I really need to get my house organized so that I can set up the old CRT TV and my PS2! I got distracted early on in this game and never finshed it. I'd get the PSn version, except that right now I'm broke and I also am nearly out of room on my hard drive. Sigh.
Okami Official Complete Works - Highlights
On 03/20/2014 at 04:02 PM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
This is a rich treasure trove of Okami imagery (which I wish I could center on the page. The library computer I sometimes use doesn't let me do this). There's concept art, character designs, lots of art done for the Okami website, art done for various magazines, E3 2006 banner art, postcard art, some of the first drawings done as the game was just beginning, and even a short manga that was circulated internally at Clover Studios.
I scanned some of my favorite images from the book to post here. Possibly this isn't technically allowed, but it's not like I'm making money from this or anything. I just want to further promote Okami and its beautiful Japanese watercolor art style that is one of the best in all gaming.
This was just inside the cover. The whole book is designed like an old Japanese book with drawn in string binding. You read it right to left as well.
Aqueous God
Water Dragon
Water Dragon Entrance
Village of the Poncles
Cave of Nagi - River of the Heavens
Ark of Yamato - Control Room
Oni Island - Castle Guard Tower
This is on the very summit of Oni Island. What a location!
Kai's Anxiety
I think he's being chased by genies in this image.
This was a parody game Clover had on Capcom's website in 2006. It even had its own soundtrack, one track of which is reproduced as sheet music in the art book! It doesn't look like it can be had anywhere anymore but how cool would it be to have a full 8-bit version of Okami to play on the 3DS or Vita? Way cool!
Those are my favorites but there are many, many more in this very large art book for Okami. You can easily pick it up on Amazon here for $30. Also the HD version of the Okami game is on PSN and I'm going to play that sometime. I also have to go get the soundtrack.