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Nostalgic Vacation: 1981 - Wizardry, Level 1

On 09/07/2014 at 02:46 AM by KnightDriver

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Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord came out for PC in 1981, the same year the first video gaming magazine started, Electronic Games. Donkey Kong was out in the arcades and my favorite Atari 2600 game came out, Stampede. But enough history, let's get to playing Wizardry.                          


As you can see, I've been playing the NES version which is almost identical to the original Apple II version I played in the 80's. The only difference I've noticed so far is that Bishops are called Wizards, which I think is a better choice anyway.                                                                                                 wizm

Above is the map of level 1 which I still had drawn up on graph paper from the last time I played several years ago. I did want to start over, but since it was there, I used it.

Just before playing this time, my buddy and I watched the movie Predator with Arnold Schwarzenegger for the millionth time; so I thought I'd create a party made up of characters from it [SPOILER ALERT from here on out].

I listed all the characters given credits in the order they got wacked by The Predator. Here are the first six: Hopper, Blain, Mac, Dillon, Hawkins, Billy.


Hopper, granted, is a character already dead when the movie starts, but he's talked about enough that I thought I'd list him as the first guy that was killed by the predator. And what should happen after only a few trips into the maze?


That's right, he died first, amazing! I kept to a general rule that I wouldn't revive anyone until I had used up all 10 cast members plus Hopper. Another reason was that it costs a bunch to revive and I wanted to use the meager gold you get in the beginning for equipment. That also meant no cheating by farming gold from character creation.


This above was the new team with Poncho, who dies after Billy in the film, in place of  Hopper.


I saw a lot of this screen above in my play of level one. The thief definitely has the most dangerous job in the group. He/she has to identify traps on chests found and then disarm them. This is mostly determined by his/her luck and agility scores, but anything can and does happen.


Getting stunned means paralysis and before a cleric gets his Dialko anti-paralysis spell at level 5 or 6, there's only one way to reverse it - pay money at the Temple. Well that was against my rules of no revivals in the Temple, so Dillon had to go and the next one be put in his place.


The next to die in the film after Poncho was The Predator itself, so in he goes as the new thief.


Ah darn it! But The Predator is resilient and he survived that exploding box, just barely. Kinda like when Dutch got the jump on it with the exploding arrow in the film but didn't kill it.


But this one was a killer. Lower level characters in Wizardry do not have the anti-poison spell Latumofis until sometime around level 8 or 9, so all you can do is rush back to the castle town and hope you have enough healing spells to keep the poor sap alive - you lose one HP per step taken.


I was way too far from the stairs and with few healing spells left. Looks like The Predator is out, but who's left since no one else dies in the film?


Well, there's three characters who survive and so I listed them in order of who leaves the film first. That would be Anna, then The General, and then finally Dutch - Arnold's character. So Anna is the next thief. She's got her work cut out for her.


Oh no! But don't worry. Anna survives this one. She may look fragile, but she's a survivor.


It's Poncho who takes it in the neck next. Those Scruffy Men are unidentified on this screen. You can use a low level spell to reveal them if you want, but it's inadvisable since you will lose a valuable turn for the character casting the spell, and you need everyone on board for these guys since they are the toughest enemy on level 1. I know from past experience they are Bushwackers and they bushwacked Poncho gorram it all! I guess he couldn't make it.


Up next is The General, who along with Anna, you see in the chopper as the nuke goes off in the forest signaling the death of The Predator. He's taking the place of Poncho, so he's got to be a fighter.

I should say that my arrangement of two fighters, one cleric, one theif, and two magic users (here they are Wizards or what was originally called Bishops who use both cleric and mage spells) is an arrangement I've found to be very helpful. You need two pure fightrers, you need a cleric to heal, a thief to open chests, and multiple mages to loft fire balls (Halito) or sleeping spells (Katino) in aid of the front line. The cleric can do double duty as a fighter since he can wield a mace and wear armor. It's wise to do this so you have a spot open for that second mage. Mages are really helpful in the later stages of the game. Here I'm using WIzards who level up more slowly but they have the dispell ability against undead, can identify found items, and plus - you can't have too many cleric healing spells.


