a day where I played some Mii-Plaza games, EDF 2025 and Weapon Shop de Omasse.

I played the Find Mii game which is an RPG. Your Mii Plaza friends help you to progress.
In the morning, I had one street-passed Mii that I played some Mii-Plaza games with. I've been carrying my 3DS around with me for a while now, but I think you have to have Mii-Plaza open when you put the system to sleep to street-pass other Miis. So now I do that every morning before I head out for the day.

Beware, those red ants BITE.
I spent the whole afternoon and evening playing EDF 2025 with my friend Mark. We got stuck on a level in the 30s somewhere. I looked up some strategy and was told that you can farm for better weapons by replaying early levels on a higher difficulty. We played level 1 on Inferno, the highest difficulty, but our level 5 weapons weren't even scratching the enemy, so I moved the difficulty down to Hard and that worked perfectly. After a few levels of that, we had level 20 weapons; however, when we went back to that level we got stuck on, and set the difficulty back to Normal, the game wouldn't let us use our level 20 weapons, the level cap being 11. Well, we had some level 8 weapons around by then, switched to those, and got past that troublesome spot.
Then we got stuck on level 37. So many enemies! We just couldn't get past it, running out of health eventually and ending up in the jaws of a red ant, or two, or several every time. We replayed the level many times, swapping out this weapon with that, looking for the best combination to use. Then we finally gave in and put the difficulty to Easy and got past it, and the next level, before the night was over. I think we're really close to the final level or two. The way they now contain every type of enemy all at once suggests an end-game scenario approaching.

Where do I hit? Away from the blade or on it?
Sometimes when I was down and could do nothing but wait for Mark to free himself from enemies to come revive me, I would open my 3DS and play some Weapon Shop de Omasse. It truely is the case that the rhythm game you play to construct weapons seems random. I did horribly on one weapon and got almost all Great scores. Another one that I thought I aced, got all Not Bad scores. So whatever. I'm still enjoying asigning weapons to NPCs and waiting to see if their quests are sucessful. I find it hard to follow the Grindcast feed for more than a few entries at a time, before I go back to forging, so I'm not following their progress very closely. I only find out how they do when they return to the store to talk about it. I worry, that if I sit there and read the feed too long, I won't make enough weapons to supply the customers. The game is on a timer and NPCs return pretty often during one complete in-game day and ask for new weapons or return old ones that I need to polish.
Now that you've told me your story, let the world be my sandbox.
The last thought I had of the day was concerning Adventure Mode in Diablo III. On The Playstation Official Blogcast this week, the game's producer said it was the campaign stripped of the story elements. Well, that exactly what I was wishing I could have in Wolfenstein: New Order a few weeks ago. After I experienced the story, I wanted to go through the levels without having to wait for cutscenes or even see any of that stuff. i just wanted the levels to play through. Well, that's exactly what you get in Diablo III's Adventure Mode. More games should have that.