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Comic’s Day!

On 02/19/2014 at 04:14 PM by KnightDriver

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2014

    This week I went a little overboard because I discovered I’d been missing the new comic series Umbral by Christopher Mitten [artist] and Antony Johnston [writer] of the Wasteland series. I HAD to pick up the three issues I was behind on as well as the EGOs #2 issue I had missed from last week. So now I’m caught up on those two series. I also picked up Harley Quinn #3 and Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #3.

    At lunch I read EGOs #2. Our hero Deuce has created a clone army of himself to go up against Masse: The Living Galaxy (which is kinda like a sentient black hole) while his wife Pixel sits back on Earth interviewing applicants for a new Earth Galactic Operatives team. Within the applicants is this mysterious kid who has the power to teleport herself anywhere. She has some secret knowledge the rest of them don’t know about yet, which I guess will be revealed eventually. The series has a streak of humor about it that reminds me of The Tick when he went up against Omnipotus (a parody of Galactus) in Season Two: Episode 15. EGOs is no way a comedy like The Tick though.


     The art by Gus Storms in EGOs reminds me of the art in certain segments of the movie Heavy Metal from back in the 80’s. I’m not sure how to describe it but here’s a sample.


   I also managed to read Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #3. I always love the Darth Vader centered Star Wars comics. His complex and troubled psyche always makes for a great story and the art tends towards the darker more gritty side of the Star War Universe. Writer Tim Siedell is killing it with this particular series. It centers on clone trooper CT-5539 who gets left for dead during the Clone Wars and learns to survive on his own, becoming a little more than just another clone, renaming himself Hock Malsuum and putting a red streak on his helmet to match his scar.


 His new initiative leads him to seek the leader of the army of the Galactic Empire, Lord Vader. He is quickly promoted to Commander and soon gains Vader’s trust. What his motives ultimately are and whether he will survive being so close to Vader, as most don’t, remains to be seen. I just gasp after every issue saying to myself, “that was so great!”




02/19/2014 at 08:18 PM

I love when you go over comics. Comics fascinates me so much and I really want to get into some but never know where to start. I don't know of any local comic bookstores that I can go to. But awesome, the Star Wars expanded universe stuff always sounds amazing. 


02/20/2014 at 03:27 AM

I'm trying to figure out in my mind what makes this Vader series so good. It's the writing yes, but it's also the art and the rhythm of the story. How it ends, how it builds to that end. It's a bunch of stuff that contributes to such a great feeling when you get to the end of the issue. It's not always a lot of words too. It can be just a few. Comics are a cool medium. Underappreciated.


02/20/2014 at 09:51 AM

Awesome, Vader is just a super cool character that isn't explored too much in the movies. The prequels......yea lets forget they happened. Comics are unappreciated. I don't really like reading but comics can always hold my interest, I think it is because it has art but great story telling and character develop. 


02/19/2014 at 08:28 PM

Dark-horse always featured really deep stories and great illustrations to accompany their yarns. I kind of get the feeling when Bioware made Kotor they looked more to the dark-horse comics than the original trilogy. There's actually a lot more "lore" and "history" in the comics.


02/20/2014 at 03:34 AM

You're not kidding me. In the back of some of them there's a timeline showing all the different periods where Star Wars comic stories have been told. It's huge, from the distant past to the far future of the movie's time period.


02/19/2014 at 09:46 PM

Sadly I got out of comics back in the 90s. Too many special issues with flashy covers, and overhyped stories killed it for me.


02/20/2014 at 04:12 AM

I've heard other people say that period was a bit of a low for comics. Those shiny metalic covers and some bad stories. But there's always something good lurking amid the bad stuff.

I can't maintain a membership at my comic store because I usually am only following a handful of comic series. They require you follow at least five. I often change what I follow too. If I don't like a series, I drop it. I'm real picky so I don't end up spending too much. I always find something interesting. There's so much out there. It's not just super-hero stuff anymore.


02/20/2014 at 01:26 PM

That Star Wars comic sounds pretty interesting.


02/21/2014 at 02:48 AM

There's been a bunch of Darth Vader centered comic series. I'm always getting them because they're almost always good. 


04/13/2014 at 01:38 PM

and yet you speak not of this "digital comic revoltuion" that is supposedly taking place right now. I want to know if your local comic book stores feel that "dark shadow" looming over their republic.


04/13/2014 at 03:36 PM

My comic store moved down the street recently and I immediately thought they were moving to a smaller store because of this "revolution", but I asked them and apparently the new store is bigger. It is possible though, that they got a better deal on rent in the new place, so maybe the pressure is on.

     I mean, book stores are about to disappear because of e-books and Amazon. I hate to think of what's to come for comic stores with online places like comixology selling to your tablet.

     A comic I just got had an ad with a code for a free copy of issue 0 of Original Sin. They tried to get me to make an account on Marvel though to get it, so I didn't download it, but if I had a tablet, I might think about going download with my comics, but I'm not sure. I'm pretty attached to my paper issues. I don't want to see my comic store close up. I like going there every week. I think I would stop reading comics if it closed. Downloads just don't appeal to me that much no matter how good the story. Call it my inner caveman that needs something in my hand to be satisfied.

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