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Do Graphics Matter? PBS Game/Show Vid

On 12/19/2013 at 02:41 AM by KnightDriver

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     This video was really good ripping super fast through all the major issues about graphics in video games. See if you can keep up. I gotta watch it again to get it all.         




Super Step Contributing Writer

12/19/2013 at 05:50 AM

Interesting guy. I've thought about doing videos like this myself. I need a better camera, though. I'd ask for one for Christmas, but I already know what I'm talking about is above the credit card limit Santa has set on his presents for me. 

I agree that immersion is more important than the number of pixels on screen, but I do like crisp, clean graphics at the highest resolution I can get nonetheless. I just watched that video in 1080p simply because I can with my new laptop, after all. In fact, watching things in HD is like my favorite pastime with this thing. lol 

I thought it was clever how he used the fact he shot parts of this video at different times as a joke related to the point he was making. I'm talking about how the video was in the same resolution the entire time, but he said the clips he used from after he had gotten a haircut were the 720p versions because he had less hair. 


12/19/2013 at 02:43 PM

That video was edited very well and full of great humor. Graphics are like the first thing people are wowed about in games. It's used as a selling point because how do you relate immersion to someone in a 30 second commercial? Visual flair attracts the eye. It's only human.

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

12/19/2013 at 05:55 AM

I think most people are upset that their PS4/XOne was marketed as these awesome machines (it's not really about the graphics, but the message) when the exact same thing happened for the PS3/X360. Now I'm not saying that those systems are powerful enough. It's just how they are marketed, and the fools that follow through in buying them. You might as well get a good PC if you're going to be complaining about the "Resolution Gate".


12/19/2013 at 02:49 PM

Yea. If all you care about is graphics, then PC is the way to go. Just get ready to pay in the thousands instead of hundreds and have some technical knowledge to boot. I got tired of messing with PC parts way back and became a console guy. However, Steam and GOG are making me think about PC again.

Graphics are great. I mean, I'm actually waiting to pick up Assassin's Creed 4 until I have a PS4 because I heard the smoke from the ship guns is so much better than on last gen systems. Silly me, sometimes graphics matter to me. Sometimes it's just about gameplay.

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

12/19/2013 at 03:33 PM

The Steam Machines are going to shake the market quite a bit for Sony and Microsoft.


12/20/2013 at 02:28 AM

I know. I'm scared for them. One of my podcasts was talking about price differences today and why Steam can sell games for so cheap and MS and Sony have to charge full price for downloadable versions on their consoles. Something about the lack of retail presence for PC games and their inability to be resold at stores like Gamestop makes the publishers more willing to make deals to sell cheaper on PC. A Steam machine could really pull the rug out from under MS and Sony. The machine will be more expensive than consoles, but the games will be so much cheaper.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/19/2013 at 07:10 AM

 Decent video. I agree with him that Aesthetic is far more important than graphical fidelity. However.... I like Extra Punctuation better lol.

 Resolution isn't that important, but realisitically, if my pc can run at 1080p, and these consoles are newer and supposedly better atm, why the fuck can't they?


12/19/2013 at 02:57 PM

Someone brought up the idea that these resolution numbers are a bit misleading. I mean, if a game runs at 60 frames per second at 720p and another runs at 30 fps at 1080p, which is better? Designers have to decide which is more important, the feel of the action or resolution. On top of all that, 4K screens are going to appear soon. What does 1080p matter with that? I guess I'm saying there's more to a game than just it's resolution. People think it's the determining factor, but play the game, what's the experience like, that's more important I think. Still, people are trying to figure out which system to buy and they're trying to make these numbers decide for them. I remember thinking about resolution a lot last gen when I was buying a new TV, but now, it doesn't seem to matter as much. Most TVs are 1080p now and very few games play at that rate anyway. Both systems are going to have gorgeous games. This nit picking is a little silly as the video points out.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/19/2013 at 03:22 PM

 Seriously, it makes a HUGE difference to graphics. Obviously FPS is important, but if you can't get the game running at 1080p, either these new systems are underpowered or you're a bad developer, because a fucking laptop can handle 1080p.


12/19/2013 at 03:40 PM

Yea. I remember this complaint last gen when it was discovered most games on 360 were only running at 720p or less. Why buy a 1080p TV if the games don't run at that rate? Is it still true the new systems struggle to get to 1080p? Maybe I can hold off on a new TV another year or two.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/19/2013 at 03:52 PM

That's the point though isn't it? They struggled with this shit last generation. 


12/20/2013 at 02:30 AM

And they got a lot of people to get HD TVs. Mine is 1080i and I always felt I needed something better, but now I don't much care. What I got is just fine.


12/19/2013 at 07:29 AM

I really could care less about graphics. I can appreciate them easily enough, but as long as I know what's going on, I'm good. I'd be fine playing Pong lol. Gameplay is what matters to me.


12/19/2013 at 03:01 PM

I would agree but then I think of my reaction to Oblivion when it came out. I bought a 360 mainly 'cause of the gorgeous environments. Then Killzone: Shadowfall which if I had the money right now I would've bought a PS4 because of those incredible waterfalls spilling down over the skyscrapers. I guess I get suckered into these graphic rich games just like everyone else.


12/19/2013 at 04:33 PM

I'd say 90% of the PS3 games I own are forgettable rubbish, and I don't have much desire to revisit them. I'm playing Resistance 3 right now, and it certainly looks pretty, but in the back of my mind I'm thinking... I could just play Doom or Quake 3 instead. I can understand where you coming from, but to me it doesn't matter. Maybe I'm just getting old and cynical lol. Foot in Mouth


12/20/2013 at 02:34 AM

I get swayed by graphics, but it's good gameplay that keeps me interested. Oblivion turned out to be a very frustrating game for me and I never finished it. I ended up enjoying Crackdown way more because it was so much fun, graphics be damned.


