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FPS Fest

On 06/17/2014 at 03:20 AM by KnightDriver

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    I started Enemy Front on Sunday and played for about three hours or so until I got to this sniping mission that drove me nutzo. There's something about the targeting controls that I just don't like - seem too sensitive. My crosshair kept zipping too quickly across targets. Only when I quick-scoped (or quick-iron-sighted I guess you'd call it here) did I have good accuracy. Anyway it was taking me too long to aim with the controls. I repeatted the level several times before I had to take a break out of frustration. Then I lent the game to my friend sitting next to me and watched him adjust the sensitivity and then get past the area where I got stuck. Boy am I stupid.


                                                  Sniping in Enemy Front

    Enemy Front isn't a bad game, it just has a more realistic feel to the controls.The graphics are really nice but lack some detail in the active elements like explosions and the world is mostly not destructable except for vehicles. The world is also mostly noninteractive. The most I did with it was write the resistance logo on some walls. The voice acting is noticeably subpar. Compared to Wolfenstein, which is fully as good as a feature film, it's like a high school play. Animations are stiff and the graphic of my arms froze in the air right where I had just been several times. Nothing mechanically went wrong in the game except for one cut-scene of an explosion that just didn't appear. You could see where the bomb went off right behind the cut-scene that followed.

      So, while I watched my friend get farther in Enemy Front, I played Wolfenstein: New Order the rest of the day. In contrast to Enemy Front, the weapons in WNO are an immediate joy to use, the voice acting outstanding, and the graphics noticeably sharper and more detailed. I finished all the perks. The last two: making an enemy drop his grenade and getting kills, and picking up and throwing back a grenade for kills, weren't that hard once I found a place where a soldier consistantly appeared to throw a grenade at me, and I could reload the scene over and over. I'm so far never tired of replaying this game. It's a joy in every aspect, even though some of the aspects make me cringe a little. NO MORE NECK STABBY! Especially at the beginning of The Asylum level in a cut-scene you can't skip.                       


                                  The Assault Rifle in Wolfenstein: New Order

    Then, on Monday, I started in on Uber mode. I looked up a guide to see if I could do it in one of the special modes. I didn't get an answer to that one but somebody said you could just start the last level in "Uber", switch to "Don't Hurt Me" and play until the very last moment and then switch back to "Uber" and get the achievement. I tried this and it didn't work. So I started from the beginning and got through several chapters before getting a bit stuck on the room with the helicopters (fifth chapter?). I'd kill off the leaders, and then the two robots, but then I'd get surrounded by soldiers and get killed over and over. Despite my frustration, I was very happy to be playing Wolfentein over for probably the fourth time. The shooting in this game is so darn fun, plus I kept noticing little things I hadn't noticed before like BJ pulling a metal support down to allow rocks to crush a Panzerhund in the third chapter. I always thought the Panzerhund did it by crashing through that spot.



                                That's one big robot in Wolfenstein: New Order

    By then I'd watched my friend finish Enemy Front and the disc was sitting on the table beside me, so I decided to take a break from Wolfy and try Enemy Front again. This time I slid the Look Sensitivity slider all the way down to slowest speed. I had a much better time of it, plus I learned by watching my friend that you could hold your breath while sniping to slow things down. I got through several chapters before I had to stop for the night. The game seemed much better to me now. There are very complex towns to traverse, side missions, collectibles, and you can write the resistance logo on some walls. I was once shot by an enemy from behind a wall however. That's not supposed to happen.


                                          Submachine gunning in Enemy Front

   And that's about all for this week. Lots of shooting at Nazis in two different games. I'll probably do this one more weekend before Valiant Hearts comes out on the 24th whereupon I will be shooting WWI Germans. 



Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/17/2014 at 09:34 AM

Enemy Front seems chill. 


06/17/2014 at 03:45 PM

It gets better as it goes along but there doesn't seem to be a cover system. You're either exposed or covered and unable to target anything. Kinda wierd that. The back of the box says you can tackle areas any way you want, stealth or force, but I get sighted so quickly, I end up just runnin' in guns-a-blazin'. It's rare that I get a chance to take a hostage or move a body to avoid detection.


