To quote Ralph from the Simpsons: "Me fail English? That's unpossible!"
BaD #5: A Day with Unpossible
On 02/06/2015 at 06:50 AM by daftman See More From This User » |
Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2015
Another kind of game that has flourished on the App Store is the super hard high score chaser. A lot of credit there goes to Super Hexagon, in my opinion, which is one of my favorite iPhone games (I wrote about it way back in 2013). But today I'm here to talk about Unpossible, a game that definitely reminds me of Super Hexagon. In this one, though, you're traveling along a curving cylinder way up in the air trying to avoid obstacles. Have you played F-Zero GX? It's like the cylinder level in that game but with lots of stuff in the way and played from a first-person perspective. Since it's a high score game, you just go for as long as you can without messing up. That length of time is your score.
There are three difficulty modes: Simplicity, Futile, and Ultra. (Well, and a mode called "Cruise" that doesn't have any obstacles. It's kind of boring.) Simplicity was easy enough to beat (i.e., last for 60 or more seconds) but I'm stuck on Futile right now. Haven't made past 27 seconds yet!
Unpossible is a fun game. It's a great way to spend a minute...well, if you're good
Here's a guy playing Simplicity. It's pretty easy. Jump to 2:10 to get a taste of Futile.