Yeah, that bundle is making me lean toward an XBO purchase. I blame that class I took in May where we met Insomniac's PR team in person and ate at their Comissary.
Beat Me Some Borderlands Pre-Sequel
On 11/03/2014 at 01:09 AM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
Today I started Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (BtPS) again continuing some side missions I was on when co-op happened. I forget exactly why my friend Mark and I started playing the missions co-op, but it was very helpful in the last several story missions to beat the game.
The final boss was one of those classic multiple form thingies. You know that moment where you think you've beaten it only to realize that there's an even bigger boss right behind the one you just beat? Yea, that kind. It took quite a while and multiple deaths before victory and a long watch of the credits (Robert Lewellyn, aka Kryton from Red Dwarf, was not a voice in the game; although, I think the actor must have been imitating Kryton). I was amazed at how many graphics happened in this boss fight and all that over the internet playing co-op. There was not a moment hesitation in the action or any hiccups whatsoever. Very impressive.
Of course, this is not the end of BtPS, not by a long shot. I have many side missions to find and complete, True Vault Hunter mode to start, a bunch of achievements to get (after finishing the game, as is typical of most games I've found, I've only done half of them), and upcoming DLC, the first one coming next week. Tomorrow I will do more by mopping up all the side missions and playing the arena level I got for preordering. At the end of all those, if I finish them, is the start of the next difficulty level, True Vault Hunter, and hopefully more legendary item drops. I've found three so far and my buddy Mark, who is a few levels ahead of me, hasn't found a single one. Unfortuneatley you can't use The Grinder to create one because Purple level items don't work in the grinder (that is by themselves. Apparently you can combine two legendaries with a purple to make a better legendary, but I'm not giving up the three I have so far).
I think I might be picking this up tomorrow. $30 for everything.
Finally, I picked up the free game on Xbox Live, Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise, and started drooling over the price drops on Xbox One good through the holidays. You can get the Sunset Overdrive white Xbox One bundle for $350. That's pretty sweet and I am so very, very tempted. I think though I will wait for the release of Crackdown next year to jump on the next gen. I really, hope they do a bundle for that game.
This would look very sweet next to my mostly white Star Wars Xbox 360.