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Year 2013: Most Played Games – Part 2

On 01/03/2014 at 03:03 AM by KnightDriver

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    Lots of games provide a main story that lasts ten or less hours that I can say I finished in 2013. Some I still didn’t finish in that time, but at ten hours, I’d say I was interested enough to spend a weekend or two playing them and for that they deserve a mention.

                                                      Open Season [Xbox 360]


     I love popping in movie liscenced games sometimes. They’re usually cheap and sometimes worth playing all the way through. This was one of them.

    It’s a third person adventure game in an attractive wooded park land that reminds me of Yellowstone National Park. The game has some interesting mechanics involving throwing Skunks, Beavers, Squirrels and Ducks. Your object as Boog the Bear and Elliot the Buck, is to do tasks for these animals so they become your friends who then allow you to throw them at hunters. In the end, you go up against the prime hunter Shaw and, when you win, you unlock a load of mini games involving races, platforming, and target shoots.

    I nearly got all the achievements but a couple of the mini games had top goals that were pretty hard to get. I like a challenge, but I don’t like beating my head into the ground just for an achievement.

    Ubisoft Montreal (Prince of Persia, Assassin’s Creed) developed the game and they do a pretty good job on these licensed games.

                                                            The Cave [XBLA]


       Created by Ron Gilbert of Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island fame, The Cave is an adventure game with lots of puzzles and some of the gameplay  of a platformer.  You get seven characters to choose from at the beginning and each has a series of different environments to solve and advance through a unique story line. The puzzles are a lot of fun and not too brutally difficult. The only one I had a lot of trouble with was the Time Traveller. There were objects you had to put by a well which changed as you moved to different time periods. Picking just the right combination to get the right result in each time period was tricky. Other than that it was just the right level of difficulty. The harder part was nailing all the achievement points which I finally did. There are various different goals, the hardest probably being getting through one complete playthrough without dying once. This can be a bit tricky if you just by accident step into a pit that you forgot was there. You can only fall just so far. Or not time your shield just right in front of a fire breathing dragon. I thoroughly enjoyed this game and couldn’t put it down for like three days until I had done everything that could be done in the game. I wished there was more. I hope Ron is doing something new because I’ll be right there. In the meantime, I can go back to Maniac Mansion and the Monkey Island series. What fun!

                                              Call of Juarez: Gunslinger [XBLA]


    I’ve played the first two full console games in the Call of Juarez series and really liked them. I finished the first game, but didn’t quite finish Bound in Blood. There was a stealth section that really steamed me, but I’m easily steamed by stealth in games. They are both first-person shooters in the old west with big open worlds and an interesting story. Gunslinger is like an abbreviated and more arcade version of those games with an elaborate scoring system. I have to say that the story was great and the shooting very smooth and exciting. The graphics look great too.

    After ten hours of play, I could have kept going and replayed levels for achievements and high score, but I’m not all that competitive that way; however, the gameplay and visuals were so good, I may go back just to experience it again.

     This was a welcome return to form after the strange turn to the modern day with COJ: The Cartel that came out a couple of years ago. I haven’t played it yet, but reviews complained of tastelessness. I’ve heard that it was designed for co-op and that single player is a chore, but I’ll play it one day. I’m a fan of the series.

                                                    Call of Duty 3 [Xbox 360]


    I’ve been waiting a long time to play this game and I finally did this year.

     It’s a WWII FPS that’s really gritty. In one mission you begin by pretending your dead in a pile of bodies while Nazi’s put bullets into anyone not quite dead. It’s harrowing and gives you some taste of the horrors of war.

    The gameplay is rock solid and it’s very satisfying to play. I never did go for a complete achievement run though because the harder difficulty levels are super brutal. I just don’t have the patience for it.

                          The History Channel: Civil War - A Nation Divided [Xbox 360]


    My gaming buddy and I have often mentioned trying to play every FPS ever made and this would include the History Channel games.

