My plan in 2014 was to keep up with the latest releases, buy one new game a month, and play that game as thoroughly as possible. Well, I've finally got overwelmed by the number of games out now that I haven't played. Not only that, my best friend and gaming buddy is out of work, probably for good, and can't keep up with me anymore. This kind of kills my interest in keeping up with the Joneses, so I'm going on a vacation and taking a long nostalgic trip through the years of gaming history - and my collection.
I'm going to choose one game at a time, starting at the beginning (which to me is 1977, the year the Atari 2600 was released), play it, and then write up my experience. All together that will amount to 37 games, 38 when 2015 happens (I can't believe that in 2017 it will be 40 years of gaming. Scheesh!). Most of these games will cost me little or nothing to acquire since my collection is pretty large already.
The first decade or so will go by really quickly as the games are short, but then the games of the 90's will take longer, and the 2000's longer still. I don't care how long it takes, but I'd like to cruise through history and play some games I love and some I've longed to play. It's going to be fun, and I get to write about all of it - funner still. . . that's fun and funner!