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Cheesesteak Controversy. . . and gaming.

On 11/11/2014 at 01:57 AM by KnightDriver

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First of all, during the Eagles game, NFL analyst Chucky (Jon Gruden) dissed Geno's and that's just not right. Pat's and Geno's are both great cheesesteak places in Philly and actually right across the street from one another. This was during the Philadelphia Eagles vs. Carolina Panthers game tonight on prime time Monday Night football. What a scandal! Not really though. It's about all I can complain about since the Eagles completely blew out the Panthers who looked like deer caught in the headlights of a double semi tractor trailer.

After the game, I caught a little bit of Halo Fest on Xbox Live, the presentation leading up to the release of The Master Chief Collection. I saw the trailer for the game and a little bit of the program before the feed timed out for the second time and I quit. Major Nelson was the host along with two people I didn't know and Freddie Wong, who I know from youtube and Video Game High School. There was a guy in a Master Chief outfit and a real life warthog too. I got kinda excited about it and toyed with the crazy idea of going to the release and getting a copy even though I don't have an Xbox One yet. I heard that you can create play lists of the campaign levels that run through all four Halo games which is a fantastic idea. I also want to play Halo 2 Anniversary really badly. But . . . I wasn't so crazy for it that I wanted to spend $400 for the game and system. That'll have to wait for Crackdown.

But I should talk about the gaming I did today alongside a lovely cheesesteak (not from Geno's or Pat's) with onions and mushrooms.


It was more Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, a game that is eating my time like a football fan eating Cheetos in the fourth quarter where his team is down by a field goal and they just got a first down on the opponents 40. Yea, that's a lot of Cheetos and a lot of time. 

My friend Mark and I were playing co-op on True Vault Hunter mode and doing the usual: completing missions, leveling up, and studying gear stats. The game is just as fun the second time through and, of course, harder. We played the Shock Drop Slaughter Pit, a kind of hoard mode arena within the main game, and got to wave five before the game really gave us something to think about. Several reshufflings of my gear later, we finally beat it.

I've pretty much given up on judging gear by their rarity. It doesn't seem to help very much as some less rare weapons are actually better. Now I've got to look at gear very closely and try and figure out how the various stats can help me with my particular strategy. I didn't want to get so mental about this game, but it has forced my hand, and now I have to do my homework or get beat.

I also set myself some goals from the challenge list. One was getting electrical damage kills during Fight For Your Life, that mode you get into when you're down but not out and can barely move. I did everything imaginable to try and get this and came oh so close many times. Eventually it was hurting our progress in the game, because I would die a lot trying, so I gave it a break. I think I just needed some better electrical damage gear, and so far I've been getting nothing but ice damage stuff.

So I went back to my wintry mix. It was really fun to freeze enemies over and over then rush them and melee them until they shattered. I used a shield and class mod to boost my melee damage. I also used a sniper rifle with ice damage, and once I made an enemy freeze solid, who was flying with a jetpack really high up. He fell, as a block of ice, all the way down into a lava pit below and exploded - very satisfying.


You really have to think about all four weapons, your shield, your grenade mod, class mod and O2 kit to really get good at this game. That's eight different items, each with at least five attributes plus some other bonuses to consider. Going back to Concordia, the hub town, was like going back to a school. My buddy and I would sit there and study gear stats, grind better weapons, sell ones we didn't want, and unlock more Shift Keys to open the golden key weapon's chest. This would take a while and then we'd be back doing a mission and gathering more loot.

This game is alot of fun, and I'm always finding new things and new strategies to employ. Looks like this game is going to go to a hundred hours or more before the year's out. 



Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/11/2014 at 03:07 AM

yeah I went to bed at haltime because I was pretty certain the Eagles would win.  Thank goodness.  Mark Sanchez wasn't bad at all!


11/11/2014 at 03:46 AM

I've seen teams make incredible combacks after the half, so I kept going through the third, but the fourth quarter was absolutely meaningless. Both teams couldn't wait to get it over with. Sanchez is surprisingly good. He's going to have to be since I think he's got to finish the season now with Foles out with a broken colar bone.

