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Games for My Feminine Side

On 04/28/2014 at 05:44 PM by KnightDriver

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     Today I listened to a Retronauts podcast which guest stars Rachel Weil who created the web site, a resource of video games through time created specifically for female gamers. 

   I'm always curious about games of all sorts, and this is an area I've rarely thought about except in terms of an art style like the pastel colors of Kirby's Epic Yarn and Plump Pop, or as a joke, like the way The Barbie games have often been portrayed.

    I rack my brain to think of any games I've played that were directed at female gamers. Centipede was probably the first game I'd heard like that. That's about it other than the obvious ones like the Hanna Montana and Barbie games.

   There have been times that I've avoided a game because of it's girlish art style or frou frou female characters. There are some JRPGs like that such as the Atelier games I've hesitated to buy because they seemed to be made for women, Atelier: Meruru for instance and most of what NIS puts out.


                                    Darn, even that name Meruru sounds girly to me.

   I'm interested in those JRPGs anyway. I'm just shy about buying them in the store. I'm interested in playing the Kirby games too. Yoshi's Island also seems quite feminine, but I'd like to play them. There are some game styles I usually don't think about like the simulation type gameplay of Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing that seem to be played by more women than men, but that I'd like to try sometime as well.

   Often it is the case that most video games are directed at men or boys with lots of destruction and violence. There are times I've enjoyed games more story driven like most of what Double Fine has put out. I think it would be fun to find a source of games without the blood and guts of the male-centric gamer style, something to appeal to my femine side, the side that likes story and art and noncompetitive, nonpressured gameplay. I look to sites like Femicom for the answer to this conundrum. Where are the gentle games, I ask?




Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/28/2014 at 06:11 PM

I heard about this game called Duke Nukem all the girls are playing.  Wink


04/28/2014 at 06:17 PM

Yea and Brutal Doom. Why do women love blood and guts so much? Why do they have to be so violent? Why does my girlfriend beat me? Why?Cry

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/28/2014 at 06:21 PM

it is interesting that boys and girls like different sorts of games, and how those games differ.  I've noticed girls like games where you collect stuff a lot, and generally aren't violent. And then of course there's girls who will kick your ass in Quake.  It's a pretty multifaceted thing. 

I can't really imagine playing princess games, but I don't mind playing as a female character (as I did in Mass Effect) but some men do have that problem. 


04/28/2014 at 06:32 PM

I played a female character in Fable III. I did a bit of fanfic with that character too that I really liked. It's interesting to take the female point of view. Priorities are totally different. 

I was listening to some feminist stuff recently in a lecture series and I wonder sometimes if feminists just want everyone to be the same. I don't know how I could fall in love with a woman who was just like me. I thought our gender differences were what made life interesting and fun.

Oh yea, and I just found some cool games on Femicom: Magic Knight Rayearth on Saturn and Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure on PS1.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/28/2014 at 06:39 PM

I like girly girls myself.  I don't think  everyone should be the same.  But i do think everyone should have the same opportunities.  I tell you, I just saw this:


and I'm like, "Really?"  I mean, don't get me wrong, I love boobs.  But why the fuck would Cortana look like this?  IT's just plain adolescent, and I can see why some women feel upset about it.  I mean, I don't think that this stuff should be banned or whatnot, I just think it's a little out of balance. 


04/29/2014 at 02:29 PM

I agree. Same opportunities for sure. And I agree with you on Cortana. It's just some cheap sex appeal for the guys who are the vast majority in playing Halo. It always bothered me especially when Halo 4 came out and the graphics were even more realistic.

All the AI in the Halo Universe can choose their own form. I just want to know why she chose this one. i don't think it's even explained unlike all the other ones. Suspicious me think.


04/29/2014 at 08:21 AM

I played Magic Knight Rayearth (SAT) many years ago.  It's one of my favortie Saturn games.  Been wanting to play though it again for years.  


04/29/2014 at 03:24 PM

Holy F. This game's going for $400 on Amazon. Oh well, looks like it's going to tough to get a hold of legitamately.

This game looks rad!


