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March Games!

On 02/24/2014 at 12:00 PM by KnightDriver

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    Just looking through the games coming out in March. Question is, which do I buy day-one and which do I wait for? It's a really tough decision. Buying all of them would probably cost $250 which is way beyond my budget. One, maybe two of them is possible.

March 4th: South Park Stick of Truth [Xbox 360/PS3/PC] 

                The comedy of South Park takes on the fantasy role playing game genre. It looks like a match made in heaven, but their previous games like “Let’s Go Tower Defense Play!” weren’t great in my opinion. It seems like Obsidian Entertainment has made a real effort to put the time into this one, so I’m a little more confident, but I’ll wait to see what falls out from this before I get it.


11th: Dark Souls II [Xbox 360/PS3/PC] 

                “Your wings will burn in anguish.” I loved Demon’s Souls but didn’t get very far in the game. It was just too punishing for me. Kat Bailey warned me it would be hard in her review of it, but I still bought it day-one based on the amazing trailers that showed off its macabre visual style. I followed Dark Souls, but didn’t get it until recently and still haven’t played it. So I’m hesitant to pick up Dark Souls II day-one because of the difficulty, but I will be following the discussion and gameplay footage until I feel brave enough to give it a try.


                These Souls trailers are so great. They give me chills of excitement every time.

18th: Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z [Xbox 360/PS3/PC] 

                The cell-shaded graphics have me very interested in this game. Art style is a big factor for me with video games. The gameplay looks really fun and crazy gory too. I love a more zany take on fighting games, God Hand being one of my favorite. That’s not to say Yaiba is crazy like MadWorld, but it looks like it’s a little more over-the-top in its style than previous Ninja Gaiden’s which had a more serious tone. That Keiji Inafune (MegaMan, Onimusha, Dead Rising) is involved makes me think it will involve some humor and zombies. The mostly live action E3 trailer proves that.


This other trailer shows off more of the gameplay and makes me think of Afro Samurai from 2008.


25th: Deception IV: Blood Ties [PS3/Vita] 

                I played Trapt, the fourth game of this Deception series by Tecmo (this Blood Ties actually being the fifth game), on PS2 not too long ago. I thought it was a great concept: set traps for foes and watch them get caught, referred to as “trap action”. It calls to mind Dungeon Keeper in a way. Trapt’s controls felt a little awkward though and Blood Ties’ animations look a little stiff. But it’s such a cool idea, I just might bite. I’m thinking it might be better on Vita, but I’m not sure about that.


25th: The Witch and the Hundred Knight [PS3] 

                I love the gorgeous art style and action RPG gameplay! It’s like a Torchlight or Diablo from NIS with its patented wackiness. The art style alone pulls hard at my desire to preorder and maybe I will. For the moment though I’ll keep watching gameplay footage.


    So that's five potential buys for me in March. To help me think, I'm ranking these this way:

1. Witch and the Hundred Knight

2. Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z

3. Deception IV: Blood Ties

4. Dark Souls II

5. South Park Stick of Truth



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