     What makes this game stand apart from other FPS’s is its historical accuracy, at least in the depiction of the locations of various battles in the Civil War and the weapons used. I thought it was really neat to see how long it really takes to reload a musket and to feel like I was in the real locations and see how it looked to soldiers in the field. The gameplay was decent but I didn’t want to play this on the hardest difficulty because of issues where enemy would shoot through cover. I did have fun finding all the hidden letters that soldiers wrote and the photographs.  At some point I’d like to take a shot at all the other History Channel games.

                                                   Blood Knights [XBLA]


    This is a third-person action RPG like Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance but with lots of melee fighting ala God of War. You become a vampire in the game and can drain blood as well, a key skill to beating the game. I guess I didn’t master it though because at the very end, I couldn’t beat the boss. The frustration was high like I had with the game Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale a few years ago, another game I couldn’t finish because of a glitch in the environment of the final boss fight. So for 90% of this game I really enjoyed, but ending as it did, I’m kind of annoyed by it now.

                                            Ratchet & Clank Into Nexus [PS3]


     So this is back to the old style of Ratchet and Clank games: lots of shooting, exploring, space travel, and platforming. What halted me though was the collecting. I got stuck on the third world and couldn’t find the last few collectibles to advance the story. I must’ve combed the area several times and still couldn’t locate them. I’d look up a FAQ but I feel like I shouldn’t have to do that and blame bad design. With so many other games I have to play, I took a break. At some point I’ll look up that FAQ and finish it, but I got better things to do.

                                               God of War Ascension [PS3]


     This fourth God of War game bothered me a little bit. It was loaded with way more QTE’s than I remember in either GOW 1 or 2 and on easy difficulty, it was very easy. God of War games are always tough even on the easiest difficulty. So this felt a little less like the God of War I was used to and more like a watered down version for the masses. Still, the visuals were outstanding and the addition of magic abilities on top of your usual fighting combos really made the screen pop with explosive effects. So I enjoyed it, but I don’t really want to play all those QTE’s again, even if the fighting is still fun.

                                                        Halo 4 [Xbox 360]


                          MC fading to the background as Commander Laskey

                             and Spartan Sara Palmer start running the show.

    Halo 4. What can I say. I’m a huge Halo fan but I fear the game outside of Bungie’s hands is becoming something else. What it is becoming is hard to say but it seems like it’s departing from its action roots and becoming a soap opera. I mean, relationships and ethics are the stuff of dramas not action stories. Long cut scenes with emotional melodrama just seem so out of place in this hard Halo Universe of conflict. There’s a job to be done, and Master Chief is the one to do it. Nuff said. Stop the chatter and get to the meat and potatoes of the series, shootin’ stuff ‘til it explodes.

    And about the shooting. It’s taken a little too much influence from COD. It used to be a fun run-and-gun type shooter but now, even with strange aliens, it’s all about the head-shot and using cover while you reload for the millionth time. I like a good romp through a scifi world with a bad ass armored hero with a magically endless supply of amo who doesn’t cry when his AI is destroyed.

     Every game now seems to be trying to please the mainstream with easy gameplay, melodrama, and realistic visuals. I feel like one of my favorite franchises is disappearing into just another Hollywood blockbuster of mammothly shallow proportions.

    And oh yea, I liked it ok for ten hours. Maybe I’ll finish the Spartan Ops missions, maybe not.

   And that's it for 2013. There are still many other 2013 games I didn't get enough time with or I still have to play that came out this year. I'm sure they'll continue to show up on future lists just like a lot of 2006 games did this year. 



Blake Turner Staff Writer

01/03/2014 at 04:58 AM

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is great! Really surprised me a lot!


01/03/2014 at 12:31 PM

Same here. It was totally fun.


01/03/2014 at 07:33 AM

I did really enjoy Halo 4, but there is something missing.  I think that 343i did do a good job with the campaign, I think that the botched the multiplayer.  This is why I am looking forward to Destiny.  I am hoping for that Halo feeling multiplayer on the PS4.


