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Notes to Self, Pg. 7

On 11/25/2014 at 09:19 PM by KnightDriver

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Willkommen! This is page 7 notes to the Brett Weiss book, The 100 Greatest Console Video Games: 1977-1987. Perhaps a few of you will remember these times, or at least remember the first few years of NES where such great titles as The Legend of Zelda, Mario Bros., Mega Man, and Metroid were released. Anyway, on to more notes. 

I never knew that if you entered JUSTIN BAILEY as a password in Metroid you would get most of the powerups and Samus would appear in a swimsuit. Well then, gotta see that.


Well then. Ok.

Miner 2049er for the Colecovision. Me wanty see some gameplay. The Colecovision version is at minute 9:17.


I think I like the Game Boy version best though.

How about Mine Storm for the Vectrex. There's a Classic Game Room review, so heck yes I'm watching it.


Looks like this Asteroids variant is a winner. The Vectrex itself seems like a pretty great system to own too. 

I tried to find the episode of Barney Miller, The Call Girl, where Missile Command is referenced because one of the detectives is obsessed with the game, but couldn't find it. I also couldn't find the moment the ending screen to Missile Command is used in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Darn it!

I've always had a strange fascination with Moon Patrol in the arcade. Now I know why. It's the parallax scrolling that I first experienced in this game; the background moves at a different speed than the foreground creating a bit of depth. This book features the Atari 5200 version, so I need to see that in action. Here's a Classic Game Room Review.


The Atari 5200 version seems pretty good. Another reason to have one of those consoles.

Now, what's this Mouse Trap song by Buckner & Garcia all about. Youtube to the rescue!


This song is ok. Not sure why Buckner & Garcia are practically the only ones who ever made video game themed songs. I wish there were better ones out there. Know any?

How about Mr. Do's Castle for the Atari 5200. I want to see some gameplay. It's at minute 8:17.


The Colecovision version, at minute 12:15, looks pretty good too. This game reminds me of Dig Dug a little bit including the music.

Finallly for this page of notes, what about the greatness of the Ms. Pac-Man music created by Naoki Higashio.


Sounds very Ragtime to me. It would sound great for solo piano I think. 

End page 7.












Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/26/2014 at 12:46 AM

Moon Patrol!  What a bizarre resullt of the human imagination!  Laughing


11/26/2014 at 12:55 PM

Yea, it should be based on the real moon patrols: astronauts bouncing around craters and shooting a round of golf in 1/6 g. Oh yea, and planting flags all over the place. . . and maybe picking up some rocks. Gotta get something for the scientists back home. Then back to golf baby! One small step for man, one giant leap for the PGA Tour! Woohoo!

Super Step Contributing Writer

11/26/2014 at 12:48 AM

I think I found out about Justin Bailey from EGM a few years back. It's a play on the Australian word for swimwear (bailey). 

I hope the Seahawks beat the 2049ers. 

Mine Storm would have blown my damn mind when I was an under-10 in the 90s. Then again, I loved Virtual Boy when we rented it from Blockbuster, so I guess I was just easily impressed by vector graphics. 

Moon Patrol looks good for an old Atari game. 

Video game theme songs? Best I got is the bands that base their sound around game music and tv show themes for video game-themed tv shows. Having said that, this song by the Mega Man-oriented Protomen needs to become the official theme song of some 80s-themed movie:

No idea why but the music in the Atari 5200 version of Mr Do's Castle reminds me of Pokemon. Maybe the nursing centers?

I love that Pac Man music too. 


11/26/2014 at 01:03 PM

I forgot that Virtual Boy was vector graphics. That's kinda neat.

LOL. 2049ers. Love it!

So, these days there's lots of bands doing their takes on video game music, but who's doing a song about a game. I just thought of one, Palette-Swap Ninja, who does video game themed parodies of famous songs like Halo (All I Play Oh).

That Protmen song does sound like an 80's movie theme. Those guys are really good.

Cary Woodham

11/26/2014 at 07:35 AM

I've always known about the Justin Bailey code, so I'm surprised that so many folks don't know about it.  Another secret I've always known is that you can plug in a second controller in Duck Hunt and control the ducks!  Nobody seems to know that for some reason.

The home console ports of Moon Patrol were actually pretty good, which was a rare thing back then.

I have the old Pac-Man Fever record from when i was a kid.  The only other video game song I can think of was Weird Al's Pac Man, which is a spoof on the Beatles Tax Man.

Did you know that there are a total of five Mr. Do! games?  I should probably write my own book someday I guess.  If only I had the time.


11/26/2014 at 02:12 PM

Wha! Control the ducks in duck hunt? Oh, I will try that next time.

I like the way he mixed the Pac-Man music into the end of the song. 

Yes! I'd like a blog at least on all five Mr. Do! games.


11/26/2014 at 09:03 PM

Wait, you only learned now about the JUSTIN BAILEY code? That one is one of the most iconic codes in video game history together with the Konami one.


11/26/2014 at 10:15 PM

Yea, I still have to play Metroid. There was a video game blackout in my life right in the core years of the NES, so I missed all these seminal hits like Metroid. Gonna play it though, when I get a moment.


12/02/2014 at 11:33 AM

Well looks like I'm trying Metroid with that Justin Bailey code. This should be fun. 


12/03/2014 at 01:39 AM

One day, I'll get a copy and do it too. I still have my NES.


12/04/2014 at 03:24 PM

I remember seeing a Mr Do coin-op machine at an very old movie theatre that eventually closed down. I can't say i was interested in playing it. Reminded me of a clownish version of Mario Bros. didn't compell me one bit.


12/05/2014 at 02:35 AM

There were so many copy cat games back then. A few of them added something interesting to the formula however.

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