Bye bye General. He didn't last long. It's those Bushwackers again. Those guys suck! The one downside to bringing up a new character instead of raising one from the dead for an exorbintant price is that he/she has low HP and is vulnerable until he/she gains a few levels. Oh well, only one left and the star of the show too. That's Dutch!


And holy cow! Look at what happened when I rolled him up as shown above (and I haven't been cheating by rerolling until something good comes up). I rolled a 16 on my bonus and was able to max out his strength and put the rest in vitality. In Wizardry you choose a race which gives you a general spread of abilities. Then you get a bonus number, that's usually between 7 and 9, that you can add any way you want and there-by qualify for various classes. Sometimes that bonus number is high like this just by random. I couldn't believe it happened on Dutch. How perfect!


Blain still gets to be leader because of his experience and high HP (due to having 18 in vitality) but with the money I'd earned so far, I was able to get Sturdy Platemail for Dutch and make him AC 0 to give him a little more protection while he levels up. I don't want to lose him; although, now I'm out of movie characters, so I'm going to have to start reviving. You'll notice I revived Dillon to replace Anna (he was cheaper to revive) as thief. 


And finally I defeated the troubling Bushwackers for the biggest EP score of the night and signaling my mastery of level one. There's only one place on level one not conquered yet and that's the Murphy's Ghost hidden in a small room. I've been advised to be level 7 to beat it, so I have a level or two to gain by first investigating dungeon level two.


This is the look of the team as I shut down for the night. I had some cash to get Sturdy Plate for Blain as well as Dutch and everyone leveled up at least once after that mega battle I had with the Bushwackers. Mac was solid the whole time as cleric, Dillon returns as theif from the beginning, Hawkins and Billy were solid; at level 6, they now have both healing spells and mages spells making it much easier to stay in the maze longer. And Dutch is finally in the group and making big contributions already. I think this could be the team to go the distance. I'll call them Team Predator from now on.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

09/07/2014 at 03:19 AM

Dude man, I've never played this game but it seems intense.  No wonder it's so legendary.  


09/08/2014 at 12:08 AM

It's like the bare essence of every turn-based RPG to come after it.


09/07/2014 at 03:23 AM

man...if I had to draw my own maps, I'd end up being one angry bastard.  automapping is a godsend =)


09/08/2014 at 12:11 AM

Awe but it's so much fun. The guys behind Etrian Odyssey were into it. You have to draw the maps on the bottom screen of the DS and 3DS for every one of their games. I wish they'd remake Wizardry for the 3DS, but Etrian Odyssey is so perfect, I'm happy with that series.

Super Step Contributing Writer

09/07/2014 at 03:57 AM

Isn't that a Famicon?

Cary Woodham

09/07/2014 at 05:04 AM

No it's a top-loading NES.  It's a new model NES Nintendo released after the Super Nintendo.


09/08/2014 at 12:14 AM

Right you are. My friend gave that to me years ago. It's cool. He has a Yobo now which is even smaller, if you can imagine that. The cart dwarfs the system. It's a weird look.

Also it hooks up to your TV via the cable jack. I haven't had to do that in eons.

Cary Woodham

09/07/2014 at 05:10 AM

I didn't get into RPGs until Final Fantasy 4 (2) on the Super Nintendo.  Anything before was too daunting or not interesting enough.  Either that or I was just too young.  Although my friend and I did have fun taking turns playing Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy on the NES at his house.  But I never felt the need to buy those myself.

We used graph paper to make maps back then as well.  This was before strategy guides or GameFAQs, so us 'old folk' had to do things differently.  At PAX I played a tablet game from Cartoon Network called Adventure Time: Game Wizard.  You use real graph paper to draw levels, and the game uses the tablet camera to read your map and make a 2-D platforming level in the game!  I thought it was quite clever.