01/03/2014 at 12:34 PM

I like to whine about Halo 4 lately but I did mostly enjoy it and will try the multiplayer at some point.

Destiny is starting to excite me. I don't know if it's enough to sell me a system quite yet, but a few more games on PS4 that I want, and I'm getting a PS4.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/03/2014 at 11:10 AM

"I love popping in movie licensed games." Well damn, a lot changed this generation, huh? Actually, wait, SNES had tons of great licensed stuff. Now I'm confused.The premise of Open Season sounds fun. I remember you talking about it a while back.

Ron Gilbert sounds like a swell guy. I never played any of his games to my memory, but I've heard people go on about Secret of Monkey Island for ages, and watched Game Grumps play Maniac Mansion.The Cave looks good. I decided to watch a trailer for it on Steam. I think I'll put it on my Wishlist later. I didn't know Sega produced it, as I saw from the trailer. Is Double Fine sort of Ron Gilbert's company? I've heard of Double Fine in plenty other cases, but I'm curious if it's a SteveJobs/Apple or Bill Gates/Microsoft kind of deal, or if perhaps I'm simply mistaken and Double Fine is largely independent of Ron Gilbert for the most part.

I'm glad you mentioned both liking Gunslinger, and that Call of Juarez was criticized heavily, because when asrealasitgets posted his top 10 of 2013, I was surprised something in the COJ series would make a best of list, and I guess I shouldn't be. I guess Juarez was the only really bad one, but the only one I heard about until people on Pixlbit mentioned Gunslinger. I would love getting competitive with a shooter. In fact, does Steam have something akin to leaderboards for games? I know they have achievements, but I'd like an arcade-style ranking system as well.

Those CoD games have been focused on Modern Warfare so long, I almost forgot WWII was the big one for developers back in the day. Too bad that new Medal of Honor game didn't do better, as the MoH game that had the Saving Private Ryan-esque D-Day opening was probably the FPS I have played most of any for my entire life.

I had no idea there were History Channel games, nor that one of them was an FPS based on the Civil War. Not that I'm the type to be recreating the war annually myself, but I'm from the South, how did I not know this? It actually sounds pretty cool, too. 

Nice screen shot for Blood Knights, it got my attention. lol What is it with you and sections of games frustrating the crap out of you, and it often being boss fights? Oh yeah, you play video games. Carry on.

What was the new version of Ratchet and Clank games? I only ever rented the Commando one I think on PS2, and it had the gameplay you described. Like you, I despise looking for collectibles. I gave up looking for some frog making noises I think I'm supposed to scan to solve a Riddle in Arkham Asylum last night. I'll find it later.

I should play a God of War one of these days, they do look fun. Sucks about the QTEs, but I may add one from Steam to my wishlist if they're there, and avoid the game you mentioned.

I don't mind a bit of pathos in my action games, but it can really be overdone, plus I much prefer the Halos I've played to CoD, so while I haven't played Halo 4, I understamd where you're coming from.

My games I played for 10 hours: ummmm .... Arkham Asylum? Maybe? I played Fez for 5 so far, apparently.


01/03/2014 at 12:54 PM

When I proofread it I thought it said, "pooping on movie liscensed games". LOL

Double Fine is largely his old partner Tim Shaffer's thing. I just heard the interview with Ron again on The Official Playstation Podcast where he stated he largely worked alone on The Cave and only talked casually with Tim during development.

I had a chance to pick up the NES cart of Maniac Mansion a while back and I passed on it. Damn I regret that now. Still, it's available on Virtual Console I believe.

All the Call of Juarez games except The Cartel have gotten in the 70's on Metacritic meaning they are solid games just not exceptional like Red Dead Redemption which got in the 90s.

In my quest to play all FPS games, I will tackle Medal of Honor sometime. I played the demo for Airbourne and the recent one I thought might be fun. There are six History Channel games for the consoles and more on PC. They all get middling to low reviews but I think they're neat at a bargain price.