04/29/2014 at 09:03 PM

When I first bought the game, I paid about $30 for it.  I gave my Saturn and all my games away a few years later.  During the early 2000s, I started buying back all the games I gave away or traded.  I picked up a copy of Magic Knight Rayearth for about $50 off ebay.  I'm glade I got my copy when I did. Laughing


04/30/2014 at 04:07 PM

Guess I'll have to figure out an emulation solution when I get to it. Unless Sega puts it out again or in some downloadable form.

Cary Woodham

04/28/2014 at 08:04 PM

All right, if you want to learn more about 'feminine' games, you don't need to visit web sites like or whatever.  All you need to do is ask the toughest, most manliest gamer out there.  Who would that be?  It's ME, of course!  I'm so manly that when I play Soul Calibur IV (a very manly game, by the way), I always pick the biggest, meanest fighter there is.  And that fighter is...Xianghua.  No, I mean Nightmare.  I always play as Nightmare!  RRRRR!

Yeah I'm so 'manly' that I just got an email that I'm going to get a review copy of Gardening Mama 2: Forest Friends in the mail soon, and inside my head I squealed and jumped up and down excitedly.  So yeah if you want to know more about cute and colorful non-violent games, just ask me.  Sure they may not be very 'manly' games, but I've gotten to the point now that I just don't give a flip.

You should definitely play a Kirby game, though.  Kirby's actually a pretty badass character, believe it or not.  I can't wait for Kirby Triple Deluxe which comes out for 3DS at the end of the week.  I've even got a blog planned to post near the end of the week about Kirby, too! 

Yoshi's Island is pretty freaking awesome and so is Animal Crossing.  I don't really consider any of those games 'feminine,' though.  Maybe a little childlike, but like I said before, I don't give a flip anymore.  I just like 'em and have fun. 

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go read up on the press kit for Gardening Mama 2.  GRRRRR! I'M TOUGH AND STRONG! :)


04/29/2014 at 02:50 PM

I appreciate the information you give for those so called "feminine" games you mention. I'm always looking for something new and interesting.

This gender thing is touchy though, which is why I think other words are necessary like "gentle games" or "nonviolent games" or "story driven games" to talk about stuff that's not shooters or swords & sorcery battle games. I mean, I like a good building sim game. No bloodlust involved there.


04/28/2014 at 08:12 PM

Actually thats a awesome game with a deemp alchemy system and if you want feminine try Time and Eternity at first I thought I was playing a barbie game lol!!!


04/29/2014 at 02:51 PM

I totally want to play those games. Feel weird picking them up at the store, but I can get over that.


04/28/2014 at 08:19 PM

But in reality it really is a great game and gets less feminine the farther you get into the game


04/28/2014 at 08:53 PM

I like games where I get to blow shit up.I wouldn't want to just play those kinds of games, though. I also like to collect stuff. Jason heard me laughing maniacally one night and came out to see what I was doing. I was playing Red Faction: Guerrilla. He watched me for a few minutes, remarked "I can see why you like this game - you blow stuff up and then collect shiny things" and retreated back to the kitchen.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/28/2014 at 11:36 PM

Did you tell him to make you a sandwich while he was in there? Cause you totally should have. haha


04/29/2014 at 02:57 PM

See, this is where the gender thing gets a little silly. You like to blow things up. I like to blow things up. You like to go on an adventure. I like to go on a adventure. What's the darn difference? Nothing. Heck, I could even get into a fashion game. Call me Metrosexual or whatever, I don't care. I gotta look good sometimes. Can't rock the mountain man look every day.


04/29/2014 at 06:10 PM

Yeah, I don't get the gender thing, either. My criteria for a game is: Is it fun? WIll I be entertained? and that's pretty much it. I don't get wound up about this is a boy game or this is a girl game.


04/30/2014 at 03:47 PM

That's the way I look at it. If it's good, I want to play it.


04/28/2014 at 10:26 PM

Dude I must have no shame, i walked into a Gamestop and bought Dead or Alive Extreme 2. No game can block me wether its more toward men, women or even kids. If I wanna play something, I will. Right now Im getting a big enjoyment out of Skylanders, and its target audience is kids.


