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Winter Gaming Full of Snow

On 12/23/2013 at 01:08 AM by KnightDriver

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     Saturday was the first day of Winter, the Winter Solstice, so I thought about what wintry games I could play this week and went out a bought a few and played them while drinking some First Snow Ale. Read on for the results.


    The first one I thought about, and then bought for $3 at Gamestop, was Shaun White Snowboarding. I’ve always wanted to play this for the reported amazing mountain graphics. The game does look gorgeous. The mountains are beautiful and the ski trails are very natural looking and interesting to go down. Thing is, I really had a tough time figuring out how to do stunts. The controls baffled me. Perhaps with some persistence I could get it, but doing tricks doesn’t really interest me that much. I just wanted to ski around and take in the sights, maybe do some exploring. So I moved on.

     The second game I thought of was Lost Planet: Extreme Condition which takes place on a cold planet persistently covered with deep snow. I had played it back in 2006 when it came out, and remembered it fondly, so I went and picked it up again for a couple bucks and dug in. The game looks great and gives you the feeling of a cold winter planet really well. You crunch through the snow and get buried in it all the time. You’re always on the edge of a white-out condition. You play in third person and the pace of the action is not fast. On foot or in a mech you kind of slog around and shoot everything that moves. I played perhaps half of the game before I came upon a boss that I couldn’t beat because it moved so much faster than me. It got unbearably frustrating so I put it down.

     Another game with a wintry theme I thought about, and then bought at my local retro store for $3, was The Thing for original Xbox. This is a 2002 horror game based on the movie of the same name. Its graphics are good for the time, easily holding up to similar games like Red Faction and Half-Life. You play in third-person and are part of a special forces investigating after the events of the movie. The gameplay is of a team-based shooter where you control a medic, an engineer or a soldier. You move through buildings looking for keys and keycard codes and picking up amo, weapons, and other tools to help you like fire extinguishers, medicine, and flashlights. When you go outside, you have a cold meter which goes down over time because of the extreme cold. When it runs out, you start taking damage (Lost Planet has a similar system where if you don’t replenish the energy needed for your thermal attachment, you start losing health). I got about half way through the game before some gameplay mechanic wore out my patience. The issue was using the flamethrower. To kill the larger monsters, you have to shoot them down to the last bit of health and then use flame to finish them off. Switching to the flame thrower is not quick but not too problematic, but aiming it is. The default angle of the flamethrower is pointed down just ahead of your feet. This is shooting from the hip in third person, which is the fastest way to use it, but doing so does not help you much and most of the time gets you killed from taking fire damage. The solution is to move into first person to shoot it but you have to click and hold down on the right analog stick and aim with the left analog stick. This is very awkward and makes you move very slowly or not at all. This is intolerable when you have three of these big Things rushing you at once. I worked with this annoyance for a long while because the game was really interesting and fun, but I finally got to a controller throwing level of frustration and had to stop.

    I had some more winter games on my list, like LostWinds 2: Winter of the Melodias [WIiWare] but didn’t have the cash or time to get them. Maybe next year at this time.

     I’m making Christmas Halo themed this year because I’m getting Halo: Spartan Assault on XBL Christmas Eve. So after finishing my winter games, I started Halo 4 again. I bought this game day-one and only played about half of it, getting frustrated by one part where I kept getting overwhelmed by waves of enemy. This time, I played on Easy and got through that part and moved on very deep into the game and saw some new areas I hadn’t before like the Mammoth vehicle section that reminded me of a similar part in Gears of War 3. After playing Lost Planet and The Thing and getting annoyed with their controls, it was so nice to play a game with perfect controls. It amazes me that no one apparently had used the Right stick move, left stick look/aim before Halo: Combat Evolved and that after that everyone used it (The Thing came out about the same time as Halo: CE and, while I played it, I kept wishing it had Halo controls). I still loath the story in Halo 4, but the action in the game is so smooth and enjoyable, and the environments so rich and open to investigation, that I couldn’t get angry at it even once. I ran out of time playing this game on Sunday for five hours straight, but I would’ve gone half the night if I could and finished it in one sitting. Maybe next week I’ll be able to finish it up and try out some Spartan Ops multiplayer.


