does that Atari collection have Solaris? I want to play that game again.
I would kill for that cheese steak.
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![]() On 03/25/2014 at 01:47 AM by KnightDriver ![]() See More From This User » |
Today, or rather yesterday now, I got myself a cheese steak and a German beer and pulled out the original Xbox and dug into my Backloggery Fortune Cookie picks of Atari Anthology and Taito Legends.
That's the game Rastan on the screen there.
It’s weird to boot up the original Xbox and realize there’s almost no U.I. (user interface) to greet you and no noticeable internet connectivity. The U.I. for Xbox looks a lot like the other systems of its generation – just very simple and few options to choose from.
I put in Atari Anthology. This is a huge collection of Atari 2600 and Atari arcade games neatly arranged in categories according to game type with an additional section for all the Arcade games. Each game has unlockable special modes that let you play the game super-fast paced, or with weird graphical effects, or in a kind of timed challenge mode. I found out that you have to get certain scores on the arcade games to unlock these modes for the console games. This annoyed me at first, but then I realized I wasn’t too interested in playing them in special way. So I just went through them in the normal way spending longer on ones I liked, exiting quickly from anything I didn’t, and then labeling them played or deleting them off my backloggery page. Of all those many games, I only kept three on backloggery so I could revisit them sometime later: Adventure, Lunar Lander (Arcade), and Missile Command (Atari 2600 version).
Then I dug into Taito Legends and stayed with that the rest of the day. I thought I’d just rip through both of these collections in short order, but I really got hooked on many of the Taito games playing most of them to the end or just a long time. Ones I finished or just stayed with a while, and then saved on my backloggery page, were: Battle Shark, Bubble Bobble, Gladiator, Jungle Hunt, The New Zealand Story, The Ninja Kids, Operation Thunderbolt, Plump Pop, and Space Gun.
I hope to do some blogs on each of these games sometime soon.
No it isn't. I'm not sure why since the Atari 2600 version was published by Atari. The arcade original is by Stern Electronics and that might explain it. Stern is long gone so who knows who owns it now. Apparently Atari doesn't.
It's only been ported to systems from the 80s unfortunately. One recent one, however, is on this iPhone/iPad ap Vectrex Regeneration. Which looks super cool btw.
It was.
I could go down to where it all started at Pat's King of Steaks in Philly. I could go right now 'cause it's open 24/7. But I won't. I used to go with my band some nights after a gig. That was nice.
I got every collection I could find for Xbox (except Midway Arcade Treasures Vol 3 I just found out). Here's what I think is all of them plus the few that are only on PS2:
Atari Anthology
Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1, 2
Midway Arcade Treasures 1, 2, 3
Taito Legends 1, 2
PS2 only:
Activision Anthology
Sega Classics Collection
Sega Genesis Collection