well, you're definitely getting your money's worth out of Borderlands, man. I miss playing co-op with my brother. Maybe when he shows up for xmas we'll do some.
Made a Gamestop Pitstop
On 12/13/2014 at 03:28 AM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
I had one game on my to-play list that wasn't at least eight years old, and so I was able to locate it at a Gamestop in my area. I was off again to pick up another video game but this time at a most nonretro store. PIcture below.
I've been wanting Angry Birds Star Wars since it was available on Xbox Live about a year ago. Thing is, it's still $40 there. Recently there was a sale on Xbox One where it was $20, but I don't have a Xbox One yet, so no go. Then I realized this came on a disc and found it on sale at Gamestop for $17. So that's where I got it.
I've seen my nephew play this on his phone. I thought the levels were really creative and interesting. I liked the humorous way they handled all the Star Wars characters too. On my current to-play list, this is near the bottom, but if I get done with Resident Evil 4, I'll have this to start this weekend. My regular gaming buddy has this game as well, so we'll probably play it at the same time, although I don't think it has any kind of multiplayer component. I have a feeling though the DLC for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel will drop on Sunday and tempt me to play that instead.