    Here’s some other games I bought this week but didn’t play: Resistance 3 I’ve always wanted and it was $12. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga I thought I still owned, but apparently not, so I had to get a copy. It’s still pricey at around $25 at Gamestop, but I couldn’t be without it. Finally, I got Beyond Good and Evil HD and Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World on XBL because they were on sale for $2.50 each. I couldn’t pass those up at that price.

         I’m still playing Mario & Luigi: Dream Team but in very small amounts. Every time I pick up the 3DS XL I marvel at how cool a system it is.

    I downloaded the free XBL game Shoot Many Robots. I liked it ok except those darn chainsaw robots drove me nuts and I quit.

      A new Mass Effect Foundation issue came out, number 6. It’s more about Miranda Lawson and JacobTaylor looking for the body of Commander Shepard for Cerebus. They get themselves nearly killed but soldier on getting closer to finding who has the body.

   And that’s it for the first week of winter 2013. Christmas is upon us and I hope everyone’s gaming dreams come true. I know I have something special I asked Sumo Santa for this year. I would make some comment suggesting that he’d better deliver, but I know the power of the Flabalanch and Belly Launcher, so I’ll say nothing and just hope.



Super Step Contributing Writer

12/23/2013 at 01:37 AM

Interesting you should mention a snowboarding game first, since the only wintry games I really own are 1080 Snowboarding and Snowboard Kids 2. I could pop those in, or just stay in Phendrana Drifts in Metroid Prime and listen to the soothing music as the snow comes down in the game. Cause it ain't coming down outside, even though it was a couple weeks ago. Stupid Texas weather, always getting its holidays and seasons mixed up. 

I used to have a friend on 1up who seemed to talk about nothing but Lost Planet. Must be a great game, cause people really seem to respond to it. Sorry about the boss troubles. I recall sighing heavily and/or foaming at the mouth, ready to bomb a local fireworks, candy, kittens, puppies, and cute orphaned children factory when it came to some of the more impossible bosses in my youth.

The Thing sounds interesting as well; too bad about the flamethrower mechanic. 

I might not be a big Halo fan, aside from the fact it's the most tolerable FPS series for me, but I definitely appreciate the introduction of those dual analog control schemes. I'd argue those were around before Halo, though. Well, not argue really, just state based on perceived memory, there must have been some games doing that previously. I'm sure you might be able to prove me wrong though, as far as popular examples using the camera-stick/control stick method. Of course, you could argue, while not perfect, the c buttons on the N64 controller or Playstation's Dualshocks were the first to implement the basic idea of that control scheme. 

I think if I buy next gen/now gen/whatever post-Gamecube/PS2/Xbox/DS gen hardware, it might have to be a 3DS. So many games I want, including Mario and Luigi. It's less Golden Sun and more Paper Mario, right? If it is a JRPG. It would be awesome for me if it wasn't, to be honest. lol 

Shoot Many Robots sounds like fun. But man, you just can't catch a break from frustrating games, can you? 

I finally made my wishlist (literally consisting of exactly one item) over the weekend. Let's hope Santa can find the right Target, Wal Mart, or Gamestop!


12/23/2013 at 02:30 AM

Yea, I'm not sure if Halo did it first but possibly the game's popularity made developers copy that more than any other game. The dual analog sticks started with PS1 controllers around 1997 so I wonder what games used that control scheme a few years before Halo came out. I need to go play Duke Nukem 3D on PS1 again to remember how the controls worked. Maybe that was one.


12/23/2013 at 10:16 AM

I forgot about my Mass Effect comic again.  Thanks for the heads up. Laughing


12/23/2013 at 09:10 PM

They're still good. It does feel a little weird to follow a story that doesn't exist in the gaming world at the moment. Well, I guess the universe of Mass Effect will go on, but plots like the search for Shepard seem like old news now.


