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Wind Rises, Borderlands 2, and Prof. Layton

On 03/03/2014 at 02:48 AM by KnightDriver

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     I started the day by watching The Wind Rises in the theater. I knew I was going to cry like a baby all throughout and, sure enough, I did. There were several other people there, so I had to contain it to a certain extent.


     It was an incredibly beautiful film about Jiro Horikoshi, the Japanese designer of the famous A6M “Zero” fighter aircraft of WWII (see pic above) and others. I used to build plastic models of that airplane as a kid. I always had a fascination with WWII hardware: tanks, planes, ships. I loved the designs even though they are all weapons of destruction. It makes me think of the conflict between art and real world demands. Jiro certainly put a great deal of art into his design only to see it be used as a weapon.

     Parallel to the history of Jiro’s career is his personal life which takes a tragic turn. It’s weaved very expertly throughout and serves to echo the equally tragic nature of being an airplane designer in Japan during the build up and aftermath of WWII.

     Jiro’s dreams are also a major part of the story and recur frequently throughout the film.

     The movie is a true masterpiece. I’m so glad I caught it in the theaters because I cancelled Netflix this week and who knows when I would've had time to see it otherwise.


     Then I played a whole bunch of Borderlands 2 and felt, with all the Varkid insects attacking me at one point, that I was really playing EDF 2025. I’m up to 76 hours and level 46. I have to say, playing on True Vault Hunter mode is quite the challenge. Any mission labeled “Normal” is probably closer to “Hard”. My friend and I were dying left and right especially in the Caustic Caverns which is full of Threshers and Varkid insects. Luckily it doesn’t cost you any skill points to be revived, just cash, and not a whole lot of that.

     Also, I noticed some uneven leveling between me and my friend. I seem to be leveling very quickly and him somewhat slower. I was wondering if maybe it’s that he needs to change his difficulty level on his character page to match mine. I’m hosting, and I set mine to True Vault Hunter, but he probably has his set to “Normal”. This shouldn’t matter because, you would think, because the difficulty should be set by the one who hosts, but I’m not sure if it works that way. I also wondered if maybe the host of co-op play gets a bit more experience. It sure seems like it.

     I’m working on the achievement that you get for getting at least level 1 on all non-location specific challenges. There are only a few left I haven’t done, but they are a pain. One is getting 200 splash damage kills with a rocket launcher to unlock another challenge in that category; and another is point-blank kills with the shotgun. You need 750 of those to unlock a locked challenge in that category. I’ll finish the rocket kills soon, but the shotgun ones are going to take some special techniques especially since I’m an Assassin and don’t have any related skills. I think I’m going to have to equip four shotguns of different damage type and run through the game on “Normal” just point-blank shooting everything that moves. That actually might be some fun now that I think of it.


     Then I continued some Professor Layton and The Azran legacy when I got home and felt like I was still in the same world as The Wind Rises with being in an airship at the beginning of the game (see pic above). It’s more of the same stuff you would expect from a Prof. Layton game. You get some story, then a puzzle, then a screen to run a magnifying glass over for hint coins and clues; rinse and repeat. I have heard there are some mini games somewhere, so I look forward to those. The graphics are great, the music is incredibly charming, and the puzzles a lot of fun to solve.

     I got a little bit nervous the other day over the news that Nintendo was shutting down online play for games on Wii and DS. Chris Kohler on Wired’s Game/Life podcast mentioned that the DS Prof. Layton games have extra DLC puzzles and that you should get them before the shutdown. Well, I loaded up the four games and realized that you don’t get a menu screen right away and can’t just go download the extra stuff. I think you have to play the game a while or even finish them to get to the menu. Seems kinda weird, but I wasn’t willing to spend a lot of time playing those games to get to a menu screen. Nothing lasts forever, and I may never get those extra puzzles, but maybe it’s not so important really.

     I did boot up my Wii yesterday and downloaded Super Mario RPG with some Club Nintendo reward points. I also checked my wishlist for any WIiWare or DSiWare games I wanted. I don’t think the stores are being shut down though, just online play for the games that have that.

     Anyway, I was going to keep this short today, but, as usual, I’ve rambled on over 800 words. As Ace Ventura would say, “Bye bye then.”




03/03/2014 at 03:03 AM

Glad to hear good things about Wind Rises. Now that I think about it, I don't think a Miyazaki movie has made me cry yet. Not that it needs that to be a great movie though.


03/04/2014 at 04:34 PM

I've only seen Princess Mononoke. I didn't cry watching that.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/03/2014 at 04:36 AM

I ramble a lot more than you do, so I wouldn't worry. lol

I think I'll ask my family to go to the Angelika to see The Wind Rises over Spring Break. Hopefully, it's still playing. The conflict between art and necessity is a very interesting theme to me, especially recently in my own life. 

As daftman mentioned to me when I brought up that there should be some kind of gaming vault to house all the old games as works of art, the Internet is pretty much it, so really you'll probably be able to play that DLC through emulation at some point. I'd agree that it's not really that important though, you still have the core game. 