Did you know that a couple of years ago, a new Wizardry game came out on the PS3?  It was a download only title, and I had to review it.  I don't think I did a very good job.  Those games are hard!  --Cary


09/08/2014 at 12:20 AM

I don't know how I got Wizardry. I think it magically appeared with my parents purchase of the Apple IIc. I know I didn't go looking for it.

I keep hearing good things about the Adventure Time games. I'm going to keep my eye on that one.

Labyrinth of Lost Souls and it made me rage quit. It seemed really unfair and when you lose hours of gameplay to one random encounter, that's enough for me.
I was surprised to see on Wiki that there have been many Wizardry games on the Japanese PSN store. We only go the one in NA though.

Cary Woodham

09/08/2014 at 07:40 AM

There were a lot of games I had on my Apple II+ that I had no idea how I got.  I think there was a lot of copying back then.

Wizardry is very popular in Japan.


09/09/2014 at 02:25 AM

I had Wizardry 1-3 all in the orginal boxes for the Apple IIc. I wish I still had those.

Yea, they even put Wizardry 1-3 on the Gameboy. I actually got a copy thinking I could play it even though it was in Japanese, but no, it's too hard.


09/07/2014 at 06:49 AM

Wizadry is a classic I remember drawing maps on graph paper to keep from getting lost, For the time it was a huge game and stampede was the one where your heard cattle right?


09/08/2014 at 12:23 AM

I remember getting lost many times in Wizardry when I was first drawing the maps out. You didn't know where you were going and sometimes the game would try and mess with you so you'd get lost. It made the game even harder. I have most of the levels practically memorized now, so that "getting lost" element is kinda gone.

Yea, Stampede you herd cattle. It's really simple, but a lot of fun as you have to decide which doggies to rustle first or be overrun by them.


09/07/2014 at 08:49 PM

Now this game I remember! I still think my mom still has this game along with ShadowGate with her NES back home. But I doubt I'll get into that major of a detail to play it again. I'll just play the Wizardry game on PSN. Automap is a Godsent. Plus those pitch dark rooms still scare me when I stare right at them before I move into them in the game.


09/08/2014 at 12:26 AM

I know what you mean. Even with the maps, I was still getting lost in the dark. Luckily there's the spell Dumapic to give you coordinates if you need them.


09/08/2014 at 07:21 PM

Loved that game! Saved and scraped forever to save up the $70 to buy it and then had to wait 6-8 weeks for delivery. The UPS guy was scared of me by the time the game finally arrived. I had the IBM, er, PC, version of the game and missed out on the unlimited XP bug. And Bishops were the powered-up version of priests and weren't accessible at the beginning of the game. Bishop, Samurai, Ninja, and Lord were the four upper level classes. Somewhere I still have all my maps, along with the original game in its original box with the spell book.


09/08/2014 at 07:26 PM

Hey I remember you. Tami right? :P


09/09/2014 at 02:42 AM

My friend has an original Apple Mac Plus version. I played that version in college. He also has a boxed NES version with the spell book. I had to reference it every so often because I forgot a spell or two. I'm amazed how much I remembered though.

I remember all the special classes had to be gotten later in the game because you needed high abilities in several areas at once. For some reason I rolled two characters this time, that when I gave them good intelligence and wisdom, the NES version let me be Wizards (Bishops) right from the start. Not the others though.

I remember getting that bug in the Apple IIc version. I forget exactly how it worked, but I think it had to do with a Bishop identifying a particular item which then gave him infinite XP. I swear I didn't know about that bug until I had legitamately beaten the game.


09/09/2014 at 08:56 AM

There are only eight item slots and you had to have the bishop ID the item in slot nine. Boom! infinite XP! The headmaster at our high school told us about that one.


09/10/2014 at 02:45 AM

Wow! That's neat.

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