12/23/2013 at 12:03 PM

I dig the winter theme of games!

I see you picked up the Shaun White Target Edition. Did you try the special Target course? I have the regular version, and I enjoyed it, but I don't know why I never finished it. It was a fun game, and with a little practice the controls aren't bad.

If you have a Target nearby, check their $20 wall because Lego Star Wars is there. For a little less than GameStop you get a new copy. I almost bought one a couple of days ago, but I need to start knocking some games off of Mount Backlog first.

Is Spartan Assult part of the XBL sale? If so I might pick it up to give it a try. I'm really digging the Days of Christmas sale because I'm getting some new games for super cheap.


12/23/2013 at 09:16 PM

I didn't get far enough in the game to find the Target Mountain. The wiki page says it's hard to find and the runs really hard.

$20 new at Target? Man I may have to check it out, just to have a new copy.

I don't think Spartan Assault will be on sale. It's $15. I need to go home and check out the sales again. I got several games already for dirt cheap. Not new ones though.


12/29/2013 at 09:20 PM

$15 bucks doesn't sound too bad for SA. When it is released I want to give it a try. It looks like something I'd really enjoy.


12/23/2013 at 02:21 PM

Wow, you're certainly being more productive than I am, that's for sure. Hope you have a fantastic Christmas too!


12/23/2013 at 09:19 PM

I wish I could get to the end of those games I played but I'm a bit impatient lately considering my enormous backlog and my limited time. A game's gotta be solid through and through or I'm going to move on to something else.

I hope Sumo Santa brings you lots of toys and challenges you to a wrestling match. Watch out for his Air Blubber. That one's brutal.


12/24/2013 at 05:44 PM

Have a merry christmas dude.

I do agree that Halo did so much for the FPS genre. It was never the first FPS for a console, but it's the one that adapted very well the genre to the home consoles.


12/24/2013 at 10:35 PM

Yea, I played plenty of FPS games on console before that, but Halo was the first to really compete with PC games. At the time, I was still playing games like Red Faction on PC but soon after Halo, I played those games on console instead.

Have a merry Yaksmas yourself and remember to Flek the Walls and Decorate Yourself with a Hairy Chestwig. 


12/29/2013 at 10:21 PM

My word, I cannot stand Shaun White's face. I'm sorry, but he just has such a terrible face. They sell Shaun White clothes at Target and I cringe everytime I see him.

I've always wanted to play Lost Planet, despite the problems people say it has. I'll have to grab a copy before 360 games start disappearing from GameStop.

I've never played The Thing or seen the movie or the more recent remake but I have read the original story, "Who Goes There?" by John W. Campbell, and that game really does sound anything like the story. I guess they had to take some artistic liberties to make it gamey.


12/30/2013 at 12:40 AM

The first time I played Lost Planet I had no trouble with it except for the final boss and I still beat it. This time I just got so frustrated with it and it seemed like you moved so slowly all the time. And don't remind me 360 games are going to disappear from Gamestop. That's when I start binge buying. LOL

I've never read any of the stories or seen the movie but the game was pretty good except for the flamethrower controls. I'm sad that it ruined the game for me. I wanted to finish it.


12/30/2013 at 07:44 PM

It's a really good story, so you should try to find a copy to read. Shouldn't be too hard, either, because it was first published in 1938.


12/31/2013 at 12:12 AM

Cool! I put it on my list. The John W. Campbell 1938 novella "Who Goes There?" that is.


12/31/2013 at 02:12 PM

I did a list like this long ago. Love your choices. Too bad I dind't feel the urge to winter game thsi time around..


01/01/2014 at 01:17 AM

I can add Mario & Lugi: Dream Team now too because right after this blog I got to the summit of Mt. Pajama and am dealing with all sorts of ice.

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