Super Mario RPG was one of the first JRPGs that made me envy people who can enjoy turn-based combat systems, etc. It looked amazing in its time. It still holds up in the looks department. 

Speaking of Ace Ventura, watching Ellen and Jim Carey on the Oscars today was like a mini trip into the 90s. 


03/04/2014 at 04:39 PM

I read the book How to Blog a Book recently and it said blogs should be around 250 words. Most of mine are at least double that. I'm not trying to hit exactly 250, but I'd like to make my blogs a little shorter. I'm making it an exercise in focusing on what's most important.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/04/2014 at 08:17 PM

I'm trying to edit myself as well. It's not going well. I tend to write like I talk, and ramble in both cases.


03/03/2014 at 07:26 AM

If The Wind Rises plays around here, Jason and I are going.

The Professor Layton DLC puzzles don't really add anything to the game so don't worry if you don't get them. I wish I'd been able to get the rest of the DQ IX quests, though.


03/04/2014 at 04:43 PM

That's good to hear about Layton. Too bad I'll miss out on those DQIX quests, but that game is long enough I think.

Cary Woodham

03/03/2014 at 07:48 AM

The Wind Rises was fantastic.  My brother is really into this one historical airplane game, and enjoyed all the planes in the movie.  Have you seen the Prof. Layton cartoon movie?  It's very Miyazaki-like.


03/04/2014 at 04:45 PM

I was thinking it would make a cool video game like what they did with the Sky Crawlers film.

I haven't seen that Layton movie. I'll have to figure out how to watch it now that I've cancelled my Netflix.

Cary Woodham

03/04/2014 at 07:25 PM

I reviewed the Sky Crawlers game.  It was like a casual Ace Combat (it was made by the same folks).  The anime was boring.

I bought the Prof. Layton cartoon on DVD.


03/05/2014 at 04:37 PM

I finally secured a copy of the game, but haven't played it yet.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/03/2014 at 08:15 AM

I would love to see Wind Rises but I don't think it will come near me.  I'm gonna check though. 


03/05/2014 at 01:50 AM

I think it got wide release. It was in the mainstream theaters around me.


03/03/2014 at 09:11 AM

I really want to see Wind Rises. I should check and see where it is playing.

As for Borderlands 2, yes typicaly the game will match the level of enemies to the host. So if you are lv 46 and he is lv 50, he will get a lot less exp becaue the enemies are likely 46-47. This changes in UVHM, the game will match the lv of the highest lv player, not the host. So if you are lv 46 and your friend is lv 53, then enemies will spawn at lv 54-55. This is how people power lv. If you take a lv30 character from normal, jump into a persons game who is say lv61 in UVHM, you will get tons of exp, but be ten kinds of useless in a fight, lol.

 Varkids can get dangerous quick if you let them start evolving. Let them evolve enough times and you will get a Vermiverous, who has the astronomical chance of dropping a Norfleet, a legendary rocket launcher.

There are some great videos on youtube that can show you all kinds of usefull tricks for Borderlands.  Yoteslayer has a series showing who drops what legenadarys and how they work. General Bahrooh shows you how to merge guns and some power leveling tricks and a lot of other nifty little tips. There is also a very helpful group on Facebook called Borderlands the Complete Picture that I'm in you might check out.


03/05/2014 at 02:06 AM

Aw cool! Thanks for all the info. It explains a lot. I just joined that group on Facebook too.


03/05/2014 at 09:59 AM

Folks are pretty cool there and usually down to help if you got questions or are looking for someone willing to dupe or do a drop. Which goes for me too, if your on PS3 feel free to add me  sifusong78. I'm playing Skyrim at the moment but I'm always down for some Borderlands action.


03/03/2014 at 09:53 AM

You will not be able to connect any DS games to the internet unless you are using WEP security on your router. Even though the DSI can connect to wireless that has WPA security, DS games don't recognize it.

I was never able to download any of the puzzles because of this restriction. 

The mini games come from solving certain puzzles. 

You are right in assuming that the Wii and DS stores are not going away. You should have received a message from Nintendo on your Wii explaining what goes and what stays. It's basically just on-line gaming which has absolutely no impact unless you play Wii games on-line.



03/05/2014 at 02:16 AM

I got the message on my DSi. I'm glad the stores will still be there. I can't really imagine playing any game online on my DSi anyway.


03/03/2014 at 01:20 PM

I've already said how much I want to see The Wind Rises, have to remember to watch it whenever it hits DVD or something.


03/05/2014 at 02:31 AM

Go the highest resolution format you can. It looks amazing on the big screen.


03/03/2014 at 03:34 PM

If only The Wind Rises was playing in my local theater.....

Don't worry, it's only the online that will be gone from the DS and Wii. WiiWare will be fine.


03/05/2014 at 02:42 AM

Cool. I still want Art Style: Orbient from the early, early days of WiiWare.


04/20/2014 at 06:02 AM

Yet another movie I need to get around to. But probably wont' see it in theatres given my schedule.


04/21/2014 at 01:24 AM

It wasn't in 3D, so I think it will look just as good at home on a good sized TV.

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