Super Step Contributing Writer

11/11/2014 at 11:37 AM

I felt bad for Cam Newton. He is a great QB, his O-line just cannot defend him for crap. 

As for the cheesesteak thing, I saw that too. To be fair, he said Geno's was a bad experience cause he went there after a loss to whatever team and I think he said there were a lot of the other teams' fans there. I like how they also interviewed one of the Eagles players about it and he gave a total cop-out answer. It's like "well, we know this game's over, let's discuss food."

Actually, now I'm disappointed the Green Bay game wasn't interrupted by a conversation about who made the best cheese curds. 


11/11/2014 at 04:21 PM

Cam got sacked like 9 times or something. He looked like he was crying or in agony on the sidelines. Felt sorry for him.

They must always have something zany to do as a backup in case the game is a blowout. I thought about that when they brought out the blender to make Chucky's energy drink sometime at the end of the third quarter. Then it was all about cheesesteaks.


11/11/2014 at 12:18 PM

I really wanna play borderlands, I have B2 on my laptop but I'm worried I won't like it on pc with no controller. I'm so use to using a controller for certain games that using pc controls makes me feel uncomfortable and I have yet to buy a pc controller. Idk when I'll get to buy one too. I'm really hoping the borderlands 2 for ps4 thing is true because if so I'll be having that bought day one of release.


11/11/2014 at 04:27 PM

This article on IGN ( ) confirms B2 coming to PS4. It also mentions more DLC. Not sure if that's just for next gen or not though. I hope I get more DLC for the xbox 360 version.


11/11/2014 at 06:16 PM

I don't see why they wouldn't release it on all platforms unless they are gonna use the new dlc to push more sells on next gen. 


11/12/2014 at 01:39 AM

That's what I was thinking, that they are using the new DLC to push sales of B2 on next gen, which is why I'm worried they might not be good on last gen systems. I don't know though. My wish is that they would put out B1, B2 and BtPS all together with some new stuff for next gen on one disc. That would come close to a system seller for me.


11/11/2014 at 12:52 PM

My mom got me a cheesesteak with peppers and mushrooms when I was down cleaning my (mostly ruined) stuff out of the basement and garage. It was delicious.


11/11/2014 at 04:41 PM

That's a nice break. Yeah mom!


11/11/2014 at 01:55 PM

I haven't had a good cheesesteak in a while, thanks for reminding me.


11/12/2014 at 01:22 AM

I'm reminded that maybe I should try and make my own sometime. 


11/14/2014 at 12:53 PM

I'm still waiting for halo 2 Anniversary to be released on Xbox 360.

It's my hope that the MC collection won't sell good enough on the Xbox One so 343 will have to help recoup losses by releasing H2A on Xbox 360.

I know it's a stretch but one can hope....


11/14/2014 at 04:25 PM

YES! That's what I'm hoping too. They've added scenes to it from what I've heard and really upgraded the graphics. I'm on that day-one if it happens.


11/14/2014 at 10:38 PM

that cheesesteak looks like a good time.

the drink accompanying it....not so much Cool


11/15/2014 at 03:18 AM

Yea, I did without the beer that weekend. It's my usual dieter's sort of drink, seltzer water.


11/18/2014 at 11:20 AM

Oh Chucky, you should have just said you like both, but I can't blame him, I have favorite spots to eat too. Not a fan of Cam, and I don't like the Eagles, but it is always good when Cam doesn't win. I told my friend, that Halo Collection sounds like a good collection to own, and I'll pick it up when I get an XBox One years down the road. 


11/18/2014 at 04:14 PM

Chucky seemed to be impying that he got sick from Geno's. He put his hand on his stomach.

I'll probably get the Halo collection too when I get an Xbox One next year. I did hear from some source, I forget now, that the multiplayer in the collection does not perform well. Whether that's true or not, I don't really care, because I'll be playing the campaigns for the most part.

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