Super Metroid is the kind of game I respect a lot, but don't quite enjoy as much as everyone else. I think my issue was that I played Prime and Zero Mission first and just prefer the way they handled the formula so SM seemed kind of basic. I still like the game, just not one of my favorite games of that era.
a BaD day for GooD game analysis.
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![]() On 02/08/2014 at 04:21 PM by Machocruz ![]() See More From This User » |
Not my own, because I don't have the time or the will right now, but I have Super Metroid on the mind and want to do some warm up blogging.
A (eventually) 20 part series from 1up vet Jeremy Parish, one of the few actual critics (as opposed to product reviewers and publisher shills you'll find at the mainstream sites) in the medium: - scroll down
Hugo Bille over at the presitgious Gamasutra magazine:
I'll assume most everyone at a video game site has played and loved Super Metroid at some point. For those who haven't, you're akin to the student of literature who has never read The Odyssey -your scholarship and pertinent media knowledge are lacking. Get on it. No game you can buy in stores currently is more worth your time.
I say Super Metroid about as perfectly executed a video game as has ever been, certainly one of the most consistent and cohesive in all its elements. I also consider it a tour de force in video game specific storytelling. It's not my personal favorite game, but along with various Castlenvania games, it is among the most inspiring pieces of media that I've ever encountered. Only a game so well designed and so rich in what it offers the player is subject to such detailed analysis, or worthy of such for that matter.