I had to put Guacamelee down because of that second form of the final boss. I don't think that I will officially beat the game, but I am satisfied with stopping at that point.
BaD Monday morning
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![]() On 02/10/2014 at 09:01 AM by TheMart22 ![]() See More From This User » |
Fun’s over, it’s Monday….. again. Oh and guess what? It’s cold too.
Once it gets to like 7pm on Sunday night, I can feel my internal bliss sink deeper and deeper into myself until it’s utterly gone when I wake up. Ugh. Does anyone actually enjoy waking up to the start of the week? I guess people who actually like their jobs might, but for the rest of us sadsacks, there’s no worse feeling.
Anyway, enough with the self-made pity party, I might as well mention to you fine people some games I played over the weekend. You deserve better than that.
Overall, it was a pretty fun weekend for gaming. As I mentioned in my Friday blog, I finished KOTOR2 Friday afternoon after work (I get out early on Fridays, one positive) and used this momentum to get to the final boss in Guacamelee! yesterday. I hope that whoever’s played it agrees with me when I say that Guacamelee! is really bloody hard. Especially the last two boss fights. I’m currently on the 2nd form of the final boss and have already died maybe thirty times. Tough as fuck. One positive with the Vita is due to the standby mode, I shouldn’t have to replay the end bosses 1st form when I pick it up again tonight. Somewhat cheap but it is what it is.
I'm gonna beat you!
Other than Guacumelee, I also put some time into XCOM: Enemy Unknown. According to Steam, I last played this in May of last year so I was a little rusty on the uptake. I managed to complete the first mission I faced but got completely wiped out on the second. I think I know a better way to approach this mission though so I quit out to try again later. While I do enjoy it when playing, I think what puts me off is the number of complex systems I don’t quite understand, especially regarding the satellites and air defense. Given time, I’m sure I will pick it up, but it’s probably the reason I’ve gone so long since playing. I’m only about 4 hours in so plenty of time to learn.
I hate this things...
For this week, I think I might try get back to MGS Peace Walker on the HD Collection. I maybe played an hour of this first time round and have been meaning to get back to it. This is the week me thinks. I’ll also probably play some Gran Turismo 6 to chip away further at that. Decisions, decisions.
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Looking forward to our continued BaD experiences.