Yes, Metal Gear 7. As far as I know, this isn't Solid Snake's story anymore. And Metal Gear sporting 3D graphics is no longer novel (Solid in mathematical terms means 'cubed' or 'to the third power. A cube is 3D, plus MGS was the third mainline Metal Gear game. This was intentional on Kojima's part). But they probably keep the Solid tag for marketing reasons, since MGS1 was a game changer and the game industry seems to have a practice of adopting the traits of the first major succes in a series and carrying it over to following games. But I digress.
I don't really know much about the next MG at this point, but I'm dedicated to the series so it's a no-brainer. I'm a little worried about this one being dumbed-down. Supposedly there are on screen icons telling you where enemies are, which you can see through walls, and things like that. No, thank you, I've eat the hardest stealth games for breakfast. Hopefully you can turn that shit off.

I suppose open world is a big deal. Depends on opportunities for long range combat. Driving around just so I can get to the next meaty gameplay "node" or look for collectibles isn't my idea of an upgrade. Bigger isn't always better. Yawn

I plan on keeping myself in the dark on until I can play the game myself. I've made the mistake of going on info gathering binges for this series before. It's really pointless in the long run, even harmful to the hands-on experience. Game will look and sound good, and probably have some interesting and/or unique ingredients, and that's all I need to know.