Yea, I should be more tolerant, but with so much to play lately, I tend to give up and move on rather than persist. If I have time, I'll return to it like I did for Oblivion this year.

The new Ratchet and Clank is a budget title that's shorter that the usual R&C game. It's just as good though.

God of War 1 and 2 are brilliant. I haven't played enough of 3 yet to say about that one, but so far it's really good.

The more I think about it, the more I remember pathos in previous Halo games, so maybe I'm over reacting, but I didn't like the Cortana/Master Chief relationship in Halo 4. I haven't played the COD: Modern Warfare titles aside from demos. I'd like to get into them, but I prefer a more arcady experience to a simulation one.


01/03/2014 at 09:50 PM

Oh dang, I still haven't played The Cave lol. Too many games, too little time. Blood Knights sounds cool though.


01/04/2014 at 03:37 AM

The Cave is awesome. I keep wanting to play it more but I've done everything in it. It needs a sequel pronto.


01/04/2014 at 01:42 PM

Open Season looks like a game I would play. Some of those kids games are really fun. I really enjoyed Kung-Fu Panda, and this game seems like there is more to do in game. 

GOW did seem easy, with the exception of one puzzle I was stuck on, until one of my friends gave me an obvious pointer. 

The Ratchet & Clank game didn't interest me, until I played the Android game. This might be one of my pickup on the cheap games but at least I know it'll be a quality game. I enjoyed the other R&C games, it I don't think this one will disappoint. 


01/04/2014 at 04:13 PM

I have Kung-Fu Panda 'cause I liked the demo. Still need to play it though. There's something about a game you can finish in one weekend. I kinda like that.

R&C Nexus looks amazing and plays very well. Sometimes these 3D platformers have a bad camera but R&C does it right. I had no control issues with this game.


01/04/2014 at 06:27 PM

I would say the story of Halo has been falling apart since the second one (when they introduced the Covenant as a religious group), but at least it always kept this epic, sci-fi feel to it. It's lost that in Halo 4, and now yeah, it feels too much like a soap opera. Needlessly to say, getting new writers will do that to a franchise. I also agree the multiplayer and shooting feels too much like Call of Duty.

I'm just hoping some of that Halo-magic will carry over to Destiny.


01/05/2014 at 03:15 AM

Yea, Destiny seems to have some of that magic. I was excited by the last gameplay video I saw. And Marty O'Donnel's music adds a lot. Didn't think it mattered much until I played Halo 4 and really missed his presence in the game.


01/17/2014 at 01:37 PM

I really wanted gunslingers with the Blood dragon dual pack offered on PSN. I really enjoyed the demo where I went "Yosimettie Sam" (sorry bad spelling) on some ruffians with some six shooter dual weilding. Once I enjoy Blood Dragon I'll ssee about Gunslinger soon.

Oh boy more halo 4! *rubs hands with glee*

I fear you are correct when it comes to Halo 4 and what it's "becoming". It's bad enough that 343 has corrected themsleves that now Halo 4 is part of the "forerunner saga" than  "trilogy", thus freeing them up to make the next halo game on Xbox One. Personally I wish they'd finish a trilogy on the same console than repeat the same mistakes of having Halo and Halo 2 on Xbox while the rest are on Xbox 360 but I digress...

The "COD"ing of halo has not been helpful for the franchise because despite all they do, when the next COD comes out people will just move on. halo 4's servers have already seen a huge drop off in matches thanks to the release of the subpar COD:Ghosts.

but at the same time I actually like where 343 is taking the story with Halo. I was originally afraid that with the COD'ing of Halo4 would also bring about the sub par wiriting of the stories with the games. That's one of the reasons why I loved the Halo series to begin with: A compelling, interesting sci-fi story. Sure it had it's usual mindless killikillkill moments like any usual FPS but at the same time it had enough heart, character development, story world and plot that you normally never see in an FPS these days. Though most have tried, very few are able to meet the high standards of the Halo Universe that teh limited games have been able to telling. By limiting I mean the cold openings and endings to teh games themselves of course.

