The first image looks a lot like Bryan Cranston in armor.
Wishlist: 10 for 2014....and BeyonD, Pt.6 - Deep Down
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![]() On 02/17/2014 at 03:20 PM by Machocruz ![]() See More From This User » |
Much is still not known about this game. The most interesting feature so far is the random generation of levels in a big budget games such as this. In the rogue-like genre and games in other genres it has influenced, random generation of levels has been an exceedingly successful way to provide replayability. There is also a "mystery box" component to games I enjoy, especially those with non-linear and emergent play, and having maps rearrange themselves with every new game is a boon to this.
I'm also digging the realistic visual style. I like my fantasy to have a bit of grounding, as I like my realism to have a bit of heightening. It's sort of an artistic and/or narrative philosophy. The former approach anchors the fantasy into a relatable context, which makes the fantasy even more of a spectacle, because it is "real." The latter approach makes reality more of a spectacle. And I'm getting tired of WOW color palettes and armor dimensions in fantasy games. This game looks a Dutch master painting, and Dutch masters >>> WoW art. Plus Iike that the characters look like regular people and not bobble headed anime characters or 20-30something year old magazine ad models.
I have an issue with the camera perspective: it's the same camera that Capcom has used for the last few Resident Evil games. It provides a too-narrow field of view. It's bad enough in ranged combat, I can just imagine the issues that will arise with not being able to see to your side in melee combat without rotating the camera. It looks like a bad decision, but maybe this time Capcom will do a better job of building encounters and level design around this limitation.
Still, this is one of the tiny number of next gen console games I have any interest in. I'm not completely disenfranchised with Capcom like a lot of other people have become. They seem to do well with new IPs --it's their existing franchises that they seem to hit with all their bullshit.