I'm glad you could give us the Uber Under on Wolfenschtein.
Did you have a bratwurst when you played this? Please tell me you had a bratwurst and a German beer while playing. Or maybe a hot dog and a cold Budweiser, cause you were on Team America?
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![]() On 06/03/2014 at 01:56 AM by KnightDriver ![]() See More From This User » |
I played Wolfenstein: New Order a bit on Saturday, about two and half hours, and on Sunday I started out by watching youtube epic fails and sling shot ride videos on my 360. Laughed myself to tears. Then I watched a bunch of Twitch live play of a bunch of games like: Arma III, Eve Online, World of Tanks, and Elder Scrolls Online just to see what those games look like in action. Then I watched a longer Twitch stream of Borderlands 2 and this Hunt 3.0 thing. I guess it's a challenge on Twitch to get a number of legendary equipment in the game. I watched this one guy farm for one of the weapons by beating the same boss over and over until it dropped. I can't believe people go to such lengths for this stuff. Still, the list of items was kinda neat. It shows where each item is in the world, or, where it has the chance to be dropped. I may utilize that sometime in the future.
Then I got down to business and finished the campaign in Wolfenstein. I have to say, the story really gripped me leading up to the end. I mean, it's a pretty straight forward story, respresentatives of diverse humanity fighting a single oppressive group, but the characters are given quite personal detail to get you routing for them: BJ has dreams of comfortable family life and Anya tells her grandmother's desperate back story through audio logs that trigger as you progress. Anya presents them to BJ as something he might like to hear and of course he would, they're all about killing Nazis. These things make the characters seem more real and relateable; surprising for a blastfest shooter like this.
I played on "Bring 'em on!" difficulty which is the default setting and never changed it. I got pretty frustrated several times in the game, but in every case, it was just a matter of knowing my weapons and using them against the appropriate foes. Most enemy types can be defeated with good old fashioned bullets, but the heavily armored and robotic types have to be attacked with explosives, grenades or rockets, or more preferably, the LaserKraftWerk. The LaserKraftWerk is absolutely essential against robots and it's very important to find the recharge stations in a level because the weapon gets drained after only a few shots. In retrospec, the game was not reallly that hard on "Bring 'em on!" difficulty. I had more trouble with some of the final levels in the last Wolfenstein.
On Monday I put in some more solid gaming in Wolfenstein: New Order working through each mission to grab all the collectibles I didn't get on my first run of the game using some online guides. A few of the collectibles, the health and armor upgrades, are split between the two timelines in the game: the one where Fergus lives and the one where Wyatt lives. In my first play I saved Fergus and this time I saved Wyatt. There is some different dialog and even a different character in the safehouse with each timeline. To get all the upgrades, you have to play both timelines.
I had just finished chapter 10, the underwater chapter, when I had to stop for the night. That was one of the hardest chapters for collectibles, because stuff is in underwater caves, and in places you can only access once you've raised the water level. It was a lot of work, but fun work. I think it's smooth sailing from here on out.
I was also working on some of the skill perks by using my throwing knives a lot, trying to get kills while sliding, and trying to get silent kills while over-loaded on health. There are achievements, and I assume trophies in the PS3 version, for completeing each skill tree of perks.
I love going for achievements after playing through once for story. I'm not sure if I'll go for what'll be the last two achievements after all this: beating the game on Death Incarnate and Uber modes, but we'll see.
I'm glad you could give us the Uber Under on Wolfenschtein.
Did you have a bratwurst when you played this? Please tell me you had a bratwurst and a German beer while playing. Or maybe a hot dog and a cold Budweiser, cause you were on Team America?
I was asking a guy at Gamestop about the Wii-U bundles. Some of them come with the 8GB system and others with the 32GB one. He also told me that Mario Kart deal gives you a choice of the four games, not all four of them. I don't know if that's right though. I'd like to get the Zelda edition one and then get Pikmin 3 as well. I'm so close to convincing myself to make the deal.
There's so many places they can hide items it's rediculous. They really expect me to scour the bottom for something like that safe sitting at the bottom? In my first play I had picked up almost none of the collectibles. I used a guide the second time. I was thinking, if you had to search for stuff like this in real life, you would have to have a large diving team working for weeks to find it all.
I was torn by whether to wait for a next gen console or not for games like this which are on both. I don't see myself getting either one this year though so I went with the old. Having 4 discs for the Xbox 360 version really seems to say, "Get the new console stupid!" however.
One time I was coming down some stairs and saw a Nazi on patrol below. I threw three knives at him but they all clattered to the ground right at his feet - I forgot to aim high. He was alerted of course and ran up the stairs at me. I just stayed there at the top of the stairs and knifed him and all the others melee style as they came up. I made a pile that slowly slid back down the staircase. Ha!
Another time I got surprised by a Nazi and instinctively clicked the right stick down releasing a throwing knife right into his eye. I watched as he fell over with the thing sticking out of his head. Ha! Kinda gross too.
The level design is excellent as well. Makes me think of Half-Life 2 a little bit in it's variety of locations. There's: water, battlefields, lots of building interiors, scaffolding, trains, a submarine, a prison, and sewers. I'm loving exploring the levels too. Lots and lots of nooks and crannies. Once, I actually complained there was too much to explore and look at. It made me forget about enemies sometimes and got me shot in the back.
To date I have trophied out on the game and it was a blast doing it. the only issue I had was trying to perk out my gernade skills. It was really hard for me to get enemies to drop their gernades so they could take out other foes, along with tossing them back to get them killed. It went against my nature of just running up to them and filling their bodies with lead.
Uber is not that bad really. Just have to take it slow and careful. it also helps when you have all the heath/armor upgrades and perk unlocks. That's how I did it with my game.
I found this spot at the beginning of a level right after The Asylum where a guy would throw a grenade at me every time right after a checkpoint. It was a great spot to try that drop-a-grenade thing and then practice throwing them back too. It's the part right before you have to take on two mechs.
I'm working on Uber. It didn't seem too troublesome like you said. I'll get back to it to get those last two achievements in July.