurs and monsters in general have thicker bones and denser muscle mass than most humans do)

Maybe Kratos simply wanted to hurt Poseidon on an emotional level but it's hypocritical Kratos is just as petty as the gods themselves while fighting them.

I'm sure Marianne would argue it's deliberate irony and adds to the tragedy of Kratos as a character yet you cannot deny many of these scenes of wanton violence tend to appeal to the tween dude/bro demographic. Sadly, most 15 year olds aren't going to grasp Marianne's deeper messages. (Unless they replay the games at 20 something and finally understand.)

As far as these kinds of characters go, I rather throw my lot in with Dante or Ryu Hayabusa. At least they can "reason" and not everything they do is because of blind idiotic rage. Kratos is "awesome" as a character in design but he would be a terrible friend and a terrible rescuer!


12/18/2013 at 11:46 PM

Yea, I never really saw Kratos as that deep a character. It's the typical revenge story with a lot of brutal violence. But it's just the nature of his world. Things have to been brutally put down if you want to get anything done and the gods are total bastards. In Ascention there's lots of Medusa's getting split to the breast and Elephantaur's having their brains exposed. The Empusa get bent backward as Kratos impales them on their own insect-like legs. Eew! And kinda sexy. Sometimes an innocent gets in the way or has to be sacrificed to serve Kratos' purposes. Usually it's unavoidable, so there's no moral choice to be made. You just have to do it to progress. Kratos appeals to our primal memories of living in traditional societies where men are warriors from day one, might is right, and vengeance is the best form of justice. That's all.

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