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On 01/19/2014 at 03:56 PM by KnightDriver

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    My second week of RETRO FRENZY finally ended when my buddy MadKrammer got really excited about playing co-op in Borderlands 2, and I tried out, and stayed with, the Bravely Default demo on 3DS. This week I also signed up for Steam in anticipation of Broken Age on the 28th and Banner Saga. I also started an account on Backloggery which has a very cool system for organizing your games and randomizing a suggestion as to what to play next. I’ve also been thinking about BaD coming up and what I might do for the month of blogging. Now to what I’ve played.


                                                  X-COM: UFO Defense [PS]

     I played this on my silver PS2 and it worked great. This game has a ton of gameplay with a very elaborate menu system and set of controls that are not intuitive. I’m so used to games these days being immediately accessible. At one point I got so frustrated that I stopped playing and, oh man, read the entire manual. MANUAL!? What’s that? Yes, in the good old days, sometimes you had to read the manual to really figure out a game’s controls and gameplay.

     Despite extra effort required, I really enjoyed this game. There are three levels to this game: building bases and managing a wealth of statistics such as income from protected governments, item research and creation, and equipping your land and air forces (that’s just the first level); responding to UFO appearances by sending aircraft to intercept and then attack them in a special screen that lets you do a variety of types of attacks (you can attack to destroy or to disable so they’re forced to land); and lastly, the turn-based strategy ground game, where it plays out like other Tactics games such as Final Fantasy Tactics.

      Every level is very nuanced and full of detail. The key to everything though is your income, which I had a hard time figuring out, so I read a FAQ. Apparently, the best way to earn cash is to shoot down UFOs and collect their tech and return it to your base for research or sale. That way you can create new items you can use or sell. However, I really wanted to know about income from governments. You get an initial sum of money from them, but when do they pay you again and at what rate? I couldn’t figure this out at all. I would play through the first ground mission or two, run out of cash and then restart hoping I’d figure out this government income thing eventually.

     And speaking of the ground missions, they’re not a walk in the park. It took several missions of messing up the controls before I started to learn them. At one point, instead of throwing a grenade, I threw my gun and then couldn’t figure out how to pick it up again. Once I figured it all out though, the controls do allow you to do a large variety of actions on the field. An in-game tutorial would’ve helped, but this is 1995 we’re talking about. I also figured out that early in the game you should NOT attack a UFO base. Aliens kill your rookie forces with one shot most of the time - level up on downed UFOs first.

     The game allows you to control time from 5 sec to 1 day intervals. This helps a ton to switch from action moments with UFOs and advancing the building of bases quickly and every time something changes in the game it automatically reverts to 5 sec so you have time to react. It works great!

    I had trouble initially with this game, but I got sucked into it and now think it’s a fabulous experience – quite an amazingly deep game for the Playstation (you can play this on Steam now too).



    I picked up some retro swag at Jay St. VG: Devilish, a Breakout style game with a vertically scrolling field of play for Genesis, and R/C Stunt Copter from my flight sim list for Playstation. My buddy gave me an extra Genesis deck he had. I still need a controller and RCA cord though.

    I started the Bravely Default demo on 3DS and played in off moments throughout the week before bed. It’s a fine turn-based RPG. I especially liked the town management part of the game where you can have people there upgrade shops and clear paths to new shops. Each task has a real-time time limit and you’re alerted when a task is finished and given items from the shops. You’re given one person to start and can gain more through Street Pass. I carried my 3DS in my backpack all day/night long but only got two more people (I guess coffee shops aren’t the best place to get Street Passes). You can also gain additional players that can aid your party in the main game or teach you new skills if you have friends to share with. The main game allows you to do this via the internet which will be easier for me without local friends with a 3DS.

   The “default” battle option is interesting. The longer you defend the more extra moves you store up for a massive flurry of attacks.

      I created a White Mage but even after leveling up several times, I still can’t access spells. I think maybe I’m wearing an item that isn’t allowed for the  class but nothing is telling me that in the game. All my other characters have been gaining special abilities but her. I’m at a loss.


     Then I got together with MadKrammer at his place for some Xbox 360 co-op in Borderlands 2 (What do you call “couch co-op” when you are really playing on separate TVs via internet - “Local online co-op?”) I picked up the game for under $20 at Gamestop. I played solo through the opening few missions to get the handle on the controls again and level up a little bit. MadKrammer is level 28 and I’m about level 5. I’m playing as an Assassin and he’s a Gunzerker. I got to this point where I was facing a new area with no amo, so I called him in. It was as easy as Halo Reach to bring in a co-op partner and soon I was sniping away while watching him tackling enemies left and right in an explosive burst of gore. It was hilarious! I think this game is really going to entrance me for a good long time.




01/19/2014 at 04:36 PM

Are you saying you can't access any spells or just that some of the scrolls you bought are not showing. You aren't able to access level 3 white magic until you max out the white mage category. You should be able to use any level 1 White magic you have purchased though.


01/19/2014 at 05:11 PM

So you have to purchase the scroll and then you can use the magic over and over again? I was wondering about that. I thought scrolls were one time use only.


01/19/2014 at 07:14 PM

Yep scrolls give you that magic permanently as long as your job allows it.


01/19/2014 at 07:45 PM

Darn, I wish the game had told me that. I loaded up on herbs because my healer wouldn't heal. What kind of White Mage is that?


