Borderlands 2 is really pissing me off. Too many choices. Also, I find it weird that when you’re in a fight, the Badass versions of the enemy are so much harder than the rest of them. I mean, I take a shot at the regular crew and they go down with a couple criticals but badasses, no way, the meter bairly moves for those suckers. I nick off a few points while my same-level gunzerker friend takes big chunks out of them. Then a loot midget appears, a robot one that can transform into a jet, and I’m having the same trouble, just doing hardly any damage despite criticals and my friend tackles it, not easily, but does so in fairly short order. I’m so annoyed! I did notice that although we are at the same skill level, he has logged twice as many hours as I have in the game. I just topped 100 hours and he is well over 200. That probably means his equipment is just better than mine. So, oh well, I gotta run around like a lame duck while my friend mops up all the hard enemy types. BAH!

Krieg. Pscho class.
I realized the other day that I wasn’t leveling anymore because I don’t have the DLC that increases the level cap. I’ll get it eventually, but I think I’ll just go back to one of the other class types like the Commando or Gunzerker. Or maybe I’ll unlock the Psycho or Mechromancer and try those out; I've been feeling a little psycho and mech-romantic lately.
Tomorrow is St. Patty’s day and I’ll be at my friend’s place playing all day, so I’ve got to figure out a fun plan to play B2 because these True Vault Hunter Mode battles are getting me down.
I’m beginning to find that Prof Layton is a real bore. He and Prof Sycamore can shove their puzzles - those stuffed shirts. Just to make things interesting, I imagine all the characters to be openly gay like it was a John Waters movie. The mini-games would be “hilarious” (said in Jerri’s voice from Strangers with Candy).

"I did things I wouldn't force on a mule, and that includes things I forced on a mule."
Anyway, I’m at the part where you get in the airship and travel around looking for Azran artifacts all over the world. You land, investigate by dragging the stylus all over the screen ‘til it changes color, talk to people until they give you a puzzle, “give me that puzzle dammit!” (this game could be cool as a Mafia game where you shake down people for puzzles – the world’s currency), then move on in the story. Sometimes you find collectibles or hint coins, or cause an animation to happen in the environment, or unlock more mini-games. This is all very neat, but I often feel like I’m not doing much and just watching a movie for the most part and solving some puzzles, which are mostly pretty easy.
Well, 15 hours in and still hanging in there. I want to see more of these environments, which are very charming and beautiful, but one more Squirrel Snacks puzzle and it’s just possible I might snap my 3DS in half. How would that be for a strongman (or strongwoman) challenge. Grrrrr SNAP!
