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Valiant Transformer Dragons 2

On 07/02/2014 at 04:06 PM by KnightDriver

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     I almost completed Valiant Hearts: The Great War this weekend. I came up two achievements short of it. I’m down to two collectibles left for the all collectibles achievement, and I need the one for the rhythm game. The rhythm one will be the toughest, but not that tough compared to others I’ve done. It’s pretty short and I should get it after a few tries, but that’ll have to wait ‘til next weekend.


     Valiant Hearts was a fun game. Its puzzles remind me of the Oddworld games: pulling switches, finding objects to activate machines, interacting with the environment by throwing things, pipe puzzles, turning wheels, all that kind of stuff. It also reminds me of The Cave where you do some limited platforming; although, you can’t jump in Valiant Hearts. Some other game mechanics used are a rhythm game, a driving sequence where you avoid obstacles, and one short quick-time-event.

     There are collectibles on all the levels, except for the ones where you’re driving a taxi, some of which are devilishly difficult to see or even completely invisible. A few appear only after you interact with something in the environment. It pays to scrutinize each area closely, click “A” in some places you might suspect have an item, and look for anything that might be interactive.

     There is also some reading, if you’re interested. There are diaries for each character that pop up as you move through the story, the individual descriptions of each collectible, and there are pure history shorts that you can read every time you enter a new location. I actually got an achievement just for reading the history pages, which made me laugh. I think that’s a first.  


    The visual design of the game didn’t wow me as much as I thought it would. The animations are stiffer than I expected, but the general look of the game is gorgeous. There’s something about the character design by Paul Tumelaire that’s really familiar to me; those stocky bodies and tiny feet. It’s probably from certain characters in the recent Rayman Origins/Legends games that he worked on.


     The music is orchestral throughout the levels and solo piano in the menu screens. After a while that sad solo piano music made me want to stop it from yanking on my heartstrings. It kinda reminded me of the solo piano theme in Halo 3: ODST. It liked it initially, but then really thought it was a touch corny after a while. That’s the thing with sensitive stuff. It works only for so long. There is a rousing orchestral tune during the battle of the Somme section that made me think of John William’s Duel of the Fates theme from Phantom Menace (or Dvorak’s New World Symphony from which it’s inspired). I liked that one a lot.

      All in all, Valiant Hearts was very enjoyable. I loved playing it once, and then again to find all the collectibles and mission achievements I missed the first time (almost finished with that). After this coming weekend, I estimate I will have spent about 15 hours on the game, and for $15, that’s quite nice. I like a game you can finish in one weekend (or even 1.15 weekends).


     I also saw Transformers: Age of Extinction on IMAX 3D. Wow was that a nonstop action extravaganza for almost three hours! I’m not a huge Transformers fan, but I enjoyed this. It just got better as the movie went on and Mark Wahlberg didn’t annoy me as much I he usually does with his constant pleas for understanding. His daughter, whoever the actress was, looks exactly like a Barbie Doll. That kinda unnerved me – uncanny valley in real life. Still, giant robots and dinosaur robots are ok with me, especially when they run rampant all over Chicago and Hong Kong.


     I also saw How to Train Your Dragon 2 in Real 3D. The first one was amazing in 3D and I hoped for something just as good. It looked great, but it didn’t make me notice 3D effects like the first one did. This was a really good story about family, resistance to oppression, and the abuse of nature. The variety of dragon types is always really interesting to me. So many interesting dragon shapes and vomit attacks. I think I’ll pick up the game this weekend, despite lousy reviews, to relive some of the magic of the movie. I’m beginning to see the appeal of movie licensed games.

    And that was my weekend full of war between people, war between robots, and war between dragons. Maybe next weekend will be a little bit more peaceful, but I doubt it.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/02/2014 at 04:45 PM

that's a lot of war!  I really like Valiant Hearts too.  I am almost done with it, and hope to do a review for the end of the week.  I like the aesthetic a lot, maybe not the characters so much, but the environments and layering of 2D art.  It's really pretty.  I like that games like this are being made. 


07/03/2014 at 01:41 AM

Yea, I can't wait to see what's next for Ubisoft Montpellier and the UbiArt Framework engine.

Cary Woodham

07/02/2014 at 05:09 PM

I keep hearing about Valiant Hearts from you people.  If I had more time I'd play it.

I want to see the new Transformers movie although I think the folks who made the Fall of Cybertron game should be in charge of the movies now.  They did such a good job.

I also want to see How to Train Your Dragon 2.  Maybe I can catch up on movies over the holiday weekend.