06/17/2014 at 06:55 PM

I saw a couple shit reviews and cringed. rather take your word though and actually check the game out now.


06/18/2014 at 01:43 AM

I'd say it's worth it at $20, so I'd wait a little bit. It's price is going to plummet I'm sure very soon. It's short too. My friend finished it in seven hours I believe. is claiming 5 hours, but I think that's if you race through it. Still, it's definitely short. It reminds me of those History Channel games which are also kind of bargain bin stuff, but interesting for their authenticity and servicable gameplay.


06/18/2014 at 03:42 AM

No doubt. Ill wait a bit, but will definitely get it. It looks like it has that janky but fun feel like the Sniper Elite games.


06/18/2014 at 01:21 PM

I gotta try one of those Sniper Elite games sometime.


06/18/2014 at 12:01 PM

I hope to pick Wolfenstein someday on Steam.


06/18/2014 at 01:22 PM

I heard it's like a 40 GB download. Well worth it though. I'm on my fourth play and still not tired of it.


06/18/2014 at 12:53 PM

Enemy Front looks like a cleaned up Medal of Honor, and something I would enjoy...but I would have to only play a level at a time before getting dizzy. 


06/18/2014 at 01:26 PM

If the shooting was just a little bit better, I'd say it was equal to those Medal of Honor games, but it's really just a notch below that. I struggle to explain just why, but it's a feel thing.

That sucks about the dizziness. Does it happen in 3rd person games? Too bad you can switch back and forth like you can in the Elder Scrolls games.


06/19/2014 at 08:04 PM

I hate it when some gets stabbed through the forehead or top of the head. It happened all the time in Killzone: Mercenary and once near the end of Dead Space. I'm like, really? It would take so much force to do that. The neck would be much easier.

I'm looking forward to playing The New Order sometime, but I think I'll wait to get it on a next gen system, whenever that is. Should be a lot cheaper by then. How does this one compare with the Wolfenstein from 2009? Or is that apples to oranges?


06/20/2014 at 01:37 AM

I found out there are quite a few different animations of knife takedowns depending on how close you are to the person when you trigger it and how many knives you are wielding. None of them are unrealistic like the ones you mentioned, although I wonder if you can really stab someone through the temple like I saw in one particular part of the game.

I loved the '09 Wolfenstein but New Order is great in every aspect, not just in the shooting.

I think having it on a next gen system would be wise because you don't have to keep putting in discs every five levels or so, loading levels would be quicker (it takes a minute or so before it lets you skip a cutscene), and I did notice a rare instance of frame rate slowdown in some battles with lots of enemies.


06/21/2014 at 12:16 PM

I just  started my Uber run in Wolfenstein.  It might be the first game that I 100% in years.


06/22/2014 at 02:33 AM

I'm thinking I may be able to do it too, but I'm a little stuck in the helicopter arena. I kill the leaders, then the two robots, and then I get surrounded with soldiers and die. I think I just have to find a good defensive position to knock 'em down one by one. The final robot won't be much trouble I don't think. It's just LKW over and over. I'm hoping I finish Enemy Front tomorrow and give it another shot.


07/02/2014 at 12:51 PM

and that's why I prefer my FPS's with non scoped weapons. I'm not one for missions that have me using a sniper rifle. I like getting up close and personal with my nazi killing. Never was one for assassination/takedown kills but I'm coming to enjoy in getting all stabby on nazi scum. That never get's old.

I heard you could do that difficutly switch if you didn't download the day one patch. some say you can remove the patch and then try it but I didn't bother with it. I sucked it up and took on the nazi bastards on uber. after going thru what I did the final mission was a breeze. It's also a sweet feeling when you take down that walking robot in the first mission. Loads of fun!


07/02/2014 at 04:30 PM

There is so much stabby in Wolfenstein: N.O.. It brings new meaning to the term "cut-scenes" - should be "stabby-scenes".

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