Well...it's been a while, LOL.
Things have been pretty crazy at home, and my job situation has been terrible. Things are finally starting to look up, though, so I can get back into the swing of things (more or less). I hope to get back into my usual pattern of blogging again.
2014 was fucking awful as far as gaming was concerned.
If it was just the overhyped titles that underdelivered, that would be one thing. Few generations have good first years software-wise, and I didn't expect any different from this one. Nor were the broken, buggy releases the worst part--we shouldn't be surprised after seeing years of "sell now, patch later" tactics. That it was extra bad this time will only be a temporary deterrent IMO.
No, it was all that stuff combined with Gamergate that made this year the worst in gaming I can remember. Seeing people hacked, doxxed, and harrassed for simply daring to speak out about it, and even forced out of their homes due to murder/rape threats over videogames--FUCKING VIDEOGAMES--was complete horseshit. I've long believed that there's nothing wrong with enjoying videogames at any age; the Gamergate shit really, REALLY tested that view, to put it mildly. My hope is that seeing that toxicity burst out into the open after festering for years will be the first step in really dealing with it.
So, with that depressing stuff out of the way, I'd like to just take a look at where we're heading through the rest of 2015. We'll go platform by platform:
The 3DS - Nintendo is holding a Nintendo Direct tomorrow: I'm 5000% sure we'll hear the release date for the New 3DS in the States, and that it'll be out in February. If the prices are the same as the old ones, I'm going to get one, along with Smash 3DS--the specs are better, the 3D works better, and they finally put the second analog stick that should've been there from the off. I don't expect it to do any more to stop the 3DS's sales declines here than it did in Japan, though.
Games I'm Watching: Xenoblade Chronicles 3DS, Majora's Mask 3D, Monster Hunter 4, Yokai Watch (maybe?)
The Vita - It's dead outside of Japan, it's been dead outside of Japan for years, and it's going to stay dead outside Japan. I sold mine several months ago; I had fun with the stuff I did play, but it simply isn't getting the support I hoped for when I bought it. With Japan doing more on PC and indie titles being everywhere, the niche it's carved out for itself isn't cutting it anymore IMO.
Games I'm Watching: None
The WiiU - 2014 saw sales for the WiiU stay flat or drop (depending on the region) compared to 2013, despite a VASTLY superior line-up of games. Of all the well recieved, well reviewed games the system has gotten in it's 2 years of life, only MK8 made a major, lasting impact. Nor is Nintendo being anywhere near as agressive on pricing as they were with the Gamecube back in the day. I don't see it turning around this year, and wouldn't be surprised to see their next system announced in 2016.
Games I'm Watching: Yarn Yoshi, Zelda U, Kirby Klaymation Knitting
The Xbox One - MS did a metric fuckton of work to repair the system's image and get people to buy one this year. Last January, there was literally no reason to buy one; this holiday season in the States saw it beat the PS4 in November due to aggressive marketing and pricing. But this month, as the price went back up, it's starting to fall back into it's pre-holiday pattern. I'm still not convinced that Microsoft proved the Xone is as good a value as a PS4, and burning money on crazy discounted 2-3 game bundles every year doesn't sound like a solid strategy. They're facing MUCH tougher competition from Sony this year, so we'll see how they react to it.
Games I'm Watching: Halo 5, Rise of the Tomb Raider
The PS4 - The undisputed global champ, selling nearly as much as the other two consoles combined. It made up for having a really weak lineup of exclusives and no cheap bundles by establishing itself as the "default console choice" for people who aren't deeply invested in exclusives, and leaning on Sony's huge advantage outside of the US and UK. It's Sony's generation to lose right now, and they can extend their lead even further if their exclusives live up to the hype and they put in a price cut before Christmas.
Games I'm Watching: Uncharted 4, Bloodborne
PC - We saw several Japanese devs (Konami, Koei Temco, Square, SNK Playmore) make a bigger push into the PC market last year, and the release of Nvidia's 900 series of graphics cards has shaken up the GPU market considerably--both of which I couldn't be happier about. I'm currently looking to upgrade my own GPU, but on my retail clerk budget I'm not in position to spend more than $200-250 max right now. If the upcoming GTX 960 doesn't turn out well I'll probably just wait and get the 970 over the summer.
Games I'm Watching: GTAV, The Witcher 3, Arkham Knight
What are you looking forward to most in 2015--and what are you most happy to leave behind in 2014? Let me know in the comments.