Oh, and you do NOT want to play the Dragon 2 game.  I reviewed it.  Trust me.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/02/2014 at 05:24 PM

oh, I almost bought Fall of Cybertron during the steam sale but I didn't.  Kind of regret that.  I love transformers, but can't stand the movies...  I heard FOC is really good though. 


07/03/2014 at 02:02 AM

I heard that game is good too. I may try it sometime.

Cary Woodham

07/03/2014 at 05:19 AM

Let's just say this.  Fall of Cybertron is a third person shooter and normally I don't like those kinds of games.  But I played all the way through Fall of Cybertron, so that tells you how good it was.


07/03/2014 at 01:58 AM

Well, thanks for that review of How to Train Your Dragon 2, the video game, because it looks pretty dreadful. It's not even pretty to look at. I also looked into the movie tie-in game for Transformers, Rise of the Dark Spark, and that looks pretty uninteresting as well. I was excited for a moment about the 3DS version done by WayForward, and it being a strategy RPG, but it's graphics look incredibly ugly and the gameplay way too basic. I think I'll pass on both.


07/03/2014 at 12:04 AM

As soon as I found out Valiant Hearts wasn't an RPG I sorta lost interest. Im glad that you had a really good time with it though bro!

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/03/2014 at 12:21 AM

And I have now lost interest too. At least it looks pretty from a distance. As is my reaction to most RPGs. lol

I think this might be the first Transformers since the first one that I would be able to tolerate. I always fall asleep at the first one too because all of these movies are WAY too fucking long; and I dig me some Hobbit and Dark Knight movies so length alone isn't the problem, it's length plus shitty quality. Anyway, with Wahlberg replacing that annoying LeBouef kid, I might actually like the human characters, even if I don't see the point in them being so prominent. Just give me the damn robots and make it an hour and a half. And let me know which robot is which, which I've heard they finally do a good job of with this one. God, I hated the second and third movies.

How To Train Your Dragon never really made me notice 3D any more than other movies. I took a date to see that when it came out for $22 between my and her ticket for 3D and I might have been more upset about that than I was paying attention to the effects though. I would like to see the sequel anyway, but I'll wait for DVD. I really want to see 22 Jump Street.


07/03/2014 at 02:16 AM

I've never been a big Transformers fan but this one approached the craziness of Pacific Rim especially in the last act of the film. For that I'd give it a decent score. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/03/2014 at 11:03 AM

I actually thought the Transformers movies were always "crazier" than Pacific Rim was, but they left me kind of bored cause there was no weight to it like in PR. In PR, I liked the characters(especially gold Ron Perlman) and the giant robots moved like giant robots and I could tell what was happening, unlike in Transformers where the robots looked like toys, I hated the characters, and I could barely tell what was happening anyway. But if movie 4 gets it right, I'll take your word for it.


07/03/2014 at 03:49 PM

Yea, even though the Transformers are huge, they do look like toys. I'd see Pacific Rim again in a heartbeat, Transformers? Meh.


07/03/2014 at 02:08 AM

Yea, RPG is always my first interest. I was screaming about the puzzles in a few spots. Puzzles make me do that. At one point all I could say was the "F" word over and over. I'd used up all the other obscenities I could think of.


07/03/2014 at 04:53 PM

Lousy reviews? I've seen that HTTYD 2 actually got very good reactions from both public and fans.

I've been very lazy with movies lately, but it has more to do that the closest theater is about 1 hour from where I live.


07/04/2014 at 01:08 AM

The movie's getting good reviews, the game is not. Cary even told me it was bad. He reviewed it at

Movies an hour away. Wow, you really got to want to see something to travel that far.


07/04/2014 at 04:18 AM

Okay, now I know.

However, Cary is a guy, not a girl so you should change she to he....


07/04/2014 at 02:57 PM

Oh sh. . . I always make that mistake. It's those girly icons he uses all the time. 


07/10/2014 at 12:46 PM

I'll wait for that Great war game to drop in price. don't look compelling enough for me right now.

Still unsure of watching the New transformers movie. I've been burned one to many times with the franchise. and I don't care how awesome it woudl be to see Optimus Prime riding a robotic dinosaur into battle


07/10/2014 at 01:42 PM

I'm not much of a Transformers fan. I just wanted to see something on the IMAX screen. Oh but that Transformer Dino battle at the end was very, very cool.

I love it when the bass in the IMAX theater is so loud it shakes your whole body. It happened once near the end of Transformers. It happened in Godzilla too. 

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