01/19/2014 at 07:48 PM

LOL. That's one crappy White Mage.


01/19/2014 at 05:37 PM

I can't remember the last time I looked at a manual for a modern game. I don't think Uncharted 3 even came with one. Other than a "digital" manual. I'm way too lazy for that lol. Backloggery is a great site. It's helped me resist buying more games since there is already some massive list staring at me.


01/19/2014 at 05:46 PM

I was forced to it with XCOM. I got so frustrated with the controls. I was just jabbing buttons trying to navigate the player equipment screen and nothing was happening. I figured it out though.

Yea, I'm thinking instead of buying day-one games, I'll just put them on my wish list there and wait until I have time to play them to buy them. Somehow I don't feel I will miss the game that way.


01/19/2014 at 05:47 PM

BTW. What is Multitap on Backloggery?


01/19/2014 at 05:52 PM

You can add people on there. Kinda like a friend's list. A few people on Pixlbit are on Backloggery. I figure it's pointless to describe what I'm playing, but this is mine. That sounds like a good plan though. I don't ever buy games day one anymore. There's just too much good stuff out there for much cheaper.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/19/2014 at 07:00 PM

I used to read manuals just to look at the illustrations and read more about the characters/stories in the games.


01/19/2014 at 07:03 PM

 I like looking at manuals too, even today. When I got Borderlands 2 the other day, I made sure I got one with the manual.


01/20/2014 at 12:00 PM

Yeah, not being told you have to buy the spell scrolls was something I had a problem with as well when playing through the Bravely Default demo. Luckily my brother was around to tell me about that little tidbit, as well as having someone to streetpass with.


01/20/2014 at 12:07 PM

I thought of the possibility of those scrolls being the way you got spell abilities, but with limited funds, I didn't want to risk it.


01/20/2014 at 09:34 PM

Welcome to Backloggery! It's a great site and while it has curbed my buying habits a little, it's been more useful for me in just keeping track of the games I have that I haven't played yet. So easy to forget about things. I still haven't put all my other games on there yet. It'll be nice to have it as a collection data base eventually.

Did you listen to the 1UP was probably Games Dammit...where they interviewed the director of the new X-COM? He talked about some of the differences between the original and the new one. Very interesting stuff.

My wife and I played through Borderlands 2 last year. That game is a lot of fun. I can't imagine the craziness of 4 player co-op Smile


01/21/2014 at 12:57 AM

I've been madly adding things to backloggery. I even started in on listing all the games within collections I have. That's a pain, but it'll be worth it when I start using the fortune cookie randomizer to pick games I haven't played yet. I'm going to use the wish list for all new games instead of preordering. Then when I am ready to buy something new, I'll randomize that too. Fun fun fun.

Not sure which one that would be. All the 1UP podcasts ended last year as far as I can see.

4 player co-op would be nuts and possible necessary late in the game. I'll see if two will be enough for some of those big bosses.


01/21/2014 at 07:53 PM

It's the episode of Games Dammit from 1-23-13. The second half has an interview with Jake Solomon, lead designer on the new one. (I had to look it all up lol.) Click here for the episode list page and here to listen or download it directly, in case you're interested.


01/22/2014 at 12:30 AM

Ok. I probably heard that one. I was getting Games Dammit up until it signed off.


01/20/2014 at 11:10 PM

Can't believe it's taken this long for Broken Age to come out. I gave that Kickstarter $15 almost two years ago and am having trouble finding the urge to play it today.

I am looking forward to Bravely Default though. I hope this gives a semi-Final Fantasy vibe that I haven't felt in what seems like nearly a decade.


01/21/2014 at 01:00 AM

Both are going on my wish list. Looks like the wait for the full Broken Age continues since this is only Act I. The next part could take another year to be done since they're waiting on the sales of Act I to finish Act II. It'll be worth the wait though. Reviewers are already saying good things about it.


01/21/2014 at 06:39 PM

The only real point and click game that I've ever played was Kings Quest. I thoroughly enjoyed that, and coupled with the creator of Psychonauts is awesome. I'm hoping Broken Age will be like kind of a gateway drug into the genre.


01/22/2014 at 12:29 AM

Yea, I have lots to play still in that genre especially all the Monkey Island games.


01/22/2014 at 06:59 AM

I'm OCD, so I almost always check out the manuals first. I've had a backloggery account forever, but I forget that I have it.


01/23/2014 at 03:42 AM

I used to peruse the manuals too but over time I forgot about them. In game tutorials and games being more accessible just made me forget. It was weird to open one again.

Backloggery is going to save me a lot of money. Instead of feeling like I have to buy a wanted game on day-one, it just goes on my wish list there. I'll buy when I'm good and ready now.


01/24/2014 at 01:36 PM

I've been eyeballing the copy of X-COM I've seen at my local game store but I'm still on the fense in getting it since I don't seem to like RTS's. Oddly love tower defense games bot RTS's not so much, plus I wonder if there is a mouse function for the PS1.


01/25/2014 at 03:00 AM

It's actually more of a turn-based game, at least in the ground missions. And even above ground, you can change the passing of time to make it pretty much the same. At 5 sec intervals very little happens and you can take you time to figure out your next move, then ratchet up the time to 1Day and see things fly by. So the whole game feels turn-based to me.

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