I just think of what's become of Halo is that the World that was created out of Halo has gotten to the point where the games simply can't contain them anymore. Part of this was Bungie's fault when they left portions of the story out of the games (either on accident, time constraings or on purpose) so that they could either be explored thru otehr games (halo wars/Halo Reach/Halo 3: ODST) or thru other forms of media (the books, comics, live action shorts/movies). though the games have had limited success in telling the Halo Saga, sadly the books/comics/live action shorts/movies have been better in continuing to allow the series to grow more organically to the point where halo 4 is teh beast that it is when it comes to the story and plot.

though I'm still sore over what was done with Halo: The Fall of Reach and Halo: Reach the video game...

I guess what I'm saying is, I was expecting Halo 4's story to be Halo 4's story because if it was the same old, samole old of what we epected from other Halo games in the past, it would easily being to fall into the same category of the other sequalized FPS's we've seen over the course of the gaming generation. Don't get me wrong though, 343 still played it safe by keeping what made Halo thus why we can still recongize it as a Halo title. But at the same time we are seeing other aspects of the series slowlying "evoling" into other things that of course might nto be welcome to some. The addition of COD'ed elements of gameplay and the more deeper plot being among them. 

I honestly didn't see the addtions of Sarah Palmer and Lanskey as being meant to slowly replace MC. If anything it helped to show that despite all the MC had done in Halos 1 thru 3, he is indeed the "odd spartan out" given how much the universe has changed since he came out of cryo. He now has to contend with a UNSC on the offensive with a massive new flagship along with newer spartans that may or may not cut the mustard when it comes to what he went thru. Is it any wonder that Del Rio doesn't give the MC any respect. As far as humanity is concerned, they are now moving forward and everything else is now history: something they thought the MC was when they had a memorial for him at the end of Halo 3. I'd find it very hard to accept that the MC was back if I was told offically he was dead if I were a trooper in the game. Plus I'm glad when no one thought to say the usual sci-fi cliche in asking the MC "I thought you were dead".

As for the drama, again I point to the "orginaic" parts of the other ways the halo franchise has grown. It had such in the books so it would be natural for them to flow into the game that way. Thankfully we haven't seen it grow to the point of other media that likes to over dramatise. Halo 4's drama was more subtle when they decided to explore teh relationship between Cortana and the MC. If the most "drama" wel'll get to see out of the chief over Cortana's passing is his "please" request during their physical encounter, to his coming to terms with her loss at the end of the game, I'm content with that. Better that than having him fall to his knees and burst out into tears. I'll take the subtle take on drama than the overblown. the MC may look more machine than man but he is still human despite what Halsey did to him to make him a Spartan II.


01/17/2014 at 04:18 PM

I suppose the move away from MC had begun with Halo Reach, since he's not in that game except very briefly at the end, but I loved Reach anyway probably because of the feel of the gameplay, the Marty O'Donnel music, and the Firefight multiplayer levels. Halo 4 just doesn't feel right with the subtle changes in the gameplay, different music, and a story that I find unworthy of scifi action movie style simplicity, which is what I've come to expect from Halo games. I like the complexity of the universe around MC but let's not get too carried away with it. I like the focus to be on the action. So, there's nothing really wrong with Halo 4, it's just going in a more sophisticated direction that doesn't appeal to me as much. And I tend to overreact about it because I'm such a silly Halo fanboy.

I appreciate your thoughts on this. You've got a clear eye for this stuff. It's helped me think about this more clearly.

Also, I'm looking forward to Karen Traviss' new book out next week, Mortal Dictata, but I fear it's all going to be about the female Spartan's anger over being abducted as a child by Halsey. Boo hoo! I'm going to like it anyway. Karen's a great writer.

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