I still need to download Anarchy Reigns. $5 is too cheap to pass up.
Poopy To Do
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![]() On 06/29/2014 at 02:57 PM by KnightDriver ![]() See More From This User » |
No gaming for me today. You would think I would have something else to do, but I really don’t. I could go hiking (tired from work – nah), read a book (did that already), see a movie (may still do that. I heard How to Train Your Dragon 2 is good but Transformers is on IMAX 3D. I may do that instead), play some music (don’t want to be cooped up doing that unless I had someone to jam with, and I don’t, band mate moved to Maine), play Tearaway on my Vita (somehow I want something more meaty to do), or hang out with friends (my only friend right now is my gaming buddy Mark and he’s busy with his girlfriend – BAH!). So I’m doing the only other thing I do on a lonely day, type this stuff at my favorite coffee shop, get wired on coffee, and try to think about gaming – or writing – or anything really.
Nope. . . got nothing.
No dammit, not VANDAL Hearts! VALIANT Hearts!
Well, here’s what I’m going to play tomorrow for sure. First, Valiant Hearts: The Great War. I keep thinking of Vandal Hearts whenever I think about that game. I’ve played VH: Flames of Judgment on XBLA, but I’d love to play the first two games. Second, see what I have left to do in Enemy Front. I think the only thing left is to get a second copy so Mark and I can play some multiplayer to mop up those easy achievements. It’s still $30 at Gamestop, but if I trade in a bunch of old stuff, I could probably pick it up for under $10. I’ll probably wait though because I think I may be at Vandal Hearts, I mean, Valiant Hearts, for the whole day. If not though, I’ll go to my third game, Wolfenstein: New Order, and try and get a few more levels done on Uber difficulty. If that gets too frustrating, I’ll go to my fourth game, Bound by Flame, which I picked up last week. Bound by Flame is an action RPG in which you get infected with a demonic power and have to choose whether to embrace it and be evil or reject it and be good. I imagine there will be two separate trees of powers you can have depending on that choice. It sounds interesting, but it may be a short game since it was “budget” priced at $40. With those four games, I’ll certainly have plenty to do tomorrow.
That’s Jack Cayman from MadWorld in Anarchy Reigns
I think the first thing I’ll do tomorrow though is download the free games for Xbox One, which even though I don’t have the console, I can still download games to my account and have them when I do get it (and I am getting one as soon as Crackdown comes out next year). Then I’ll check Live for Xbox 360 and download anything free and check out the sales. I hear Anarchy Reigns was up there for $5 earlier in the week, so I hope it’s still there ‘cause I want it. It’s a beat ‘em up by Plantinum Games and a kind of sequel to MadWorld on Wii (it shares some of the same characters) which itself was kind of a spiritual sequel to God Hand on PS2. I mean, God Hand was Clover Studios, but some of those guys formed Platinum and the attitude of God Hand is all over many of the games Platinum puts out. I’d say Bayonetta is a kind of female version of God Hand really.
Brrringgggg. Looks like my friend Mark can play games today. Weehooo! I’m off. Here I come Vandal Hearts – no, no, no! Valiant Hearts! Valiant Hearts!