12/19/2013 at 08:10 AM

I like game play first but I also like art style which isn't really about graphical prowess. 


12/19/2013 at 03:03 PM

I get that. If I didn't have a PS3 already, I would've bought one just for Ni No Kuni whose Studio Ghibli graphics made me crazy to play that game. Or Valkyria Chronicles or Okami for a PS2. I love a watercolor style in my games.


12/19/2013 at 08:25 AM

People always buy the new systems thinking the graphics will be incredible but the truth is although the systems can bring out hi res hd graphics its really up to the software companies to maximize how good the graphics are Microsoft and Sony give delvelopers the tools to do it but its up to software companies to make the awesome graphics and just like the ps3 and 360 it will take time after all software companies have to get use to the new hardware provided.


12/19/2013 at 03:06 PM

Yea, there are many choices a developer has to make. As powerful as the new consoles are, they still have their limits. Dead Rising 3 probably sacrificed some graphical integrity to put those hundreds of zombies on the screen. What's more important there? LOTS OF ZOMBIES! Oh yeah!


12/19/2013 at 09:52 PM

But just remember that most software companies are still figuring out the systems look at the 360 it took 4 years before they really started pumping out great graphics but for me its the gameplay state of decay is a perfect example the graphics are average at best but the game is a blast and I will choose that over graphics anyday.


12/20/2013 at 02:52 AM

That's why it's so hard to tell what will be good or not. The Cave was no graphical powerhouse, but I loved it. I played the demo almost at random and realized it would be good. I could've easily missed that one.


12/19/2013 at 10:20 AM

I don't care much for graphics, but they do help.  It's easier to get into a game if I enjoy looking at it.  


12/19/2013 at 03:10 PM

I just bought Shaun White Snowboarding so I could see the gorgeous snowy mountain graphics and the excellent downhill runs, but I couldn't get into the gameplay at all. How do you do snowboarding tricks in this game? Grrr! I so want to play it more to see the sights but I'm just not into snowboarding at all. Graphics pulled me in, gameplay threw me out.


12/19/2013 at 11:13 AM

Well, when you look back over the past 20 years and the majority of SNES games have aged better than everything after, do they really matter?


12/19/2013 at 03:11 PM

Yea, did you see how many SNES games were referenced in that video? A lot!


12/19/2013 at 03:23 PM

I guess what I was trying to say is that graphics are not what sells a game for me.  I do want to play Killzone:  Shadows Fall.  I know that it is supposed to have amazing graphics, but that is not why I would want to play it.


12/20/2013 at 02:23 AM

I liked the first Killzone, that's part of it for me. I was awed by the 3D footage for Killzone 3. I think I played the demo for Killzone 2 and didn't like it much though. Anyway, I like the Killzone universe and great graphics just makes me even more interested.

Justin Matkowski Staff Alumnus

12/19/2013 at 12:27 PM

I've seen this video series, it is pretty solid! Transmet makes a great point; if you look at gaming from a quality standpoint in terms of aging, it's no wonder why so many gamers stand by those classic SNES titles, as well as a whole new generation who is discovering them for the first time and gravitating towards Retro Gaming. 

Obviously, a gaming experience such as The Last of Us' is enhanced by its graphical prowess, but I can't say that the game accomplishes more visually than TellTale's The Walking Dead or even Chrono Trigger, in the same way that I can't say Skyrim is more immersive than A Link To The Past. In my opinion, graphical fidelity's only importance is the degree that it helps developers bring their vision to life, and that is a very subjective thing.  I think games like Earthbound, the Kirby franchise, SMW, and many others are far more visually compelling than most titles that strive for "realism", and they'll age much better to boot.

I think the reason why graphics are marketed as a game's selling point is the fact that publishers aren't catering to established gamers, they are trying to reach people that are more casual with their gaming tastes. If publishers would realize why we play video games in the first place, you would see that approach change.



12/19/2013 at 03:18 PM

Yea, they're reaching for the mainstream casual gamer with all this graphics stuff. We serious gamers will wait in the wings for a deeper experience or one that will satisfy our particular freaky tastes.

Avert your eyes oh gamers true.

This is just the salesmen selling poo.

   I think about how Minecraft repelled me with its simplistic graphics for the longest time until I tried the demo on XBL and fell head over heals for it. That game, like many others, needs to be played to be understood.

Justin Matkowski Staff Alumnus

12/19/2013 at 11:02 PM

I think that Seussian rhyme is actually now the official slogan of E3!

And Minecraft is a great example of a title's visuals working in cohesion with the gameplay. I bet the first time some MBA at a AAA publisher saw Minecraft, they immediately thought "This is a VIDEO GAME? Where are the guns, the stubble, and the veiny arms, Brah?"


12/20/2013 at 03:02 AM

Seussian. Yea, it totally is. Ha!

IGN's Podcast Unlocked today mentioned Minecraft just hit 10 million in sales on Xbox 360 almost reaching the 13 million on PC right now. Add to that it being put on next gen systems soon and I think we could start calling the Xbox One and PS4 the Minecraft Machines. It's incredible the popularity of that game based on nothing more than the ease at which you can alter its environment.

"veiny arms" ha!


12/20/2013 at 03:43 PM

Wow. this video was actually done very well. Very smart and it made a lot of good points. It was informative, intelligently done and geunueilly funny in some areas while not making it sound to pointed. This is a PBS series you say? i need to check this out. It's even better than Play Value.


12/20/2013 at 04:08 PM

This is the youtube channel. I'm not sure what the PBS connection is. I stumbled across this video quite by accident.

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