04/29/2014 at 03:00 PM

I saw Dead or Alive Paradise complete for PSP at Gamestop, but I couldn't bring myself to get it, even though I was darn curious. Oh for shame I even considered it.Laughing

I do want to play Skylanders too. Kids games don't scare me. I play Lego games. Even showed my nephew a thing or two in Lego Star Wars.


04/29/2014 at 08:16 AM

The Atelier games can be quite interested and funny actually. 


04/29/2014 at 03:08 PM

I'm not knocking them. I always put them high up on my list of games to get. I just haven't gotten to one yet.


04/29/2014 at 08:19 AM

I just finished Tales of Graces f (PS3).  It's a bit girly.  It's not as girly as I thought it would be though.  The opening intro for the game is very girly, IMO.  My daughter loves it and sangs the song around the house. Laughing


04/29/2014 at 03:10 PM

Neat. I want to play a Tales game now that I saw a trailer at Gamestop showing off that gorgeous cell-shaded art style. Love that stuff.


04/29/2014 at 09:04 PM

I own more than a few Tales games, but Graces f is the only one I've played.  It's pretty good.  I plan to play another Tales game this year.  I don't know which to start yet though.  


04/30/2014 at 04:08 PM

I have Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Symphonia in my backlog. I played a little bit of Phantasia, but that's it.


04/30/2014 at 08:07 PM

I have Symphonia (GC).  I don't know when I'll play that game.  I'll probably start Vesperia (360) or Xillia (PS3).  


05/01/2014 at 02:53 PM

Oh yea, Vesperia. I have that too.


04/29/2014 at 12:07 PM

When I saw the title I thought it was going to be about one of those horse riding games aimed at young girls...I bought this game where you have to wash the horse, and then take him/her around the track. Man it was tough steering the horse. 


04/29/2014 at 03:41 PM

Well, I couldn't think of any I'd played really, so I just wondered aloud about what could be out there and cool to play. So far I've come up with Magic Knight Rayearth and Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure.


04/29/2014 at 03:36 PM

I wouldn't be ashamed to own one of those games really. I'm more open minded than when I was a kid, I sometimes see no barrier in gender and I can like things that are not supposed to be targeted for the right demographic. I try even once in a while to create a female character (like in KOTOR).


04/29/2014 at 03:49 PM

I made a female character in Fable III.


04/29/2014 at 10:36 PM

I haven't had a chance to listen to the new Retronauts yet. Sounds interesting. I don't think nonviolent games are necessarily feminine though. I agree with Cary that games like Kirby are just more kiddy. You're definitely missing out if you haven't been playing Kirby games, by the way. There are definitely games that appeal to the girl stereotype though. I have yet to meet a girl that played Animal Crossing and didn't like it lol. But my wife likes Animal Crossing AND Gears of War, so it's hard to pigeonhole people.


04/30/2014 at 04:12 PM

Rachel Weil on Famicom had some pretty strict rules for what she considered a girl game and what went in the museum section of her site. I agree that just being nonviolent doesn't make it a game for girls.

I've got Kirby's Epic Yarn on my wishlist and there's that Kirby collection for Wii that I should pick up sometime soon.


04/30/2014 at 07:38 PM

Kirby's Epic Yarn is great for playing with a friend, and the Dream Collection will get you most of the games in the mainline series. Those would be two great buys Smile


05/02/2014 at 03:08 PM

You've definitely been missing out if you haven't been playing Kirby games. I like them a bunch, a whole lot of fun to be had with 'em.


05/02/2014 at 04:45 PM

I want Kirby Epic Yarn (still $20 at GS) and Kirby's Dream Collector's Special Edition (still $28 at GS).


06/20/2014 at 01:43 PM

The only game that comes to mind that I "think" might've been made with girls in mind would be the Acana Heart series. But don't quote me. For all I know it could be meant for guys. I never really thought about girl centri games. Just sso long I'm able to kill is all I care for.


06/21/2014 at 03:05 AM

That was a fun review. The game reminds me of Senra Kagura Burst game for 3DS.

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